Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Must Have Upset ABD...

...otherwise, why would he make my workouts hurt *so* bad????


Here's the damage:

Each pair is one set. Do the first exercise and then immediately do the second exercise with NO REST in between. Rest after the second exercise and repeat.

Seated Leg Press (Cybex) x 3s x 12r @ 150lbs (not sure about the weight, might be able to go heavier)
Seated Leg Extensions x 3s x 12r each leg @ 80lbs

Stiff-Leg Barbell Deadlift x 3s x 12r @ 60-70lbs (I did 70 lbs)
Lying Leg Curls x 3s x 12r @ 60-65lbs (I did 60 lbs)

Incline Dumbbell Pressx 3s x 12r @ 20-25lbs (I did 20 lb dumbbells)
Inclined Dumbbell Chest Flyes x 3s x 12r @ 15-20lbs (I did 20 lb dumbbells)

Assisted Pull-ups x 3s x 12r @ 100 lbs assistance
Bent-over Dumbbell Row x 3s x 12r @ 30lbs

Seated Machine Shoulder Pressx 3s x 12r (ABD didn't give me a weight, I did 30 lbs)
Dumbbell Front Raises x 3s x 12r @ 10-15lbs (I did 10 lbs)

Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curls x 3s x 12r @ 20-25lbs (I started with 20 lb DBs, but had to switch to 15 lbs for the second and third sets)
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension x 3s x 12r @ 15-20lbs (I did 15 lbs)

Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 12r
Hyperextentions x 3s x 12r

I hurt. Yeah, that's all I got.

Next workout tomorrow, running with my girls!

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