Monday, March 29, 2010

Sole Sister Run - 3/29/10

Here was the group today:

Yuppers, just me. Well, not *just* me--the Lord provided me with some alone time with him. I started off running with my iPhone blasting as loud as the little thing can, but quickly remembered something my dear friend, Kellie, told me this past week--when you think of God, spend time with him, don't stress about the fact that you never have time to spend with him, spend it with him THEN! So I did! I put the phone away and began to worship. Before I knew it I was praying and praying and praying (in my head of course--cannot run and talk for long periods of time very well). It was kind of *awesome*!!!

After Amy came and let me into the church (thanks so much for coming out when you weren't feeling well!!!!), I warmed up for 5 minutes, ran for 40 minutes, then cooled down and stretched for 5 minutes. GREAT run! GREAT solo time!!!!

But I *reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly* wanna see my girls next week...

Next workout: tomorrow with ABD!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! That's what Im talkin' 'bout sis!
