Friday, February 19, 2010

"What Was Your Plan if I WASN'T Walking By????"

Faithful Blog Readers: much has transpired since my last post. Me and ABD are in a fight. He, of course, does not know this and will not know this until our session Tuesday. Allow me to back up and start from the beginning.

Recall that Devon sent me the email saying that he didn't trust me to "make up" my own cardio. Allow me to translate: Devon threw down.

Naturally, *I* retaliated with an email that said: Wow. You make me sound like some kind of slacker, jerkface. I lost 71 lbs. I could have "made up" an excellent cardio workout...

Well, *apparently* ABD did not like that and he gave me a *rough* lifting routine for today, with the following note on the bottom: That e-mail sounded remarkably like sass. Not doubting the effort, just the knowledge...and never poke the bear, press the little red button or annoy the trainer...

Weh-heh-heh-ellllll, Devon. I believe the proper expression for what is about to happen next is: It is on like Donkey Kong. He does not know the *meaning* of the word 'sass'. But he will. Oh, he will. I have held back, because I _liked_ him (note the past tense there...intentional). I was going to tell him as much when I saw him today but he was with clients the whole time. And I would email it to him, but I prefer to keep my threats in verbal form. So, my dear friend Filly had the *BEST IDEA EVER*. I will be making a t-shirt for my session with ABD on Tuesday. My point will be made, quite clearly. Photos forthcoming. Until then, you shall just have to die of suspense...

So, moving on to the workout:

Walking BB Lunges x 3s x 12r @ 60-70lbs (this weight is an estimate based on what I think you can safely lift above your head and rest on your shoulders. If you can go heavier, do so)(I did 60 lbs)
Seated Leg Extensions x 3s x 12r each leg @ 80lbs

Weighted step-ups x 3s x 12r @ 40-50lbs (use the FreeMotion machine and set the step so that your knee comes no higher than your hip when one foot is still on the ground. Do all on one side) (I did 40 lbs)
Lying Leg Curls x 3s x 12r @ 60-65lbs (I did 65 lbs)

Flat DB Flyes x 3s x 12r @ 15-20lbs (I did 15 lbs)
Assisted Dips for Chest x 3s x 12r @ 100lbs or less of assistance (I did 100 lbs)

Pull-ups x 3s x 12r (I did 100 lbs)
Seated Rows x 3s x 12r @ 50-55lbs (I did 70 lbs)

Seated Machine Shoulder Pressx 3s x 12r (I did 30 lbs)
Dumbbell Front Raises x 3s x 12r @ 10-15lbs (I did 10 lbs)

Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curls x 3s x 12r @ 20-25lbs (I did 20 lbs)
Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 3s x 12r @ 25-30lbs ...maybe heavier depending on how your arms feel (I did 25 lbs)

Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 15r
Hyperextensions x 3s x 15r

I did not notice until just now that these were pairings. Whoops. I totally did them all individually. They don't display right in my gmail, so I couldn't tell...oops. I shall let Devon know that I messed up. But I did do them all.

So, a funny story: The first exercise was walking lunges with a barbell. ZTT tried to have me do these once and quickly switched to dumbbells when he saw my amazing inability to balance. I used the 60 lb barbell and was quite impressed that it only took me 3 tries to get it onto my neck and shoulders. I lunged across the gym and as I was finishing ABD was walking by. He said hello. I realized immediately that I could not get the barbell *off* of my neck and shoulders. Umm... Devon grinned large and took the barbell off, handed it to me and went on his way. I walked past to put the barbell back and he and his client were laughing at me. I removed my earbuds to have him ask: "What was your plan if I *wasn't* walking by???" I informed him that I did not have one. I was just excited that I was able to get the bar *on* my back. He agreed that I could do that last two sets with dumbbells...

Sigh... Next workout Sunday! Rest day tomorrow!!!!!

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