Saturday, January 22, 2011

Amy: "I Haven't Vomited Yet."

Amy and I had a kickboxing session with Devon today and it was tough!

The session consisted of:

1) Warm-Up
Jumping Jacks
Prisoner Squats
Stair Runs

2) Cross & Jab Work
Kneeing Work (unsure what you call it officially)
Core: Bicycles

3) Hook & Upper Cut Work
Core: Planks

4) Roundhouse Kick Work
Core: Clamshell Crunches

5) Cool-Down
Weird yoga-esque balance thingy-doo

When Amy wasn't covering her face, Devon told her to "protect the pretty." I, naturally, took offense to this as he didn't tell me to do that. Burn. :)

Also, Amy and I were both having a bit of trouble with the whole lie-down-for-core-work-then-immediately-get-up-for-punching/kicking-drills. I am not sure if it blood pressure or what, but I'd get a little dizzy for a second. Amy was too and during a water break, Devon was asking her if she was okay. She replied (like a rock star): "I haven't vomited and I haven't passed out yet, so let's keep going." Hard Core Liz was nearby and burst into laughter, as did Devon. And me. :) I love Amy!

Anyways, all in all it was a GREAT workout. Although near the beginning, one of the rotational punches (I think the hook) messed up my left hip flexor. I stretched it during every water break and at the end. It's not HORRIBLE pain, but it doesn't feel good either. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow (<--you see that positive thinking???).

Tomorrow is a rest day! Although I may do hot yoga...gonna see how I feel in the morning. :)

Food Log: Low Carb Day
Breakfast: 1 egg sandwich (containing one multigrain sandwich thin, two fried eggs and two slices canadian bacon), coffee
Snack: 3 string cheeses, 3 tsp. peanut butter, pear
Lunch: 5 oz. turkey meatballs, 1 cup green peppers, 18 almonds
(These next two haven't happened yet, but will)
Snack (a.k.a. lunch 2): meatwich! (1 slice 12 grain bread, 5 oz turkey lunch meat and 3 tsp mayonnaise), apple
Dinner: 5 oz turkey meatballs, 18 almonds OR something similar if I go out to dinner

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