Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things *Not* To Say During Your Personal Training Session

This post serves as a PSA for those considering getting a personal trainer, or who currently share the joy of a love-hate relationship with a fitness professional. Readers, here are some tips of things *NOT* to say to *YOUR* personal trainer whilst he is in a position of training power over you:

1) "I'm not afraid of you"
2) "Give me a challenge."
3) "Is that the best you got?"
4) "You're such a little *bleep*. Yes, you heard me: a little *bleep*."
5) "Ugh, box squats?!?! Well, at least I get to look at *insert other trainer's name here* while I do them." ::wink::

First, the lifting:

BB Box Squats: 105 lbs, 12 reps, 4 sets
Seated Leg Curls: 100 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets
Seated Row - Naut.: 100 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets
Flat BB Bench Press: 115 lbs, 6 reps, 4 sets
Lat Pulldown: 70 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets
Seated Shoulder Press: 35 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets

AB HORRIBLENESS (all done in a circuit, 3 sets):
Stability Ball Passovers: 10 reps
Bicycles: 20 reps
Triple Crunch: 10 reps (but each rep is 3 crunches...)
Toe Raises: 15 reps
Planks: 30 sec hip extension (1st set), 30 sec hip abduction (2nd set), 60 sec stability ball (3rd set)

Ok. Story time. Hopefully they entertain. There have been some complaints ::cough, cough::Lynn::cough, cough:: that my blog posts have been boring. Sometimes I am boring. Not today. :)

1) I told ABD how I'd been cheating on my diet since last night (although I did lose 1 pounds since our last session...). He rolled his eyes, per usual and told me that he was going to try to make me throw up. I said: "I'm not afraid of you." For the results of that statement see "AB HORRIBLENESS" above. He *claims* he was going to do that anyways, but I don't believe him.

2) I saw that the first exercise was Barbell Box Squats. I told Devon I didn't like those. He told me to do them. I mistakenly said: "Ugh, box squats?!?! Well, at least I get to look at Seth (LCS) while I do them." Whoops. Devon immediately got the attention of LCS and told him what I said. I *died* of embarrassment and made some mumbly comment about how creepy I am. Because I am. I then did not let it go while we were at the Leg Curl machine. I told ABD what a jerk he was for outing my creepiness to LCS and how I was going to have to quit the gym out of shame. Devon then got the attention of LCS *again* and asked if it was ok that I am creepy... Such gym awkwardness abounds!!!!

3) With like 15-20 minutes left in the session ABD made some comment about having 'ab fun' for the rest of our session. It's not my first time. I know what 'fun' means to that man. He just kept telling me to do ab things. And didn't stop. It hurt. It hurt bad. But I wouldn't let him see that. No sir. I smiled and pretended like it wasn't no thang... When we got to the planks, he was grinning like he was all proud of himself and said: "30 seconds." I looked him in the eye and said: "Give me a challenge." With attitude, naturally. He looked at me with no trace of a smile and said: "Fine. Raise a leg." When the circuit was done for the first set, I was surprised when we had a second. But I embraced it. Then after set two, I got in his face and said: "Is that the best you got?" Then there was set 3. I kicked its butt as well. ABD laughed at me during the third set of toe raises. It was at this point I called him a little *bleep*. He took my legs and pushed them over my head. It was not graceful...

4) When done, I told Devon he failed at making me throw up because I AM AWESOME. We were at the training desk at this point and Anthony was there. Devon smiled and said to Anthony, "She's going to be googling DOMS tonight." And then laughed. A little too hard. So...I googled DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Crap.

Next workout: lifting Thursday. ABD has told me to rest tomorrow because my foot still hurts. Foot update: I put on my running shoes and it hurts to just wear them. Walking? Yes. Standing still? Yuppers. Devon wants me to rest tomorrow and wear an old pair of shoes around the house and see how that feels. Okily Dokily...

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