Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 Miles.

Today I am home from work waiting for the refrigerator repair man. I got in my 4 mile run this morning while waiting. I went around the neighborhood to be close to home in case he called and said he was on his way. Of course he did not do this. :)

I haven't run in my neighborhood since I trained for my 5K in 2006. It was really nice. Fairly flat. Not a lot of traffic--although it was 11 am on a Wednesday... Also, the weather was great! It was a bit chilly with random drops of rain falling. I like it!

The Stats:

Total Distance: 4.00 miles
Total Time: 42:35
Calories Burned: 535
Average Pace: 10:39 min/mile
Average HR: 162

Next workout: tomorrow! Lifting and a 3 mile run. Now, back to the wildly exciting task of waiting...

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