Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Apparently I Prance

Today was a lifting Wednesday. When I arrived at the gym, I saw Devon in the LifeCafe. Here's the deal: If the man wants a break and doesn't want to talk to clients, he should take it somewhere I can't find him. That's all I'm saying. So, I got changed into my gym clothes, then went to the LifeCafe to chat with Devon for a small bit. I had some business to attend to.

When I entered the cafe, I started walking toward his table and his head was down looking at his phone, so he didn't see me. My inclination in situations such as these is to make an entrance that is noticeable. So, without even giving it much thought I sped up, put a little pep in my step and gave a little hop into the chair across from Devon. What I did not realize is that Hard Core Liz was right behind me. She came over laughing and said: "Of course you pranced to Devon's table." Yes, HCL, what else would I do???

My lifting:

Squat Press x 2 x 25 @ 270lbs
Lying Leg Curls x 2 x 25 @ 40lbs
Seated Row (Neutral Grip) x 2 x 25 @ 40lbs
Flat BB Bench Press x 2 x 25 @ 45lbs
Lat Pulldown x 2 x 25 @ 40lbs
Seated Shoulder Press x 2 x 25 @ 25lbs
Wall BB Biceps Curls x 1 x 25 @ 20lbs
Cable BB Triceps Pushdowns x 1 x 25 @ 22.5lbs

Next workout: cardio tomorrow.

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