Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Nair It."

Today was an ABD day!!! And a fun one at that... Per usual, he had me cracking up while doing my lifting (side note: I am so glad we didn't break up...)!!!

Weigh-in was *also* awesome! 5 lbs down!!! That makes 85....only 16 left... :)

I'll begin with the lifting. Today, Devon decided that instead of 3 sets of each superset, we'd--did I say 'we'd'??? I mean I'D--do 4. Awesome. *sarcasm* The routine:

Hack Squats: 200 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets
Deadlifts: 115 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets

Pulse Lunges: 35 lb DBs, 10 reps each leg, 4 sets
SL Lying Leg Curls: 45 lbs, 10 reps each leg, 4 sets

FM Seated Chest Press: 40 lbs, 10 reps; 45 lbs, 10 reps; 50 lbs, 10 reps; 60 lbs, 10 reps
Stab Ball Push-ups: BW, 10 reps, 2 sets; BW+, 10 reps, 2 sets

Pull-ups, Full Length: 64 lbs assistance, 10 reps, 4 sets
BB Rows: 60 lb BB, 10 reps, 4 sets

Hang Clean to Press: Olympic Bar, 10 reps, 4 sets
Upright Rows: OB, 10 reps, 4 sets

Story time!!! I was cracking up today...

1) ABD said 'ba-donk-a-donk'. That's the whole story. It is amazing all by itself...

2) I was asking ABD about my armpit muscle. He contends that that does not exist. My friend, Lynn, and I had discussed this. You see, now that I am all buff and hulk-like, we have noticed that our previously flat and easy-to-shave armpits now have a huge, beefy muscle in them making them difficult to shave. We explained this to ABD. He laughed and said he was not interested in seeing my partially shaved armpits (did I mention I offered to show him the muscle?) and said: 'Nair it! Just Nair that stuff!" repeatedly. ::grin::

3a) While discussing my amazing 10K time, ABD was not giving me the praise I so clearly deserve. So I said: "You need to be more impressed with me." I mean, it's the only natural thing to say. ABD says that that is the most egotistical statement he has ever heard--but he did not disagree!!!

3b) Continuing in the vain of my awesomeness I flexed my shoulder muscles for Devon. They look really great while doing the upright rows. So when I was done, I picked the bar back up and showed him how good they looked. He told me I need to take a picture of myself while flexing because I need to see how funny I look. I believe ignorance is bliss. :) He then pointed out my arm fat. I had to explain to him that he does not realize the complexes he gives me. Due to his 'pasty, white legs' comment, I have begun considering spray-tanning. Due to his comments with regard to my uneven calves, I have made others spend countless minutes evaluating them. I am quite sensitive about my arm fat and now he is pointing it out?!? I told him he may make me become obsessed with weight loss and be unhealthy. He informed me that there were only two things I could do to make him murder me--one is backslide and the other is become anorexic. I asked him why. The backsliding is because (and this is worth quoting): 'I didn't put up with all of this to see you put the weight back on.' So sweet, Devon... I asked why he would kill me for becoming anorexic. He wouldn't answer. I immediately gasped, touched my hand to my heart and said: 'It's because you CARE about me!!!!' He said he cares about all his clients. I told him that he cared about me and it's ok to express his feelings. He begrudgingly told me that he did, in fact, care about me. We had a special moment there... ::tear::

4) During the chest set, ABD had me do stability ball push-ups. I found these to be really, really easy. It is my policy NOT to make work harder on me. So, after the second set I asked ABD if we would be doing 4 sets on the chest section. He said yes. I then declined to comment further. Since I have a *horrible* poker face, he noticed I had something to say but was holding back. He made me tell him, so I asked: 'Are these supposed to be ridiculously easy or am I just freakishly strong???' So...for the next 2 sets Devon hovered over me and pushed down on my back a la drill sergeant punishing a new soldier. Next time I keep my comments to myself.

Next workout: tomorrow, some sort of cardio.

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