Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today's Workout and Heel/Marathon Training Update

Today was a lift and cross-train day. ABD got a bit confused--even though I am certain that I must have mentioned it several times, as well as texted and emailed this information--and thought I was already in FL. Due to this he gave me two workouts--one for dumbbells only and one for machines, if they had them. He told me to do the other one Tuesday if the hotel had machines. Soooooo, I did the machines today and will do the dumbbell workout Tuesday, since I know the hotel has those.

The lifting (please do not miss the subtle fact that I chose the heavy end of all weight ranges again):

Seated Leg Extensions x 4s x 15r @ 95 lbs
Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 20r @ 70 lbs
Machine Row x 3s x 12r @ 50-60 lbs (I did 60 lbs.)
Machine Chest Presses x 3s x 10r @ 25-30 lbs (I did 30 lbs.)
Wide Grip Pull-downs x 3s x 10r @ 50-60 lbs (I did 60 lbs.)
Machine Shoulder Presses x 3s x 15r @ 30-40 lbs (I did 40 lbs.)
Machine Biceps Curls x 4s x 10r @ 30-40lbs (I did 40 lbs.)
Machine Triceps x 4s x 15r @ 30-40lbs (I did 40 lbs.)
Floor Crunches x 3s x 20r

Sundays are also my cross-train days. I have been walking or ellipticalling these. Due to the fact that I have ellipticalled my brains out this past month, I wanted a change. I wanted to work muscles that I am not using during the marathon training. The obvious choice was the stationary I did it...for an hour...and it was...every I dreamed it would be and more (which is not saying much!). I'm joking (kind of), it really wasn't that bad. Perhaps a bit boring, but not bad. I took it very easy and did 12.60 miles in 60 minutes. Cross-training? Check. :)

Heel Update! I received a very curt diagnosis from the sports medicine doctor in the mail. It literally contained the following information: an alphanumeric string (I assume my patient ID), the date, my name, my doctor's name and the words, 'calcaneal osteophytes (heel spurs)'. So...I have a heel spur? Awesome. What do I do with this information? Do I call the doctor? There was a box on the small sheet of paper to do that, but it was not checked by my doctor. I will probably call them, but I talked to HCL and she said there is really no point. They can do surgery but only in extreme cases. The heel cups (or maybe orthotics) are my best bet, and the heel cups seem to be working.

Marathon Training Update! I need to modify the Hal Higdon plan to ease back into my long runs. This week called for 13 miles and I did 8. The next 4 weeks call for 10, 15, 16, then 12. I am thinking that I will do 10 (or 11), 13, 15 (or 16), 12. HCL said this sounds like a reasonable plan, but to listen to my body and how I feel (I totally agree). I really hope this plan works because if not, I am not sure I will be able to catch up in time for the marathon I want to do!

Ok! I am off to Florida tonight! I am bringing my computer so I will probably keep blogging, but just in case I'm to busy to blog (and even if I do find time), I wrote blog posts for each day I am gone. I had fun with some of them...enjoy...

Miss you already! ::hearts::

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