The assignment:
45 Degree Leg Presses x 3s x 10r @ 320lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down)
Overhead DB Lunges x 3s x 10r @ 12.5-17.5 lbs (hold a dumbbell in each hand above your head 3 seconds down, 2 seconds up, 1 second hold) (15 lb DBs.)
Barbell Deadlifts x 3s x 10r @ 110 lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down)
Hip Flexion to Standing Leg Curls x 3s x 10r @ 20lbs (Hold the handle, curl the weight, when your leg is straight back down, bring your knee up into a so that you are in ihip flexion, bring your leg back down straight and repeat the curl, Free Motion, 2 seconds up, 1 second hold, 3 seconds down)(the is no tempo for the knee flexion portion, just bring your knee up and back down)
Flat DB Flyes x 3s x 10r @ 15-20lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down) (20 lb DBs.)
Alternating Arm Stability Ball Dumbbell Chest Press x 3s x 10r @ 25-30lbs (2 seconds up, 1 second hold, 3 seconds down) (30 lb DBs.)
Pull-ups x 3s x 10r @ 90lbs or less (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down)
Single Leg/Arm Band Rows with rotation x 3s x 10r @ Purple Band plus Red or Blue Band (Anchor the band around something, 2 seconds in, 1 second hold, 3 seconds out)(Whichever side you are standing on is the side that pull)(12 on each side) (Purple only.)
Seated Machine Shoulder Press x 3s x 10r x 35-40lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down) (40 lbs.)
Alternating Arm DB Scaption x 3s x 10r @ 7.5-12.5lbs (with your hands positioned thumbs up, raise the weight at a 45-degree angle, 2 seconds up, 1 second hold, 3 seconds down) (10 lb DBs.)
Alternating Arm DB Biceps Curls x 3s x 10r @ 12.5-17.5lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down) (15 lb DBs.)
Cable Triceps Kickbacks x 3s x 10r @ 17.5-27.5lbs (2 seconds up, 2 seconds down) (12.5 lbs--per Devon.)
Wheelie Board Pikes x 3s x 15r (hands on a mat with your feet on a wheelie board, in a push-up position, keep your legs straight, bend at the hip and draw the board towards your hands, wheel back out into the push-up position) (Didn't do this. Did something different. See notes below.)
Hyperextensions with overhead plate press x 3s x 15r @ 10lbs (hold a weight plate above your head at the top of the motion, draw it in towards your chest as you descend, as you come back up, press the plate back up above your head)
I could not for the life of me figure out how to do Cable Triceps Kickbacks. I know how to do Dumbbell Kickbacks. And I must have looked *very* special as I kept acting out the motion and trying to figure out whether I faced the cable machine or faced away and whether the cables should be at arm height or above me or below. I finally gave up and got Devon. I told him that the cable machine is smarter than me. He thought that was hilarious. :) He showed me. I face it with the cables at arm height--in case you were dying of suspense.
Then I attempted the "Wheelie Pikes". Go ahead and read Devon's explanation of how to do them. I'll wait... Ok. Now picture *ME* attempting these. I'll wait again... Ok. You can stop laughing now. No really. It's not *that* funny. Ok. It was. So, I get into the push-up position and attempt to balance my feet on the wheelie board. At this point, the wheelie flies out from underneath my feet and my left knee crashes into the hard floor. Wheelie Pike Fail.
I asked Devon to assign something different or let me skip it. I think it is best that the first time I do these be in a session with him so he can help. :) He told me to get in a push-up position with a stability ball under my shins, then roll my knees in toward my chest. I did this instead. :)
Next workout: cardio tomorrow!
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