Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm Gonna Knock You Ouuuuuuut.

I can say with certainty that my cardio boxing session with ABD and Amanda F. was the highlight of my day. Now, that was not a hard status to achieve given the events of my day:

1) Drove home from Syracuse and got home at 2:30 am. Bed by 3.
2) Of course, I could not sleep past 7:30 am. Up for about an hour, then back asleep til 10 am.
3) After breakfast and dishes decide to check out why my washing machine leaked on Saturday.
4) Notice fresh leakage. Hmmm...
5) Angrily call the plumbers who snaked my drain for $289 last Tuesday.
6) Wait for them to come.
7) They arrive. I learn that it is a COMPLETELY separate issue that when all is said and done will result in: a) actual poo all over my basement floor and washer/dryer; b) a bill for $389 to snake the main exit pipe for my townhouse; and c) due to the root that grew into the pipe an estimated $3,000-$4,000 of additional work to either repair the pipe or replace it.
8) Go to boxing session.
9) Return home to clean up poo covered basement.
10) Get so grossed out take the bag of trash out to the curb in my workout clothes and bare feet.
11) Return to my house to realize I have locked myself out.
12) Use a neighbor's phone to call my one friend with a key. Leave a message.
13) Mow my lawn. Rinse off my car. Water the yard. Chit chat with my neighbor (who brought me bottled water!!!)
14) Get back in the house.
15) Finish phase one of the clean up. Cannot get under the washing machine... Want to vomit.
16) Take the longest hottest shower and still feel dirty.
17) Sit down to write this blog post.

::sigh:: To quote my sister, Marina, when her daughter was very small and pooed in Marina's closet then tracked it all over the light-colored carpet and I asked: "Is it all clean now?" To which she replied: "Is it ever *REALLY* clean????" it is not...

But my bad day is not why you read these posts. So...BOXING! It was definitely fun changing things up! Here is a breakdown of how the session went:

1) Ran 10 sprints across the room and back.
2) Did a drill where Amanda and I tossed a 6lb medicine ball back and forth while shuffling across the room and back twice. If you dropped the ball, you did 10 push ups. I apparently am a bad thrower. Amanda had to do push ups. The first time she did them. The second time I felt bad (knowing it was my fault) so I did the second set. :)
3) Then we put on the gloves. Which made me feel so tough. :) We learned the three stances: neutral, conventional (right-side) and southpaw (left-side). We learned to jab, cross, hook and upper cut.
4) In between learning, we did crunches, jump roping and a drill where you change from conventional to southpaw across the room.
5) We punched pads ABD was holding in sequence (e.g. jab, cross, jab). The other person had to do jumping jacks the whole time this was happening.
6) We did drills where we moved across the room while jabbing, moving both forward and backwards.

I may have missed some things. But I think I got it all. It was a good workout. There was a lot of sweat--which is good.

Oh! And I should mention that I made t-shirts for us to wear:

Devon loved it. :) No, really. He even commented about it positively...

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

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