Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Worked Out with Kelz!!!

Today Kellie joined me at the gym! What an awesome, awesome treat! It had been far too long since I'd seen her (We tried to figure it out, but it may have been since she visited me in the hospital back in August 2008!!! TOOOO long!!!)!!!!

ABD gave me the following assignment: Cardio Treadmill 60 min (Z3) use the hill or random function.

After a quick tour of GloboGym, Kelz and I hit the treadmills. I chose the "random" function. Don't like it. I ran for the entire time! Impressive if you ask me. Kellie did too, but she is a machine. :) After 48 or so minutes my hand hit the stop button accidentally. I was about to cool down anyways, so I went straight to cool down. :) The stats (all not including the cool down):

Calories Burned: 490 (Treadmill)/485 (HR Monitor)
Total Miles: 3.82
Total Time: 49:38

Then we went to the LifeCafe and had dinner and amazingly awesome conversation (per usual with Kellie...)! I love her... Kellie, if you are reading this, I love you. You rock my world.

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

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