Friday, October 1, 2010

Cardio Friday!

Devon assignment today involved a choice:

Cardio 50 minutes Elliptical (Z3 elevation at 5 for 3 minutes, elevation at 20 for 2 minutes) or Treadmill (Z3 elevation at 5 for 3 minutes, elevation at 10 for 2 minutes)

Yeah, so basically I get to choose between crap-tastic and crap-tacular. I wasn't sure that he meant that. I mean, I do ZONE 2 for 50 minutes straight. I even do Z2 and Z3 interspersed. But really, Devon??? ZONE 3 for an entire 50 minutes??? When I've been doing ZONE 2 for like 3 months??? So I asked him:

Me: Wait. Do you really mean zone 3 the whole 50 min on the elliptical or treadmill? Usually you switch the zone with the incline...
ABD: Zone 3
Me: the WHOLE time?
ABD: Yes


So I did it. And I scowled the entire time. I secretly hoped he walk by so I could actively scowl at him, but he didn't until the very end when my HR monitor freaked out and stopped working. When I was finished, I went and asked him about my HR monitor. He said something that made me laugh and I immediately stopped laughing and said that I was mad at him for my zone 3 cardio. I asked him if it was punishment for me eating poorly. He got a huge Devon grin on his face and said: "Maybe." Oh, Devon, you are so pleased with yourself.

Tomorrow I go to Hershey Park. I explained to Devon that I am not allowed to bring my own food in. He said he understood and that I was allowed to 'have fun'. My face brightened up like a kid on Christmas and he looked terrified and said that I was about to hug him but wisely stopped. I honestly hadn't even considered it, but I guess he's seen that face before. :) I told him that in my heart I wanted to, but not in my head. He was pleased with that.

Then I was asking him about whether I should lift on Sunday, then do cardio Monday and Tuesday before my session with him on Wednesday OR cardio Sunday, lift Monday, cardio Tuesday. session Wednesday. He said that I should come lift with him on Monday. I asked him if he was asking me to move my session. NOPE! Devon wants me to lift WITH him. AS FRIENDS!!!! I then hugged him. I couldn't contain the joy. I am so excited. He told me he is not slowing down for me so if I eat crappy and cannot keep up, he will abandon me. Challenge accepted, D-Money. :)

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