Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ABD, Meet My Crazy...My Crazy, ABD

Oh Blog Readers. Today's session was baaaaad. ABD saw my crazy for the first time and I am not sure we are going to make it through this.

DISCLAIMER: This may be my whiniest, rantiest blog post ever. Also, encouraging comments will make me more mad. I don't need a pep talk. I am not giving up. I am just mad. Empathy is fine. Laughing at me is fine. Telling me I was a jerkface to ABD is also fine. NO PEP TALKS!

I had a perfectly fine day and then when I got to the gym I was in a bad mood. I have some ideas as to why--be warned, none of them are *good* reasons:

1) I stubbed my right pinky toe this morning. I am not the most...graceful...person so I stub my toes a lot. It hurt ALL day. When I got to the gym and took my socks off my toe was purple. Awesome. Maybe I broke it? Dunno. But it hurts. When I walk. Super. *sarcasm*
2) I put on my workout clothes and I brought my newish grey pants (which I had washed for the first time and felt slightly smaller) and my pink under armor shirt that felt like it showed my stomach fat. So I felt fat. Wonderful. *more sarcasm*
3) I weighed myself on the locker room scale. Not down much. Now, there are...seasonal?...reasons for this. So it is to be expected, but still made me mad. And these same reasons make me more prone to being mad...Hope you are getting my drift.

So, I decide to bring my iPod shuffle to the session to put in one ear, because when I am mad I like to listen to music while I work out. ZTT knew this and accepted it. If he saw me with my iPod he knew to back off and just train. ABD did NOT know this.

We weighed in. I lost one pound. I know this sounds bad, but I am disappointed in this. I had been losing 3 consistently. And I *know* the reason is that I am retaining some water, but still didn't help my mood. ABD then noticed my iPod and told me I could not wear it. I told him too bad. He told me to take it off. I asked him why--it was only in one ear, so I could still hear him. He said it made it LOOK like I wasn't paying attention. REALLY, ABD?!? I cannot have music because it makes you LOOK like your client doesn't listen to you. Well...I should be ashamed to admit, but I am not that...this made me mad. And it was on. For the entire 30 minutes.

After explaining all the gory details to my friend on the phone, she gave me tough love to tell me that I picked a fight with him and *I* need to apologize to him. She's right. But I am not going to. I had a little attitude with him. I mean, I did everything he asked of me and was mostly quiet with dirty looks, but Lynn says that I was mean. As always though, there were some funny exchanges (which made me laugh despite my efforts to withhold my 'fun' from him):

1) I had to do these exercises where I was in the push up position with one hand on a 15 lb dumbbell and then bring the dumbbell up for a row but continue til my arm it fully extended pointing to the ceiling. Well, I went to do the first one and almost fell completely over. I immediately started laughing and fell into a pile on the floor. When I stopped laughing enough to look up, I saw ABD laughing at me. And Anthony and his client laughing at me. And everyone on the ab machines laughing at me. It *was* pretty funny...
2) The last pairing was back at the free weights in Man-Land. When I went to start the second set, I kicked the 10 lb weights out of my way. They rolled kind of far but I did not care because I was pouty and in my bad mood. This nice man picked them up and set them by me. At this point, I already had the 20lb dumbbells in position for the first exercise. I smiled at the man and thanked him and sad...somewhat under my breath...Sorry, such a sloppy trainer... ABD immediately grabbed my wrists from behind (whilst I was holding the 20 lb dumbbells) and held them there while saying forcefully in my ear: WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID? SAY IT AGAIN! Over and over again and squeezing my wrists harder. I was laughing so hard (and all the people were watching and laughing) that I could not get a word out. Finally I said it again. He released and made me go right into the exercise which was difficult after holding the weights up for so long. I really deserved it.

Anyways. I did many other things that may have been antagonizing throughout the session to include a list of reasons why ZTT is better than him. So we got back to the desk and I got my workout sheet and asked if we were done. He said we had to book our next set of sessions. I said, what maks you think I want to? He asked me if I wanted to. We sat silent. I told him he was supposed to talk me into it. He looked *very* frustrated and said he wasn't going to. I told him he wasn't invested in my weight loss and walked away...AND HE LET ME.

The bright side of all of this is that I did my 30 minutes of zone 2 cardio with my friend, Holly Holly (I forgot to mention her last week, so I am doubling up this week!) after the ABD debacle. She totally cheered me up and turned my frown upside down. Holly^2 is great! I love her!!!!

So, I have decided that I am going to be stubborn and if he doesn't come to me I am not booking more sessions with him. We may have broken up. I don't really know. Whatever. I mean I want a trainer. I need a trainer. I may even want him to be my trainer. Let's be honest. At this point no other trainer at Lifetime would take me...

ABD saw my crazy for the first time...and he did not handle it well. He failed the Erin Crazy Test. :(

Here's the lifting:

BB Box Squats: 105 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
Sagg/Frontal Step-Up to Balance: BW, 10 reps, 3 sets

Incl BB Bench Press: 75 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
AA Standing Band Press: Purple, 10 reps, 3 sets

Standing AA Lat Pulldown: 27.5 lbs each side, 10 reps, 3 sets
SA Prone Dumbell Row with Rotation: 15 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets

Standing Arnold DB Presses: 20 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets
DB Side Raises: 10 lbs, 10 reps, 3 sets

Next workout: tomorrow. Will ABD send me the cardio assignment? Your guess is as good as mine!

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