Thursday, April 8, 2010

"We Don't Use 4-Letter Words Like *THAT* Here!"

I spent some quality time with ABD today. I really think he enjoys it. I mean, he could be working...or on break...but no, he gets the joy of time spent with me. We chatted about a lot of different things. Here are the (longish) Cliff Notes:

1) I told him I had a lot of questions and asked if he wanted to hang out with me while I worked out so we could chat about them and I could start my workout. He laughed and said no. I said: 'What?!?! You don't want to be my friend for free???' He immediately jumped back and gasped in horror, exclaiming: "We don't use 4-letter words like *that* here! Especially not that one. Especially not "free"!!!' Guess that's a no... I'd totally be his friend for free.

2) Prisoner Squats. He assigned these and I had never done them before so he was showing me how. You start by placing your hands on the back of your head and then squat down. I asked if they were called prisoner squats because this is the position you make prisoners get in before you shoot them. The look ABD gave me was priceless. Apparently that's the position they put people in when they are arresting them. I watch too many movies, maybe? Or maybe I need therapy... One of the two.

3) I was telling ABD what BBD said about my excess skin and ways to get rid of it (surgery) or hide the appearance of it (building up my shoulders and back). ABD doesn't think I'll like having broader shoulders and back. Regardless, I don't have to worry about this until I lose all the weight I need to and shift to toning. This conversation is still unresolved.

4) I brought up maintenance (as I am only 14 pounds from my original goal--as I get closer I will re-evaluate). I told Devon my two plans. He hates them both. Plan A: I give myself a weight window (say...5 pounds maybe) and eat as I want. When I reach the top of the window, get on the strict plan until I get back down to the bottom. Repeat. I still think this is an excellent plan. ABD does not. Plan B: I have a list of cheat items I want to eat. Devon gives me an allowance of weekly (or bi-weekly or monthly) cheat items and I budget them. ABD also does not like this plan. I asked him when I could eat a donut again. He said never. I told him that this is just not realistic for me. If the answer is once every 3 months, that is ok with me. But never is not plausible...for any normal human being. He is willing to review a list of cheat items and potentially give me a cheat plan with some of them. Melissa (another trainer) was there and she thinks it is WAY too early to start talking about maintenance. 14 pounds to goal is too early? Really? This conversation is also still unresolved.

5) The 10-mile run tomorrow. HCL suggested I slow my pace to maintain zone 2 the entire time. I asked ABD if I should use the old zone 2 because my new zones stink. He laughed (a little too hard) and said that I *need* to use my old zone 2 because if I used the new one I would have to sprint the whole way and would die. It's funny because it's true...

The lifting for today:

Hack Squats x 4s x 8r @ 180lbs
Walking Lunges x 4s x 8r @ 40lbs

Drop Set Lying Leg Curls x 4s x 8r @ 70-60-50-40lbs
Prisoner Squats with 10 second deep drop x 4s x 8r @ BW

Full Length Assisted Dips for Chest x 4s x 8r @ 80lbs or less
Stability Ball DB Flyes x 4s x 8r @ 25lbs

Full Length Assisted Pull-ups x 4s x 8r @ 60lbs or less
Bent-over DB Flyes x 4s x 8r @ 20lbs

Alternating Arm Standing Arnold Presses x 4s x 8r @ 25lbs
DB Front Raises x 4s x 8r @ 17.5lbs

Seated Alternating Arm Hammer Curls x 4s x 8r @ 20lbs
Lying Skull Crushers x 4s x 8r @ 40-50lbs (keep your elbows close inside)

ABD really has stepped my workouts up. I informed him that I have a very difficult time doing the walking lunges with the 35 lb dumbbells, so I was concerned about the 40 lb assignment for today. He told me to "wait" and left. He returned with weight lifting straps. They are his own personal set and he let me use them--I guess that's just what he does for his favorite client... Anyways, these items physically attach the dumbbells to your wrists. I felt so hard-core using them. Yes, that's right. I use dumbbells so heavy they must be attached to my body...

Finally (I realize this post is long), I hurt my right hamstring somehow. It was sore all day today, but not too bad. When I did the first rep (out of the 128 total reps I did) on the lying leg curl machine I felt it in a bad way. I powered through the 4 drop-sets, because I am hard-core. At the end of my workout, it hurt to walk on it. ABD told me how to stretch it strategically. He also recommended alternating heat and stretching tonight. The heat/stretch combo feels really good. I will continue doing it...

Next workout: 10-mile run tomorrow! I am both excited and slightly terrified...

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