Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special Friend Cardio and a Devon Sighting!

Today Amanda E. came to do cardio with me! Devon assigned the Arc Trainer. I have been working out at the gym since April 2009 and had NEVER stepped foot on it. It looks awful. And dangerous! The assignment was:

Arc Trainer: 50 minutes {3 minutes Z2, 2 minutes Z3} repeat.

Amanda was hesitant to step foot on the death contraption (rightfully so!), but I told her she had to because I had to. It was interesting. I found it actually easier to do without holding on. Amanda held on for dear life. I may have gotten a little show-off-y and while laughing at something Amanda said, I lost focus and one of the moving arms smacked me and I nearly fell off! Amanda LOVED the look of sheer terror on my face!!!

While on the arc trainer, Devon was walking by so I flagged him over. We had a fun conversation. Here are some highlights (some funny, some scary):

1) I told Devon the following story from today:
Amanda: What's the cardio for today?
Me: Devon hasn't told me yet--even though I texted him this morning.
Amanda: How can you stand waiting? The suspense is killing me! Do you just die everyday?
Me: YES!
Devon told us we both need therapy. I told Devon we *could* do that...OR he could get me my workouts at a reasonable time. :)

2) I told Devon how I cheated on food today. He prefaced the next statement by saying he may regret this (grin), but he wants me to email him my food for each day by 8pm. If I cheat he thinks he is going to start making my workouts hurt. He's avoided this for 9 months now but *finally* sees that this may be what I need. We agree that I have the knowledge, just not the control to apply it. I am a bit worried about this...maybe it will be good. Maybe.

3) *This one is my favorite!* In the past I had told Devon about my friend's butt measurements. She is a white girl but has a booty to be coveted by all women. (On a side note, my sister Meghan has a comparably amazing rear end.) When I told Devon the measurements, he creepily asked to see a picture. I called him a creepo. :) Well, today I decided to embarrass them both by telling Devon that he should check out her front of her! She looked *very* embarrassed. He looked *very* impressed and even said so. This whole awkward exchange brought me much joy. When Devon left, Amanda admitted that secretly she loved it!

Next workout: lifting tomorrow. HOPEFULLY with Amanda E.! But probably not. :(

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