Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ABD LOVES His T-Shirt!!!

And I have photo documentation for proof!!!:

Look how happy he is...and *proud*... :)

And the close-up:

OK. So maybe he wasn't so excited about wearing it. But he did it! And he was like a trooper. He put it on with no fuss, did not complain about it *once* and did not give into HCL's temptation to have her insist he remove it as her boss. So, although he pretended not to love it, we all know he did!

Weigh-in update: Lost TWO pounds!!! 87 total...only 14 more to go...

The session itself was great! I really feel like Devon upped the weights on me this week in a significant way, but I think it is just normal progression. I am actually a little proud of some of the weights--denoted by '!!!!!'. Also, note that the reps went down to 8 per set. ABD says the number of reps and amount of weight are inversely proportional. He gets mad bonus points for the math terminology.

The lifting (all supersets):

45° Leg Press: 270 lbs, 8 reps; 290 lbs, 8 reps; 310 lbs, 8 reps; 330 lbs, 8 reps!!!!!
SL Sissy Squats: 30 lb DB, 8 reps, 4 sets (NOTHING 'sissy' about these...)

BB Back Squats: 115 lbs, 8 reps; 125 lbs, 8 reps; 135 lbs, 8 reps; 145 lbs, 8 reps!!!!!
BB Deadlifts: 115 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets

BB Chest Press: 95 lbs, 8 reps; 100 lbs, 8 reps; 105 lbs, 8 reps; 110 lbs, 8 reps!!!!!
Stability Ball Push-ups: BW, 8 reps, 4 sets

T-Bar Row: 35 lbs, 8 reps; 40 lbs, 8 reps; 45 lbs, 8 reps; 50 lbs, 8 reps
Stability Ball DB Pull-Overs: 25 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets

Seated DB Shoulder Press: 35 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets!!!!!
Standing DB Side Raises: 12.5 lbs, 8 reps, 4 sets

I am super-impressed with my leg, chest and shoulder pressing! Devon definitely spotted me, but he said it was all me lifting. ALL ME. Also, I asked ABD how I was progressing and he said, "Well." I love it! I am progressing well!!!!

I have a *very* funny story about a slip of the tongue I had while discussing Manny Ramirez with ABD..but will not post the story here as it is: 1) slightly inappropriate; and 2) incredibly embarrassing. :)

Also, Amanda F. and I talked to Body Builder David after my session about my excess skin and whether or not he thought it would go away. It was a great, long conversation, but the key points were:

1) It may or may not go away--it's too soon to tell. The stomach will never go completely away. The arms...maybe...
2) I should consider surgery--or at least talk to surgeons. I told him I wasn't considering it. He said that I'll get 'greedy' as I get smaller and want to. We'll see.
3) Based on my frame, he recommends building up my shoulders and back. This will minimize the appearance of loose arm skin. Good plan!

Next workout: tomorrow. HCL's recommended (and ABD-supported) Base Builder workout.

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