Thursday, March 18, 2010


Disclaimer: I am typing this out on my iPhone so it may be short-ish and have typos!

Today I went for a variable-length run around the UCLA campus. I had used to map out routes of the following distances: 3.92, 4.32, 5.26 and 6.22 miles. I decided I would see how I felt and play it by ear. What I did NOT take into account was elevation. Oh. My. Hills!!!! The first 3/4 miles was straight uphill!!! And yes, what goes up must come down... But man! There were many ups! I used my new GPS watch (and I love it!) so I have an accurate milage count. I decided partway through to shoot for the 4.32 miles loop but took a wrong turn and ended up going 5.36 miles! Whoops! :)

Stats from my watch:

Total time: 1:05:28
Total distance: 5.36 miles
Average pace: 12:13
Fastest pace: 7:11
Calories burned: 582
1: 10:54; 18:27; RUN
2: 16:19; 7:58; WALK (uphill for 1/2 mile!!!)
3: 10:42; 14:18; RUN
4: 15:53; 5:39; WALK
5: 11:06; 1:47; RUN (here is where I realized I was lost and walked to iPhone my way home)
6: 15:44; 6:18; WALK
7: 10:54; 6:06; RUN
8: 16:08; 3:20; WALK
9: 9:51; 1:30; RUN (finish strong!!!)

I am so so so happy with this run! A 12:13 pace is awesome for me!!! I feel ready for my 10K next Saturday! Also, running is a great way to stretch the legs after a cross-country flight!!!!

Also, I feel like I have made great food choices considering... I resisted the snack box on the plane and got fruit & yogurt parfait. For lunch I got a ceaser salad (didn't eat the croutons!), turkey chili and sweet potato fries (bad choice I know--but I shared them!). I ate a mini clif bar after my run (and had one on the plane as a snack). I walked to Whole Foods and got roast turkey breast and green beans for dinner. I also got bottled water and G2 from Rite Aid and Greek yogurt and fruit leather from Trader Joe's. I am ready for this trip! :)

Next workout: tomorrow. Lifting!

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