Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"How Is It That You Two Are Friends?!?!"

Today I was chatting with Zak the Trainer about my friend Lynn who is going to join Lifetime and train with ZTT (YAY!) and mentioned that she had not emailed him back yet about her upcoming training because she was thinking through her answers thoroughly. He laughed (seemingly uncontrollably) and said: "How is it that you two are friends??!?!?!" Burn. Well done, ZTT. Well. Done.

Oh! Also. I told Zak all about this total jerk at the gym on Sunday who yelled at me FROM ACROSS THE WEIGHT ROOM to tell me not to take weights he was "using" and by "using" he meant wanted to use after he completed the current weights he was doing ACROSS THE WEIGHT ROOM. As Amanda F. would say: You can't claim two machines, jerk! I was caught so off guard I gave him his stupid weights back. Won't happen next time... Anyways, he was there and I pointed him out to Zak and Zak told me that no one likes him and that he does all of his lifting completely wrong and shows off but is going to destroy his body fast. :)

Today was a weigh-in day. I am up one pound. :( Booooo. Understandable though because I ate poorly in NYC. Zak also thinks that my body is still processing all of the badness and should even out in the next few days...whatever. It's done. Moving on... :)

I really feel like ZTT is pushing me and I love it! We did roman dead lifts today!!! Pansy girl ones, but still did them!!! It's really difficult to get the form right and I am glad we did it with the 20 pound dumbbells. It requires a lot of thought on my part to keep the right parts of my body straight and stuff. But I still did it!!! And Zak said my form was good. Good!

My lifting routine for the next 2 weeks (3 sets each unless otherwise noted):

Squat Press: 200 lbs, 15 reps (after the last two sets walking lunges across the room and back, then rest)
SB Chest Press: 17.5 lb dumbbells, 12 reps (last set alternating)
DB Deadlifts (straight leg): 20 lb dumbbells, 12 reps
Cable 1 Arm Row: 32.5 lbs, 12 reps
Roman Chair: 10 reps (only 2 sets)
FM Shoulder Press: 25 lbs, 12 reps
Assisted Chin Ups: 120 lbs assistance, 12 reps
Assisted Dips: 115 assistance, 12 reps
Rope Upper Back: 37.5 lbs, 12 reps
Chest Fly: 65 lbs, 12 reps

Everything but the Squat Press went up in weight, and ZTT added the lunges to that. I love seeing that kind of progress! Makes me feel like I am doing something right!

As for the next two weeks, ZTT and I sat down and made a general outline, but he has yet to email me the official breakdown. From memory without specifics:

Wed Nov 25th: rest
Thu Nov 26th: Turkey Trot 5K in Bel Air--run 10/walk 3 intervals
Fri Nov 27th: lift and cardio
Sat Nov 28th: light cardio
Sun Nov 29th: lift and cardio
Mon Nov 30th: Sole Sisters run and maybe light cardio
Tue Dec 1st: lift and cardio
Wed Dec 2nd: cardio
Thu Dec 3rd: lift and cardio
Fri Dec 4th: rest
Sat Dec 5th: rest
Sun Dec 6th: Columbia 5K--intervals either 10/3 or push harder based on feedback from the turkey trot
Mon Dec 7th: rest
Tue Dec 8th: Lift with ZAK!

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