Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What I'll Do For a Chipotle Burrito

Today I was supposed to run 5 miles, but due to my heel yuckiness, ABD suggested to do 7 miles on the elliptical. I went to get started and right before I stepped on the machine, Ryan called. He and Meagan wanted to invite me to Chipotle with them! Since I have been eating so poorly and planned on grocery shopping tonight and starting fresh on the diet tomorrow morning, I thought that Chiptole was the *perfect* way to end my bad eating streak! I agree. :)

So, I hauled BUTT. I got those 7 miles done as quickly as physically possible. ::grin:: All I need is the right motivation.

My Stats:

Total Distance: 7.00 miles
Total Time: 52:29
Calories Burned: 561

Next workout: lifting and No Limits Cardio tomorrow night!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Non-ABD Tuesday Lifting Session

Lifting on non-ABD Tuesdays are sort of sad. But today went well. ABD actually called me last night and we talked for an hour and a half. I have an AWESOME trainer. We spent a long time trying to figure out why I am not doing so great with the food lately. I really think he hit the nail on the head with his assessment. I don't really have the time to write it all out today. Maybe on my next off-day post...

Anyways, one of the many, many topics we covered was how I am bad at meeting people. Devon noted that he observes me at the gym with my headphones in and a don't-bother-me face. It's true. I don't really like people I don't know (sorry everyone, I didn't like you before I met's just how I roll). Today, I intentionally left my iPod in my locker, smiled at strangers and even small talked with a group of people. I told Devon. He was so proud. :)

The lifting:

Close Foot Position DB Box Squats x 4s x 10r @ 45lbs (Your feet should be only 5-6 inches apart)
DB Step-Ups x 4s x 10r @ 25lbs

BB Deadlifts x 4s x 10r @ 115lbs (I did 110 lbs because ABD told me to do the FreeMotion machine and it only has increments of 10 lbs...Silly, Devon...)
DB Reverse Lunge x 4s x 10r @ 35lbs

Flat DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 20-25lbs (do these on the floor if you have space) (I used the 25 lb DBs.)
Incline DB Press x 4s x 10r @ 25lbs

Close Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 8r @ 50-60lbs (I did 50 lbs.)
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 8r @ 50-60lbs (I did 50 lbs.)

DB Side Raises x 4s x 10r @ 12.5lbs
DB Front Raises x 4s x 10r @ 12.5lbs
Bent-over DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 12.5lbs

BB Cable Curls x 4s x 10r @ 30-40lbs (I did 32.5 lbs.)
BB Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 4s x 10r @ 30-40lbs (I did 32.5 lbs.)

Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 20r
Hyperextensions x 3s x 12r

I got an appointment with the amazing doctor recommended by HCL, but it isn't until a week from Friday--July 9. Until then, I will follow the marathon training plan, but on the elliptical. For short runs, I will add two miles and for long runs I will go for time (I have been doing 12 minutes per mile).

Next workout: tomorrow! I should run 5 miles, so I guess I will elliptical 7. ::shrug::

Monday, June 28, 2010

Upgraded from Stalker to Groupie

Blog Readers, do you all remember TAA??? If not, simply click here for the background story. In short, I am sort of a creepy stalker because he is a bad-you-know-what runner. Well, he is also my friend Holly Holly's brother-in-law. And I found out last Friday that she totally showed TAA and his wife my stalker blog post!!!!! ::gasp:: I've been made!

Not a big deal. I mean, like when would I ever see him, right? Ri-i-i-i-ight. So I bumped into him today. We ended up eating lunch together and I had to talk about the blog incident. It was the elephant at the lunch table. I was all: "So, Holly told me she showed you my stalker blog post. I mean, yes, I am a stalker--but not a creepy one! I just like to be in awe of your running...not like go to your house when you are sleeping or anything..." He handled it well. Later in the meal, he asked if I'd seen any of the 48-hour film project movies he'd made. I mentioned how I went to watch one on the big screen with my friend Amanda in Silver Spring. He asked if we saw each other there. I was all, No! I just said hi to Holly and sat in the back...and left before it was over... He then TOTALLY called me out for being creepy stalkerish!!! Because I am...

I know, this story is riveting, but it's not over yet. So, at this point, I really want to be TAA's facebook friend, but I am so creepy!!! But, guess what, blog readers?!?! TAA is creepier. He friended me! As he put in his friend request: Who's the stalker now?!!?!?

In light of the fact that we have now spoken more than two sentences to each other. And he knows my stalker-like tendencies. I declare that I am now officially a TAA groupie. Adam, keep an eye out for the fan club membership application and perhaps some homemade t-shirts...

OK! Enough of that, I went for 2 hours on the elliptical today with "Down For Anything" Meagan (DFAM). She is still a machine. I went 12.37 miles in total (there was a potty break/elliptical trade at the 60 minute mark). This was in lieu of the 10 mile run in the marathon training program. I called the sports doctor today, but I was 8 minutes too late! Will try again tomorrow...FIRST THING. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow...maybe...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Got Some Digits Today...

Today I lifted. ABD sent me my routine this morning and I texted him really early with a question about one of the exercises--I've never done it before. He never responded. I used the google and I asked HCL. Both the internets and HCL had never heard of it. So I decided to not do it.

The lifting (all supersets unless denoted otherwise):

Seated Extensions x 4s x 10r @ 110-115lbs *done as a single (I did 110 lbs.)

45 Degree Leg Press x 4s x 10r @ 300lbs
Dumbbell Deadlifts x 4s x 10r @ 35lbs

Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 10r @ 75lbs *done as a single

Smith Machine Flat Barbell Bench Press x 4s x 10r @ 65lbs
Incline Alternating Arm Dumbbell Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 25lbs

Reverse Grip Pull-downs x 4s x 10r @ 60lbs
Standing Barbell Shoulder Extension x 4s x 10r @ 25-30lbs (This is the crazy one that no one has ever heard of, that I skipped.)

Rear Delt Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 50-60lbs (I did 55 lbs.)
Standing Barbell Presses x 4s x 10r @ 50lbs

Standing Dumbbell Curls x 4s x 10r @ 20-25lbs (I used 20 lb DBs.)
Cable Rope Triceps Pushdowns x 4s x 10r @ 27.5-37.5lbs (I did 27.5 lbs.)

Stability Ball Crunches x 4s x 15r

Two stories.

1) Captain America was there. Awesome. ::sarcasm:: Recall he is a big fat jerkface. The sight of him makes me internally shake my fist in the air. Anyways, when I arrived I noticed he was utilizing the 45° leg press--well, I shouldn't say 'utilizing', he put like one 45 lb plate on it, then went across the weight room to talk to his wife on the bench press. Then meandered back over and put some more weight plates on, then wandered away again. I am not exaggerating when I say he had his nasty knee straps things on the machine for OVER AN HOUR and I saw him do a combined total of ONE SET. REALLY, JERKFACE?!!? I complained to HCL about him and asked if we could kick him out. She said she wishes. :) She told me to take his million weight plates off when he was away from it, but I was tired and not interested in getting into a scuffle. I was just going to skip that set (such a slacker, I know!) But Mrs. Jerkface cleared the weight plates as I was finishing up my last exercise, so I went over and did it.

2) I had a brief conversation with HCL today. I asked her to recommend a good sports medicine doctor to get my heel checked out. She thinks it is Achilles Tendinitis. She recommended Yvette Rooks, M.D. at the University of Maryland Medical Center. I will call her tomorrow. She pulled out her phone and asked for my number so she could text the doctor's name to me. I gave it to her and got all excited that I would be getting HCL's cell phone number. I said: "Liz, you don't seem too concerned, but know that I will never text you like I do Devon." She smiled and said: "I'd kill you." ::gulp:: Duly noted, HCL. I then asked her if *she* knew what Standing Barbell Shoulder Extensions were. She did not. I asked if maybe Devon meant Standing Barbell Tricep Extensions or Standing Barbell Arm Extensions. She thought maybe he meant presses, but those were in the shoulder set. These bizarre "Shoulder Extensions" were in the back set. I told HCL I was going to skip the whole set. She said I should do the other exercise in the set. I told her that I told Devon I was going to skip the *entire* set to punish him for not responding to my texts. She gave me a You're-Stupid face (that she does so well) and said (in a mocking tone): Yes, because *that* would be what happened: *DEVON* would be punished... ::Sigh::, fine, HCL, you're logic wins and I am shamed. I did the other exercise...

Next workout: 2 hours on the elliptical tomorrow--probably with Meagan!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Off Day Offerings: My Feelings Taste So Good!

I've decided to use this off day post to discuss and organize the feedback from the last off day post in which I discussed that I need to figure out WHY I eat. Here are the reasons I and my wonderful supporters came up with (organized by approach style, of course):

1) The "Take It At Face Value" Approach
+ Does it just taste really good? - Amanda J.
+ Carbs just taste good....And carbs are everywhere. And they taste good. -Stephanie M.
+ Taste - seriously, carbs are delish! - Kiley H.
+ It's something to do when we are bored issue too. . .Mindless eating, it tastes good, makes you feel good (momentarily) why not there is nothing else going on. -MT
+ They are the most convenient. Of course, they taste good, too - Julie F.
+ The easiest answer is the taste of course! - Lois E.

2) The "Deep Internal Factors" Approach
+ Are you afraid of reaching your weight goal because when you get there and everything still isn't perfect you might have a breakdown because it was an end all be all??? - Amanda J.
+ Food issues tend to be about things feel like they are spinning out of control, food or the controlling of what goes in or doesn't is comforting. - MT
+ Maybe I use it as a reward. -Julie F.
+ Eating is something that one can control and therefore can be changed at any moment by that person depending how they are feeling... because maybe for that one second the taste of food feels good and makes you feel whole. - Meagan M.

3) The "Scientific" Approach
+ [Carbs] give a quick seratonin rush. - Stephanie M.

4) The "External Factors" Approach
+ Lots of things in this country center around food. -MT
+ We learn very young "that food makes us feel better". -MT

Friends, you came out in full force and supported the heck out of me! Which I am so lucky to have friends like you who care enough to take the time to do this. <3>1) It was easy. Doing nothing is easier than you might think.
2) It protected me from potential pain and rejection. I think that subconsciously I allowed myself to be unhealthily overweight so I could use that as an excuse for men not wanting to date me. Additionally, if men did not date me then they could not hurt me (like they all inevitably do...and we inevitably hurt them too, ladies...that's what imperfect people do...).
3) I'm sure I hid behind it. This may be the same as #2, but I think it may be bigger than that.
4) I ate when I was bored.
5) I ate when I was upset.
6) I ate to reward myself.
7) I *love* the taste of food.

I am sure there are more... But this is a start. The next logical place to go is why now that I have lost the weight and reached a healthy weight do I still struggle? Initial guesses (not saying that any or all of them are accurate):

1) I still have the fear from #2 (above) and am self-sabotaging?
2) This really is an addiction and I will struggle daily for the rest of my life?
3) I am lazy?
4) Food tastes good?
5) I eat my feelings (This is definitely true. My stressful week at work was accompanied by many bad foods.)
6) I don't think I deserve to be fit?
7) Devon is passing me subliminal messages in my lifting routine to get me to struggle so that he remains gainfully employed? (Come on, *know* I'm kidding...)
8) The control thing? I have no idea how this even works, but I *love* to control things in ALL aspects of my this must be a factor somehow...

Ok. I feel overwhelmed with introspection. Again, please weigh in on this post (pun intended!!!!!).


Friday, June 25, 2010

Back in the Cardio Saddle, Kind Of...

Today was get back into cardio day! ABD instructed me to try to run. If my heel hurts, stop. At that point do the elliptical.

I was excited. I was ready. The past few days there has been some ridiculous co-worker drama that has me all stressed out and I have not had my usual outlet of running to work it all out (after all, I do own a shirt that reads: Running is Cheaper Than Therapy...). I was excited to get it back!

So, I jumped on that treadmill and eased back into it at a pace of 5 mph. And I made it...1:47. The pain started small and grew and grew and grew. So I slammed the stop button and stomped over to an elliptical and pouted for 26 minutes and 16 seconds. I went 3 miles.

Devon was there and I asked him if he thought I should get refit for shoes. He said it couldn't hurt so I went to Roadrunner. They had a long line for fittings so I left. :(

I will rest tomorrow then do 10 miles on the elliptical on Sunday and Devon is going to give me a lighter lifting routine to go with it.

So sad...


Ok, some have asked for details on the singles event I went to last night. There isn't much to tell and this post will most surely disappoint, but here it is.

My friend, Lisa, and I went to a Things to Do event in DC. It was a dinner at Mai Thai in Dupont Circle. The idea is that they place you at tables of 10 with people who appear to be compatible with you based on a pre-event questionnaire. My friend and I both never received said questionnaire, so we were placed by the luck of the draw. There were three tables. It was easy to see that one table was the fun table, one was for people who liked to travel and one was the introverts. My friend got the fun table. I got the introverts. ::frown:: Dinner wasn't too painful. There was one guy who was pretty interesting. Also, I almost picked up one of the chicks at my table... We were joking that we should hang out since we were more interesting than the guys! After dinner I met some of the people at the fun table and had a really fun time.

All in all, I think the night was worth it and I would do it again. At the very least, I practiced my small-talking/conversational skills. I also met some interesting people.

On the metro ride home, my friend got hit on by a random guy who claimed he was living in a hostel by choice. He also claimed he was an architect. He ended up giving my friend his card which was for a company that was in 'entertainment'. Sketch-ball. Anyways, while he was hitting on her he asked what she did. She told him we were computer programmers. At this point, 2 stereotypical-looking computer nerd boys perked up and did all but drool while staring at us with large grins for the remainder of the ride. As they exited the train they did not break their creepy gaze. We got a good chuckle out of that.

Me and Lisa need to go out more often...that's all I'm saying... ;)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lifted EARLY This Morning

I lifted before work today because I went to a single's event in DC! I'll post fun stories about the evening tomorrow maybe...I need to get to bed!!!

Here's my lifting (all supersets):

Hack Squats x 4s x 10r @ 180lbs
DB Step-ups x 4s x 10r @ 40lbs

Drop Set Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 10r @ 70-60-50-40lbs
Squats with 10 second deep drop x 4s x 10r @ BW

Full Length Assisted Dips for Chest x 4s x 10r @ 80lbs or less (I did 52 lbs...because I like a challenge!)
Stability Ball DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 25lbs

Close Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 10r @ 60lbs
Bent-over DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 20lbs

Alternating Arm Standing Arnold Presses x 4s x 10r @ 25lbs
DB Front Raises x 4s x 10r @ 17.5lbs

Alternating Arm Hammer Curls x 4s x 10r @ 20lbs
Lying Triceps DB Extension x 4s x 10 @ 12.5lbs-17.5lbs (keep your elbows close inside) (I used 12.5 lb DBs.)

It took me like an hour and a half to get through this! Not sure if they just required more set up and tear down, or I took longer breaks, or I fell asleep on a machine or what?!?! But it took way longer than usual!!!

Next workout: ABD says to try to get back into cardio but stop if my heel hurts. I may or may not do it tomorrow depending on my social calendar...if not, Saturday for sure!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Off Day Offerings: ABD Says Rehab

Blog fans, with my heel pain there are a lot more off days than normal. I apologize for my uninteresting posts. Hopefully they won't all stink. (No promises...)

At the session with Devon this week we discussed my bad eating. Devon says that I need to 'stop taking the drugs.' Now, ABD tells me this all the time when making fun of me. He implies that some of the crazy things I say or do can only be attributed to illegal substances. My usual response is that I am drug-free and even randomly drug-tested to prove it!

Today when ABD told me to stop taking the drugs. I responded the usual way. He quickly came back with the fact that carbs were my drug. According to Devon, there are three big ones: cocaine, crack and carbs. He was joking and we were laughing, but there is some truth to it. Devon wishes there was a rehab to send me to to break my carb addiction. He also told me that if he finds out I am eating carbs (in excess of a healthy portion) he is going to 'come to my house.' The look on his face when he said this implied the visit would not be a pleasant one. Still I am *very* tempted to test this...VERY tempted...

In all seriousness, I think this goes back to the same issue I talk about time and time and time again and that Devon asks me about time and time and time again: WHY? Why do I break the healthy food plan (notice how I didn't write 'diet')? I think I do it because it tastes good and I want to. Devon does not think that is the *real* reason. ::sigh:: I guess I have some more introspection to do.

I know none of you are in my head, but I would love comments on why you think you eat, or even why you think *I* eat (dangerous!!!!). :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things *Not* To Say During Your Personal Training Session

This post serves as a PSA for those considering getting a personal trainer, or who currently share the joy of a love-hate relationship with a fitness professional. Readers, here are some tips of things *NOT* to say to *YOUR* personal trainer whilst he is in a position of training power over you:

1) "I'm not afraid of you"
2) "Give me a challenge."
3) "Is that the best you got?"
4) "You're such a little *bleep*. Yes, you heard me: a little *bleep*."
5) "Ugh, box squats?!?! Well, at least I get to look at *insert other trainer's name here* while I do them." ::wink::

First, the lifting:

BB Box Squats: 105 lbs, 12 reps, 4 sets
Seated Leg Curls: 100 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets
Seated Row - Naut.: 100 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets
Flat BB Bench Press: 115 lbs, 6 reps, 4 sets
Lat Pulldown: 70 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets
Seated Shoulder Press: 35 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets

AB HORRIBLENESS (all done in a circuit, 3 sets):
Stability Ball Passovers: 10 reps
Bicycles: 20 reps
Triple Crunch: 10 reps (but each rep is 3 crunches...)
Toe Raises: 15 reps
Planks: 30 sec hip extension (1st set), 30 sec hip abduction (2nd set), 60 sec stability ball (3rd set)

Ok. Story time. Hopefully they entertain. There have been some complaints ::cough, cough::Lynn::cough, cough:: that my blog posts have been boring. Sometimes I am boring. Not today. :)

1) I told ABD how I'd been cheating on my diet since last night (although I did lose 1 pounds since our last session...). He rolled his eyes, per usual and told me that he was going to try to make me throw up. I said: "I'm not afraid of you." For the results of that statement see "AB HORRIBLENESS" above. He *claims* he was going to do that anyways, but I don't believe him.

2) I saw that the first exercise was Barbell Box Squats. I told Devon I didn't like those. He told me to do them. I mistakenly said: "Ugh, box squats?!?! Well, at least I get to look at Seth (LCS) while I do them." Whoops. Devon immediately got the attention of LCS and told him what I said. I *died* of embarrassment and made some mumbly comment about how creepy I am. Because I am. I then did not let it go while we were at the Leg Curl machine. I told ABD what a jerk he was for outing my creepiness to LCS and how I was going to have to quit the gym out of shame. Devon then got the attention of LCS *again* and asked if it was ok that I am creepy... Such gym awkwardness abounds!!!!

3) With like 15-20 minutes left in the session ABD made some comment about having 'ab fun' for the rest of our session. It's not my first time. I know what 'fun' means to that man. He just kept telling me to do ab things. And didn't stop. It hurt. It hurt bad. But I wouldn't let him see that. No sir. I smiled and pretended like it wasn't no thang... When we got to the planks, he was grinning like he was all proud of himself and said: "30 seconds." I looked him in the eye and said: "Give me a challenge." With attitude, naturally. He looked at me with no trace of a smile and said: "Fine. Raise a leg." When the circuit was done for the first set, I was surprised when we had a second. But I embraced it. Then after set two, I got in his face and said: "Is that the best you got?" Then there was set 3. I kicked its butt as well. ABD laughed at me during the third set of toe raises. It was at this point I called him a little *bleep*. He took my legs and pushed them over my head. It was not graceful...

4) When done, I told Devon he failed at making me throw up because I AM AWESOME. We were at the training desk at this point and Anthony was there. Devon smiled and said to Anthony, "She's going to be googling DOMS tonight." And then laughed. A little too hard. So...I googled DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Crap.

Next workout: lifting Thursday. ABD has told me to rest tomorrow because my foot still hurts. Foot update: I put on my running shoes and it hurts to just wear them. Walking? Yes. Standing still? Yuppers. Devon wants me to rest tomorrow and wear an old pair of shoes around the house and see how that feels. Okily Dokily...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Off Day Offerings: Nothing Useful Here

Hello Readers!

I took an extra day off this week due to my heel issues. I have nothing useful to write, so instead... I will tell you about my fun night!!!

I went to the National Harbor to have dinner with my Uncle Pete (who drove down from NJ for work)! It was super fun!!!


1) Ate at Sauciety. Yummy.
2) Walked around the National Harbor. Pretty.
3) Had some excellent conversations. Deep.

We also went over and admired 'The Awakening'. It's really cool!!!

Next workout: session with ABD tomorrow!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Meagan is a Machine.

Meagan worked out with me AGAIN today. Not only did she hang for the full 1 hr, 45 mins on the elliptical yesterday, but she joined me for an ABD lifting session. We, uh...modified...the weights for her, but she did almost every superset (we had her substitute lower back for chest due to her shoulder issues...)!!! She is a most excellent workout buddy as she keeps the entertaining stories flowing and simply laughs at me when I can do no more than grunt to answer her questions about what I want for dinner while lifting heavy things. :)

Here's my lifting (all supersets):

Walking Lunges x 4s x 10r @ 35-40lbs (I used 35 lb DBs.)
Drop Set Seated Machine Leg Press x 4s x 10r @ 200-180-160lbs (Cybex)

DB Stiff-Leg Deadlifts x 4s x 10r @ 40-45 lbs (I used 45 lb DBs.)
Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 10r @ 75 lbs

Smith Machine Incline Barbell Bench Press x 4s x 10r @55-65lbs (I did 55 lbs.)
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 20-25lbs (I used 20 lb DBs.)

Pull-downs x 4s x 10r @ 60lbs
Bent-over DB Rows x 4s x 10r @ 25-30lbs (I used 25 lb DBs.)

Rear Delt Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 50-60lbs (I did 55 lbs.)
Dumbbell Front Raises x 4s x 10r @ 10-15lbs (I used 10 lb DBs.)

Barbell Preacher Curls x 4s x 10r @ 35-45lbs (I used a 35 lb BB.)
Dumbbell Kickbacks x 4s x 10r @ 15-20lbs (I used 15 lb DBs.)

Machine Torso Rotation x 3s x 20r @ 80lbs (this machine might be in kilograms. Put it on 80 anyway)

Due to my foot issues, ABD is having me rest tomorrow. So, my next workout will be Tuesday with ABD!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Marathon Training Week 4? DONE.

Today I completed the fourth week of the eighteen week marathon training program. The training program called for a 9 mile run today, but with the heel pain I have been having, ABD told me to do the same amount of time on an elliptical. I took this to be 1 hour and 45 minutes. I was really worried about how awful this would be, but Meagan joined me and the time flew by! I am so very super impressed with Meag. She went the entire time as well! And she has not been training, so she is a maniac!!!

Next workout: lifting and cross-training tomorrow.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Off Day Offerings: Decathlon Update

The Corman-xxxxxxx xxxxxxx-Corman Decathlon is 7 events in and you all need an update! *Unfortunately*, xxxx has officially won as of today. He is up 6 to 1. But we will complete it...because the last events will be fun!!! Here are the standings:

Event #: Event, Winner
1: Arm Wrestling, xxxxxxx
2: 5K Race, xxxxxxx
3: Free Throws (Best of 10), xxxxxxx
4: Chubby Bunny, xxxxxxx
5: Mini-Golf, xxxxxxx
6: Bake-Off, Corman
7: Skee-Ball, xxxxxxx
8: Crossword Puzzle Solving for Speed, TBD
9: Joe Surprise Challenge (Likely a Rap Battle), TBD
10: Trivia Challenge, TBD

I have failed you in the picture department for the outside-of-work events. Here is a rundown:

1) Free Throws (Best of 10)

2) Mini-Golf: my visor says 'Mini-Golf Champ'. As xxxx pointed out, I am the Women's Champion because I beat xxxxxx. :)

3) Egg Toss. NOT a decathlon event. We were a dream team at the work picnic. We did not win. But the egg *did* break in my hands. Awesome. Also, not pictured is the water balloon toss...that *also* broke on me. :) Oh, and the picture looks like I am trying to make out with him because I was. There is a back story that is not inappropriate, but it is funnier if I do not tell it. ;)

4) Post Skee Ball xxxxxxx Bass Pro Shop Raffle Domination: xxxx entered a raffle while shopping for loser things like fly-fishing gear at Bass Pro Shops while xxxxxx and I bought adorable clothes at J Crew. When we met up with xxxx the raffle winner was announced--it was him! He *ran* to the table to claim his $25 gift card. xxxxxx then entered for the next raffle to be held in 30 minutes. We were lingering in the store, mocking the random games/pink cap guns/camo baby clothes when the winner of the GRAND PRIZE was announced and it was xxxxxx!!! She won a redneck Wii hunting game, which comes complete with Wii gun! xxxxxxss FTW! Can you see the pure joy in their eyes???

Next workout: tomorrow! 1 hr 45 min on the elliptical. I want to vomit thinking about it. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

More Apologies for Lame Blogging

I have been going non-stop since 5am (when I awoke to lift before work!). Just getting home now...and yes, taking the time to blog about my lifting. But it will be brief!

The Lifting:

Squat Press x 4s x 10r @ 270lbs
Dumbbell Step-Ups 4s x 10r @ 25-30lbs (I used 25 lb DBs.)

Seated Leg Curls x 4s x 10r @ 80-90lbs (I did 85 lbs.)
Barbell Front Squats x 4s x 10r @ 50lbs (hold the barbell in front of you and flip it up so that it's up near your chin/collar bone, like a biceps curl only with your palms facing away from you. Hold it there and do all 12 squats)

Inclined Dumbbell Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 22.5lbs
Flat Dumbbell Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 22.5lbs

Wide Grip Pull-ups x 4s x 10r @ 80lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows x 4s x 10r @ 50-60lbs (I used a 50 lb BB.)

Standing Cable Shoulder Press x 4s x 10r @ 12.5-17.5lbs (I did 12.5 lbs.)
One Arm Cable Side Raises 4s x 10r @ 7.5-12.5lbs (I did 7.5 lbs.)

Seated Inclined Dumbbell Curls x 4s x 10r @ 15-20lbs (recline a bench 2 or 3 settings from being straight up) (I used 15 lb DBs.)
Bench Dips x 4s x 10r (hands on flat bench, feet up on another bench or a plyo-box)

Hanging Bicycles x 4s x 20r (Each pair counts as one)
Stability Ball Crunches x 4s x 20r

Tomorrow (in approximately 6 minutes from now), I rest! Then Saturday I will be doing the elliptical for 1 hr 45 min instead of running 9 miles. Per ABD. Good night!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This Post is Full of Boring

I did the elliptical today because my heel has been hurting. I was supposed to run 4 miles. I ellipticalled 5.5 miles.

Try to contain your excitement.

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lifted Today

Today I got up too early and lifted before work. This post is super boring.

The Lifting:

BB Deadlift x 4s x 10r @ 100 lbs
Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 10r @ 75 lbs
Prisoner Squats x 4s x 10r @ BW (hands behind head, squat, come straight up into a calf raise, repeat)

Flat BB Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 75 lbs (Smith Machine)
Stability Ball Push-ups x 4s x 10r @ BW (Wedge the ball into a corner)

Bi-angular Lat Pulldown x 4s x 10r @ 40-50 lbs (use the pulldown that lets you use 2 individual handles) (I did 42.5 lbs.)
Standing Band Rows x 4s x 10r @ (use a purple and a blue band, anchor them around the machine somewhere sturdy)

BB Clean and Press x 4s x 10r @ 40-50 lbs (hold the bar with an overhand grip, bring the bar up like a BB Curl, press the bar straight up, bring all the way down and repeat) (I used a 40 lb BB.)
DB Side Raises x 4s x 10r @ 12.5-17.5 lbs (I used 12.5 lb DBs.)

Decline Bench Crunches x 3s x 20r @ BW

Next workout: tomorrow. Supposed to run 4 miles. I am having a very mild pain in my right heel so Devon told me to do the elliptical tomorrow for between 5 and 6 miles.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sole Sisters Run - 6/14/10

Well, me and my girl Amy went for 3 this morning. I think the Sole Sisters is officially numbering 2. I love Amy's company, so this works...but I am sad to miss the rest of my lovely ladies!!!


Total Distance: 3.01 miles
Total Time: 36:08
Calories Burned: 376
Average Pace: 12:01 min/mile
Average HR: 155

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lifted and Cross-Trained

Sundays are my lifting and cross-training days. To be completely honest, I am not 100% sure I understand what cross-training is. I interpret it to be some sort of very low impact cardio activity that is NOT running. The goal being that you utilize your non-running muscles. I elected to do a slow walk for 30 minutes. Runners, am I right??? Or at the very least, okay????

The lifting (all supersets):

DB Squats x 4s x 10r @ 40 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions x 4s x 10r @ 115 lbs
Walkind DB Lunges x 4s x 10r @ 40 lbs

Incline DB Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 20-25 lbs (I used 20 lb DBs.)
Incline DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 15-17.5 lbs (I used 17.5 lb DBs.)
Flat DB Neutral Grip Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 20-25 lbs (I used 20 lb DBs.)

Close-Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 10r @ 55 lbs (I did 50 lbs because the little 5 lb weight can never be found...)
Reverse Grip Bent-over BB Rows x 4s x 10r @ 55-65 lbs (I used a 60 lb BB.)

Seated Machine Shoulder Press x 4s x 10r @ 40-50 lbs (I did 50 lbs.)
Bent-over DB Rear Delt Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 12.5-17.5 lbs (I used 15 lb DBs.)

Machine Torso Rotation x 3s x 20r @ 75 lbs

Then I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill at an incline of 2.0% and a speed of 3.0 mph.

When I went to do the back superset (the close-grip lat pulldowns and reverse grip bent-over rows), the 60 lb barbell was in use by Seth (did I ever give him an acronym? I cannot remember. He is a trainer. He lifts with ABD. I also think he is a cutie, but like eleventeen. Have I ever given him an acronym? Is Little Cutie Seth creepy? Yes??? Excellent--LCS it is...). I contemplated using the 65 lb barbell for about 0.129 seconds, then decided to use the 55 lb one. But, as I walked over I second-guessed myself. See, the barbells that are multiples of ten are straight bars and the ones ending in 5 are curved for better gripping (they work very well for bicep curls, etc...). I am not sure how bent-over rows with the curved grip barbells would be. So...I stared at the barbell rack for awhile hoping that LCS would notice me and take pity on me. He did not. So during his rest period I craned my neck to verify that he was in fact the one using the 60 lb barbell (to do bicep curls...impressive LCS...). This got his attention and he asked if I needed the 60 lb one. I told him what ABD assigned and said that I would tell Devon that I *had* to use the 55 lb one because of Seth. Seth then asked if the curved grip would be a problem. I said that I wasn't sure. He offered me the 60 lb barbell and said he would use the 70 lb one. Wow--70 lbs bicep curls!!! Very impressive, LCS. And yes, I took the 60 lb bar. :)

Next workout: tomorrow! I want to say 'run with my girls!' but I bet it will be 'run with Amy!' :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Marathon Training Week 3? DONE.

I loved today's long run: 5 miles. Shortest long run of the entire training program!!!! :)

I ran bright and early with Sean and Joey (my boyz). I need to make it clear that Joey and I went 5 miles. Sean, on the other hand, went 7+. He is a week behind in marathon training so he was supposed to do 7.

The Stats:

Total Distance: 5.00 miles
Total Time: 59:29
Calories Burned: 630
Average Pace: 11:53
Average HR: 158

While on the run Joey mentioned how happy he was to make 'the blog' twice already and how he was excited about his impending third appearance! Sean then belittled his shout outs because they did not link to his livejournal page and increase his google searching numbers (or something lame and geekish like that). So, Sean. I hope this helps...

Next workout: cross-training and lifting tomorrow! (Unless I go to NJ last minute..then just a lot of walking...)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Off Day Offerings: The Ugliest Word -- FAT

Blog Readers!

Today I want to write about the ugliest word ever: FAT. But first, a disclaimer or two.

DISCLAIMERS: I come at it from two different angles--both equally relevant to me. I understand there are many, many more angles, but I will cover two. Also, I feel that I do not have the time I want to adequately write this post, so I may do a follow-up/revision later.

The two angles I will come at this from are: 1) the concept of referring to the old me as 'Fat Erin'; and 2) still viewing myself as 'fat' although I am at a healthy weight.

1) 'Fat Erin'

I have been really struggling with handling this lately. You see, when I weighed 251 pounds, no one cared what I said about weight. I offended NO ONE. I could talk about me being fat, I could joke about how much I ate, I could talk about how discouraging it was to buy nice clothes because I never felt like I looked good in them. I could use the word 'fat' left, right, up, down and sideways and no one minded (or they were horribly uncomfortable but kept it from me...). I feel like that has changed now that I am 'fit'. I feel that when I discuss weight or clothing sizes or exercises or the diet I am on, people who didn't know the old me are either offended or think I have body image issues (or something else entirely that I am not catching on to). I feel like when I refer to my old self as 'fat' it casts judgment on those who are currently overweight--probably because it does...but that is not at all my intention. Regardless, I am trying to eradicate the term from my vocabulary. It is frustrating, because it was fine for me to say when I weighed 91 more pounds.

But to get to the core of the issue--I *was* fat. I was 91 pounds over a healthy weight for my height and body type. My blood pressure was high (prehypertension). My energy level was quite low. My clothing size was a 20. Now, if any of those descriptions fit you, I apologize if this is rude or offensive, this is NOT my intention. I do understand that this is a very delicate matter. And I am trying very hard to read this from the perspective of myself a year ago, and I am not sure how I would take it, honestly. ... I don't really know the point of me writing this out, truthfully. Maybe to apologize to those I have inadvertently offended? I always try to be an open book in this forum and these are my current thoughts...maybe that's it?

2) Body-Image

I had a great conversation with a friend of mine last night and I had told him that although I am a size 8 now (which should equal 'normal' or 'healthy') I still feel like I look fat--that someone seeing my stomach (in particular) would describe it as 'fat'. I know that logic will say if it fits comfortably in an 8, it's not fat. And I try to let logic win. But it is a weird concept. When I was 91 pounds heavier, I saw myself in the mirror smaller than I was (it took losing the weight and looking back at pictures to get a better idea). Now that I have lost the weight, I potentially see myself as bigger than I am. Women, why do we do this to ourselves? I *cannot* be the only one.

Today in the supermarket, I had a great encounter with a (creepy, but wonderful) old man. I was picking up some tuna pouches and he came by and asked if I was blocking the soy sauce with a grin. I was ready to move on so as I pushed my cart forward I smiled back and said, 'Probably.' As I was leaving he said, 'Ah! You were!' I apologized with a chuckle. He then said, 'I should have been able to see it while you were there, since you are so skinny!' This. Made. My. WEEKEND. There is a reason that this meant a lot to me. You see, I am told I am 'skinny' all the time. To be frank (and you know I will), I appreciate the compliment, but I think it is total crap. I am not 'skinny'. I am skinni-ER than I was. And the people giving me this compliment know how far I have come. And I TOTALLY appreciate that people say it to me (please don't stop!), because I know what you mean. And I love you for it. But this creepy old man, he did NOT know me before. All he had was today in the tuna and soy sauce aisle. And with no reason, other than to brighten my day he chose to use the word skinny to describe me. That kind of rocks. It is one more piece to the puzzle of accepting my new body for what it is.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Calm Down, Slim Down"

Today I ran 3 miles with Sean and Joey at O-Dark-Thirty (which was actually light out, but *should* have been dark. Nothing should be awake at that time...Nothing.), then in the afternoon I lifted.

Running with the boyz is a change from running with the girls, but still fun! I am really enjoying my Sean & Joey Running Week (to be topped off with a 5 mile run Saturday morning at the same wrong hour in the morning)!!! The running stats:

Total Distance: 3.00 miles
Total Time: 31:42
Calories Burned: 395
Average Pace: 10:34 min/mile
Average HR: 112 (something was funky here...disregard this stat) the afternoon I went to lift. Now, Devon and I had a conversation during our Tuesday session about how I think he hates making me lifting workout routines because I always have to remind him and he always does them last minute. This makes me feel naggy. No one likes to feel naggy. He said that he actually enjoys making them, but does need reminders. And he told me not to stress because he always has them 'in time'. Ok. We agreed that I would text him the day of said needed workout. In short, EVERY Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday...I will text him. Fine by me. :) So, the following text/email chain happened today:

Text from Me to ABD, 7:24 am: Need a workout. :)
Email from Me to ABD, 1:38 pm: I am leaving [work] at 3:45 so I need [the workout] by 3:15 or a print out.
Email from Me to ABD, 3:09 pm: DEVON! I am leaving work in 7 minutes! I neeeeeed a print out. Stat.
Text from Me to ABD, 3:26 pm: Driving to the gym now! You're stressing me out.
FIRST response from ABD to Me, 3:27 pm: I thought we agreed that you were going to calm down. Stress releases cortisol. Cortisol causes belly fat. Calm down, slim down.

Touché, ABD. Touché.

Devon greeted me on the weight room floor with a print out of my workout and even complimented me on my nice work clothes I was wearing. I believe he said something like: 'That's actually a cute top.' Devon, Devon, Devon... 1) All of my clothes are cute, why are you surprised?; and 2) Since when do you notice how cute or not cute my clothes are???

The much anticipated lifting routine (all supersets):

Squat Press x 4s x 10r @ 270 lbs
Reverse DB Lunges x 4s x 10r @ 40 lbs
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift x 4s x 10r @ 40 lbs

Seated Chest Press x 4s x 10r @ 35 lbs
Flat DB Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 17.5-20 lbs (I used 17.5 lb DBs.)
Push-up x 4s x 10r @ BW

Lat Pulldown x 4s x 10r @ 65 lbs
Bent-over DB Rows x 4s x 10r @ 25-30 lbs (I used 25 lb DBs.)
Standing Cable Shoulder Flexion x 4s x 10r @ 25-30 lbs (I did 25 lbs.)

Standing BB Shoulder Press x 4s x 10r @ 40-50 lbs (I used a 40 lb BB.)
Rear Delt Flyes x 4s x 10r @ 40-50 lbs (I did 50 lbs.)

Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 20r
Plank x 3s x 15r@ 3 seconds each

Next workout: Saturday! Run 5 miles with the boyz!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 Miles.

Today I am home from work waiting for the refrigerator repair man. I got in my 4 mile run this morning while waiting. I went around the neighborhood to be close to home in case he called and said he was on his way. Of course he did not do this. :)

I haven't run in my neighborhood since I trained for my 5K in 2006. It was really nice. Fairly flat. Not a lot of traffic--although it was 11 am on a Wednesday... Also, the weather was great! It was a bit chilly with random drops of rain falling. I like it!

The Stats:

Total Distance: 4.00 miles
Total Time: 42:35
Calories Burned: 535
Average Pace: 10:39 min/mile
Average HR: 162

Next workout: tomorrow! Lifting and a 3 mile run. Now, back to the wildly exciting task of waiting...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ABD Day!

Today was an ABD day! It was two weeks since my last one and I was ready! But I woke up this morning super tired. I was a little worried about going to the session on such low energy, but it wasn't too bad. And, of course, ABD took no pity on me. So I still worked hard!

Also, today I started back on my diet plan! Actually, I started the new one, but since I have been on a one-month-long-eat-whatever-I-want-and-gain-thirteen-pounds eating binge, it is day one of getting back on track!!!

Here is the lifting:

BB Back Squats: 115 lbs, 15 reps, 3 sets
BB Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 115 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
Seated Leg Extensions: 115 lbs, 20 reps, 3 sets
Lying Leg Curls: 75 lbs, 15 reps, 3 sets
Seat High Row: 40 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets
BB Bench Press: 95 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
Standing Low Cable Rope Row: 42.5 lbs, 15 reps, 3 sets
Standing DB Shoulder Press: 20 lb DBs, 12 reps, 3 sets
Figure 8s: 2 lb ball, 10 reps, 3 sets

This was the last session I had booked. I had to decide whether or not to book more sessions and how frequently. I ended up booking 3 months, 2 sessions each month. So it will more or less be every other week (with some alterations for vacations and such). One exciting thing (in my opinion) is that I have decided to have a "fun" session. I intentionally put the word "fun" in quotations because when I asked about it, it sounded real fun! But once Devon got really excited about it, I realized that it will probably be painful. Anyways, I'll be getting an hour-long cardio training session BOXING STYLE! I am really excited! Well, for most of it...not the jumping rope part... Also! I bumped into Amanda F. in the locker room and she is going to join me!!!! Super fun! Now I must find a silk hooded jacket thing with an American flag on the back. If you need me, I'll be on eBay...

Next workout: tomorrow, run 4 miles!

Monday, June 7, 2010

A New Kind of Sole Sister...

Today was a Sole Sister run and Amy was out to run at 5:30 am like her dedicated self even after having pull a couple different muscles. She ran a bunch like a trooper but walked some when it hurt too much. I really hope she is feeling better!!!

I was also joined by two of my friends who are in town for the week all the way from England!!! My friends, Sean and Joey, joined us! Joey is really fast--he has freakishly fast family members and runs real well for having just started. Sean is good, but quite modest about it. They are both starting marathon training programs as well and I am secretly hoping they run the Clarence DeMar with me in Keene this September...

The Stats:

Total Distance: 3.00 miles
Total Time: 33:59
Calories Burned: 390
Average Pace: 11:19 min/mile
Average HR: 155

Next workout: lifting with ABD tomorrow!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Marathon Training Week 2? DONE.

So, I did the 7 mile run from yesterday, today. I needed yesterday to recover from Friday. I walked for some of the 7, but I am okay with that for several reasons. 1) I need to walk; 2) I have been eating like crap; 3) it was super humid and I didn't wear my water belt; and 4) I will most likely need to walk parts of the marathon, so walking during some of the long runs is good training. Having listed these out, I am still a little bummed I walked since I clearly am able to go 13.1 without walking... It is what it is. I ran at Dorsey Search. Here are my stats:

Total Distance: 7.00 miles
Total Time: 1:23:42
Calories Burned: 877
Average Pace: 11:57 min/mile
Average HR: 168

I like that my pace was still sub-12 minute miles even with the walking. :)

Next workout, running with the girls tomorrow! (I may lift tonight...waiting for ABD to get back to me...)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Off Day Offerings: #1 Fan Criteria

This blog post is really written for two people (and anyone else aspiring for the title of Erin's #1 Fan): Lynn (my fan club president and current #1 fan) and my mom (who desperately wants to be/thinks she has the God-given status of my #1 fan). My apologies to the rest of you.

You see, in my blog I commonly (and rightfully so) refer to Lynn as my #1 fan. This fact upsets my mother greatly (well, she jokes about it...). She claims that since she birthed me (...gross...), she should de facto get the title. I informed her that it was not so simple. She demanded a clear set of criteria for the position. That's fair, Mom. Fair. is my current list:

1) Read *every* blog post. Lynn 1, Mom 1.
2) Comment to me in one way or another (email, chat, telephone or in person) on *every* blog post. Lynn 2, Mom 1.
3) Provide feedback in advance by way of paper notes for when she will be away from her computer and unable to provide timely comments. Lynn 3, Mom 1.
4) Perpetually be ready with a pep talk when I show even the slightest waiver in my intense dedication. Lynn 4, Mom 1.
5) Workout with me when possible. Lynn 5, Mom 2.
6) Attack Devon with questions about my workouts and progress whenever he is spotted at the gym. Lynn 6, Mom 2.
7) Serve as Food Tsar for me helping to hold my accountable in my dieting. Lynn 7, Mom 2.
8) Have birthed me at some point in the past. Lynn 7, Mom 3.

So you see, Mom... Lynn wins. But I still love you. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ran (Walked...), Lifted and Got My New Diet!!!

Today I woke up super early to run 3 miles with Amy! Well, it wasn't early enough, because it was humid and we totally ended up running for a little over a mile and walking the rest. We went 3.29 miles in total. The conversation was great, per usual. :)

After work, I went to the gym to lift. Here is my routine:

Back Squats 4s x 8r @ 115lbs (Smith Machine)
Kneeling Leg Curls 3s x 10r @ 55lbs
Seated Row 3s x 10r @ 65lbs (I did 80 lbs on a different machine per ABD since this machine was in high demand today!!!)
Incline Bench Press 3s x 10r @ 75lbs (Smith Machine)
Close Grip Lat Pulldown 4s x 10r @ 60lbs
Seated Shoulder Press 3s x 15r @ 50-60lbs (Hammer Strength) (I did 50 lbs.)
Machine Biceps Curls 3s x 10r @ 40-50lbs (I did 40 lbs.)
Cable Rope Pushdowns 4s x 12r @ 27.5-37.5lbs (I did 27.5 lbs.)

After my workout Devon gave me a new diet plan. It is a 1500 calories plan with 5 meals. It should be 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. I have a lot of options which is both nice and a tad overwhelming. Ok. Not a LOT of options, but some. Here is the basic rundown:

Meal #1: cereal and milk OR oatmeal OR whole grain toast OR 1/2 bagel OR 1/2 wheat english muffin; if I don't have the milk, I have a greek yogurt; 3 egg whites; and coffee with cream and 3 sugars!!!!
Meal #2: 1 slice whole grain bread OR 1/3 cup whole grain pasta; a fruit (small apple, 1/2 pear, 3/4 c blueberries, 1 1/4 c strawberries or 2 small plums); 3 string cheese OR 3/4 cup cottage cheese OR 1 cup hummus; and peanut butter OR coconut!!!!
Meal #3: 1 slice whole grain bread OR 1/2 wheat pita OR 1/2 c whole grain pasta OR 2/3 c brown rice OR 1/2 baked sweet potato; 3 oz lean meat (chicken, turkey, pork tenderloin, beef or tuna); mixed greens or green beans; and 6 almonds
Meal #4: Fastfuel and a fruit (see list above)
Meal #5: 3 oz lean meat (see list above); mixed greens OR cucumbers OR zucchini; and oil, dressing or margarine

Seems reasonable. I'll go shopping tomorrow and try to implement Sunday...

Next workout: Saturday. Run 7 miles! Yikes...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last NH Run

Today is my last day home in NH. I woke up and brought Madi to the bus stop then ran straight from there. She, of course, was super cute with her adorable purple backpack and ran to the bus window to wave at me running up the huge hill as they drove off. So cute.

I ran 3 miles. Here are my stats:

Total Distance: 3.00 miles
Total Time: 31:13
Calories Burned: 395
Average Pace: 10:25 min/mile
Average HR: 166

Next workout, running tomorrow! Maybe in DC with Amanda M. if she gets back to me. (Hint, hint...) ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dover Lifting

This morning I lifted at Josh and Lisa's house. My snuggle-bug, Kaylee-lee, slept in so I was ablt to get the workout done before she woke up. Which was a good thing because once she was up, it was Auntie-Kaylee day! We watched Up and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (yes, she picked that June...). We even went to the neighborhood playground for a little bit until it downpoured on us...

Anyways, the lifting (made possible in major part to Lisa's amazing dumbbell collection); it was all SUPERSETS:

Prisoner Squats x 3s x 12r @ BW
OH Reverse DB Lunge x 3s x 12r @ 20lbs
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift x 3s x 12r @20lbs

Flat DB Chest Press x 3s x 12r @ 20lbs
Flat DB Flyes x 3s x 12r @ 15-20lbs (I used 15 lb DBs.)
Push-Ups x 3s x 12r @ BW

Bent-over DB Rows x 3s x 12r @ 20lbs
Flat DB Pull-Overs x 3s x 12r @ 15lbs
Bent-over DB Rear Delt Flyes x 3s x 12r @ 12-15lbs (I used 12 lb

DB Side Raises x 3s x 12r @ 12-15lbs (I used 12 lb DBs.)
Standing DB Shoulder Press x 3s x 12r @ 15-20lbs (I used 20 lb DBs.)
AA DB Front Raises x 3s x 12r @ 12-15lbs (I used 12 lb DBs.)

Bicycles x 3s x 30 seconds
Planks x 3s x 10 seconds

NH is awesome. I actually think I may miss it when I am gone... I went to King Kone today. My small twist in a dish with chocolate sprinkles was amazing...

Next workout: 3 mile run tomorrow!!! Last run in NH...until (quite possibly) the marathon!