Monday, March 15, 2010

"Happy Birthday, Devon!!!"

ABD's birthday was Friday! He turned the big 2-7. As Brandon (a.k.a. BTOT and Dr. Doom) said, he is now in his late twenties (I disagree. I feel that 27 is mid-to-late, 28 is late). So, naturally, I made him a birthday t-shirt for me to wear during our session.

and the close-up:

ABD *LOVED* his shirt. When he saw it, he said: "You need to get a new hobby." Now, I have worked with Devon for a few months now and I am fluent in Devon-speak. What he was *really* saying was: "Erin! That shirt is amazing! You are, and always have been, my favorite client."

So, you may be wondering why I met with ABD today! It's not Tuesday... I met with ABD today instead of the normal Tuesday because I have to work until 8pm tomorrow! We started with weigh in and body fat measurements. I lost two pounds! Grand total of 80!!!! What a great milestone to reach! Also, ABD took my body fat measurements with the calipers. I am 24% body fat. The goal for 'healthy' is 20%...SO CLOSE!!! This is down 7.8% from the last measurement on 3 Nov 2009. That measurement was taken with a tape measure so the comparison is not perfect, but I'll take it!!! I am very happy with these numbers!!!

Onto the workout. This was my first hour-long session with ABD. It. Kicked. My. Butt. When you read this, if you don't know what something is, just think 'painful'. You're probably close to accurate. Exercises grouped together were done in succession before resting.

Hack Squats: 180 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets
Single Leg Power Step: 90 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets

Stiff-Leg Deadlifts: 95 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets
Squat Press: 230 lbs, 12 reps; 250 lbs, 12 reps; 270 lbs, 12 reps
(At this point, walking was difficult.)

Incline BB Bench Press: 75 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets
Flat DB Press: 20 lb dumbbells, 10 reps, 3 sets
Push-ups: BW, 8 reps, 3 sets
(At this point, walking and moving my arms were difficult.)

Pull-ups: 80 lbs assistance, 12 reps, 3 sets
T-Bar Row with Dumbbell: 55 lb dumbbell, 12 reps, 3 sets

DB Side Raises: 10 lb dumbbells, 12 reps, 3 sets
DB Shoulder Presses: 20 lb dumbbells, 12 reps, 3 sets
Bent-over DB Side Raise: 10 lb dumbbells, 12 reps, 3 sets
(My form on the side raises is really improving...)

Knee-ups: BW, 12 reps, 2 sets
Pikes: BW, 12 reps, 2 sets
(These both hurt my core WHILE doing them. During the rest period between the two sets, I laid on the mat motionless. I think ABD secretly enjoyed that.)

Oh my. Oh. My. I already hurt. I will hurt more tomorrow. But good hurt, not bad hurt. This session was great! I feel *REALLY* good about my decision to go weekly for a whole hour with ABD. Really good.

Lynn came by to chit chat during the session. I jokingly told her to go away because it was ABD's policy that I can have no cell phone, no iPod and no chatting with friends. He laughed and let her stay. While I was struggling, I could sort of hear Lynn critiquing my form with Devon. :) She was also comparing our workouts and asking ABD his opinion. Lynn likes to compare her workouts to mine, which HCL has told her not to do, because we are different. The following conversation happened:

Lynn: Devon, you have Erin do so much in your session, I do less, how does my workout look?
ABD: ::looks over her workout:: What week are you at in your training?
Lynn: Week 10.
ABD: ::awkward pause:: I am a really aggressive trainer.
Lynn: ::head drops::

I told Devon he was giving Lynn a complex. We decided next time we would pick on her about her dislike of eggs and how it would help if she ate more of them. She returned. We said that and laughed. It was fun for us. I like it when ABD and I pick on people together. :)

Oh, but ABD did not stop here. He felt the need to comment on my legs during the core set. With my legs in the air, my pants legs slid up exposing my white, white, pale, pasty legs. He started laughing and commented that my legs looked like they were the same color as my white, workout socks and asked if they were *so* white because all the blood was rushing down. HI-larious, Devon... As I told him, I used to weigh 80 more pounds, do you really think these babies have seen daylight in years?!?! On this topic, I bought a running skirt today!!! I am SO excited!!! I have wanted one ever since I saw some of the Sole Sisters wearing them!!! I finally feel comfortable wearing it! Love it!

Next workout: tomorrow! Some sort of cardio...

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