Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Mature Lifting

Today I did my first lifting set as a 29 year old!!! So *clearly* it was more mature than the previous year's lifting...clearly. ::grin::

But first I got a real birthday treat! I went to get my lifting routine from ABD in his office and he hadn't written it yet (shocker! Despite my many reminders including the EXACT time I was leaving work today...). So, I hung out with him for the better part of an hour laughing and telling stories back and forth. There was much laughter. About 40 minutes in, HCL came in and sat down and she *also* partook in the story-telling/laughing! Yes, I am a lame Lifetime Trainer Groupie and chilling out with ABD and HCL is a very fun birthday treat for me!!!!

Devon gave me a shorter lifting set today, so I'd have time to shower before dinner with some good friends! Also, at the gym I saw Amanda F. (who had her session with HCL) and my friend, Art. Fun birthday lifting!!! The routine:

BB Box Back Squats x 4s x 10r @ 125lbs (Smith Machine) (I did regular back squats.)
Barbell Deadlifts x 4s x 10r @ 115lbs (standard style with knees bent and butt low)
Face Pulls with Rotation x 4s x 10r @ 27.5lbs
Flat Barbell Bench Press x 4s x 10r @ 80lbs (Smith Machine)
Pull-ups x 4s x 10r @ low hundreds lbs (full length) (I did 106 lbs assistance.)
Seated Shoulder Press x 4s x 10r @ 40-50lbs (I did 50 lbs...strictly to push myself because I wanted to be hard core on my birthday...)
Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 15r

When discussing the routine with Devon I noticed the "butt low" instruction for the deadlifts. Immediately Flo Rida's 'Low' popped into my head. I said, 'So for the deadlifts, I wanna get low? Like Flo Rida says to???' Devon looked at me like I was crazy, so I repeated, 'You know, FLO...RIDA...' ABD told me never to try to speak 'rap' to him again. I informed ABD that I am from the hood in South Central New Hampshire and he needs to step off... :)

All in all, my birthday has been great!!! I had lunch with a special friend, fun times at the gym and dinner with great friends! I got birthday wishes, texts and phone calls from way more people than I thought I even knew! Heck, the admin in my new office home-baked my cupcakes! I have only been there one week!!!! I am so loved... ::heart::

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