Thursday, September 16, 2010

HCL Trained Me!!!

Today Amanda F. let me crash her session with HCL (with ABD's approval, of course!)!!!!!! Due to Lifetime hating fitness (and closing for the week to replace carpets), Liz and Amanda (and me!) planned to meet at Liz's apartment complex gym. I was SO scared to go. So scared.

But I held my own! It wasn't too bad. I feel like HCL pushed Amanda harder than me. I am telling myself that it is because she has never trained me and doesn't know my limits and didn't want to hurt me, but I am fighting the though that she thinks I am a pansy. :)

Here's what we did (all supersets--Amanda would do one and I'd do the other, then we'd swap):

Lat Pulldowns: 12-15 reps, 3 sets (I did 15 reps every time; the weight increased each set)
DB Front Squats: 15-20 reps, 3 sets (I did 20 reps every time; HCL has me start with 15 lb DBs even though I told her I could do 20s, the second set she asked how the first set was an I said easy, so she had me do the 20s for the 2nd and 3rd set)

Core exercise where you sit on a bench, lean back and hold on (almost like bench dips), then you bring your knees in and crunch: 20 reps, 3 sets
Seated Twists with a Core Ball: 15 reps each side, 3 sets

Incline Chest Press: 15 reps, 3 sets (weight increased each time)
Walking Lunges: across the room and back and across, 3 sets

Crunches where you start up at your knees and lean back til you can barely hold it, hold it for 2 seconds, then back up: 10 reps, 3 sets
Leg Raises to Toe-Ups: 10 reps, 3 sets

Liz's classy apartment gym machines did not have numbers on the weights so we have no idea what the weight was. Liz guesstimated and we adjusted as necessary. Oh! We also warmed up then jogged at an incline of 4.0% for like 5 minutes and walked/jogged inclines at the end for a few minutes then cooled down.

Liz is super fun to chat with. I had a good time. I no longer fear training with her, but still know that we would not be a good trainer/client fit--mostly because I think she would not handle my neediness in email/text/calling and my need to be coddled and affirmed. :)

Next workout: some sort of cardio tomorrow!

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