Thursday, March 4, 2010

Memory Fail. Brandon FTW!!!

It's promotion time at work. What does that mean? Hours of agonizing paperwork talking your self up with buzz words in a desperate attempt to say the *right* buzz word that maybe, just *maybe* the person reviewing it might see it while skimming through HUNDREDS of pages of paperwork and decided to promote YOU. Anyways, in true form, I have left my paperwork writing for the last minute--I have *actual* work to do...

In light of this, my BIG plan for today was to workout BEFORE work then get there and write, write, write, write, write as promotion paperwork is due tomorrow. So I set my alarm for 5:30am, rolled out of bed by 6 and headed off to the gym. I got to my car and went back inside the house to grab the lunch bag I had *just* packed and left on the counter. Excellent start to the day. Close call, but avoided a major diet disaster (the cafeteria and vending machines at work don't seem to have food conducive to my crazy strict diet...)! I pull into the gym parking lot and grab my purse and go to grab my iPhone to put in it. iPhone is not in the spot I always put it in my car. Did I never take it out of my purse when I got in the car??? iPhone is not in my purse either...odd...OH NO! My iPhone is still on the charger in my bedroom. Nuts.

Now, I don't like not having my cell phone for a whole day, but whatever, I can deal with it. The real problem lay in the fact that without my iPhone I had no way of getting to my email and seeing what ABD had assigned me for lifting today... Ruh roh.

I went into the gym hoping the member services desk would let me use their computer. It was o-dark-thirty, the member services desk was not open! Double nuts.

I went directly up to the trainer desk (no sense in getting ready to work out if I couldn't!) and saw Brandon talking with a client. I interrupted--as politely as one can--and explained my plight. Brandon let me use their computer to print my workout! Brandon is my hero today. I told him as much and he didn't believe me. I told him it was true, I was even going to put it in my blog. Done and done.

Now onto the lifting:

Dumbbell Squats to Calf Raise x 3s x 10r @ 35-40lbs (I used 35 lb dumbbells)
Seated Leg Extensions x 3s x 10r @ 80lbs

Barbell Deadlifts x 3s x 10r @ 80 lbs
Lying Leg Curls x 3s x 10r @ 60-65lbs (I did 60 lbs)

Flat DB Flyes x 3s x 10r @ 15-20lbs (I used 15 lb dumbbells)
Alternating Arm Dumbbell Chest Press x 3s x 10r @ 20-25lbs (I used 20 lbs dumbbells)

Pull-ups x 3s x 10r @ 100lbs or less (I used 95 lbs assistance)
Standing Band Rows x 3s x 10r @ Purple Band (if this isn't heavy enough, hold an additional red or blue band) (I used the purple band bought stood pretty far back to increase the resistance)

Seated Machine Shoulder Pressx 3s x 10r x 40-50lbs (I did 40 lbs)
Alternating Arm Dumbbell Front Raises x 3s x 10r @ 10-15lbs (I used 10 lb dumbbells)

Alternating Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curls x 3s x 10r @ 20-25lbs (I used 20 lbs dumbbells)
Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 3s x 10r @ 25-30lbs ...maybe heavier depending on how your arms feel (I did 27.5lbs)

Long-Lever Stability Ball Crunches x 3s x 15r (hold your hands above your head)
Hyperextensions x 3s x 15r

Next workout tomorrow! Don't have the assignment yet...

Moral of this story: Erin shouldn't workout in the morning...

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