Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"You Cheat Like Tiger Woods!!!!"

Today's session with ABD turned out to be a regular-very-hard session NOT a punish-Erin-because-she-ate-like-a-crazy-woman session. When I questioned ABD as to why he chose not to punish me, he said that at this point it is more beneficial for me to determine WHY I keep cheating like a crazy woman, than to physical punish me. I am ok with this decision. :) I still don't know why. ABD says I need to figure it out. Super.

The lifting:

BB Back Squats: 115 lbs, 10 reps; 125 lbs, 8 reps; 135 lbs, 6 reps; 145 lbs, 4 reps; 155 lbs, 2 reps

Lying Leg Curls Drop Set (75-65-55lbs): 10 reps each weight, 3 sets
Pull Through: Purple band, 10 reps

Overhead Walking Lunges: 25 lbs, 12 each leg, 2 sets

BB Rows: 75 lbs, 10 reps, 4 sets

BB Bench Presses: 95 lbs, 8 reps, 3 sets
DB Punches: 10 lb DBs, 30 seconds, 3 sets

Lat Pulldown: 60 lbs, 12 reps, 3 sets

Ballistic Shoulder Press: 30 lbs, 10 reps, 5 sets

ABD and I discussed my 12 pound weight gain a lot. He described the science behind carbs, insulin, water retention and the need to rid my body of the excess glucose via exercise. He impressed my need to figure out why I do this every so often. I asked ABD how he would describe my past weekend. He said quite certainly: "You f&$%ed up!". Ah, Devon...you're so gentle in your assessment. :)

While doing the ballistic shoulder presses (where I throw the shoulder press and catch it 10 times in a row...) I was defending myself to ABD telling him that I can, in fact, be disciplined. For example, I routinely go 6 weeks or more without cheating ONE BIT. Devon's most amazing response to that was: "Yes, but when you cheat, you cheat like Tiger Woods!!!" I nearly hurt myself because I laughed so hard I almost didn't catch the shoulder press handles on the way back down... I heart ABD.

I am curious to see what my weight loss is next week... It should be good. :)

Also, I spoke with HCL about my potential marathon training. The conversation went a little something like this:

Me: Liz, have you had a chance to review the paperwork I submitted and come to a conclusion?
Liz: I have concluded you are a major dork.
Me: Yes, that may be true, but what about the marathon? Can I do Keene?
Liz: Is that the one in September?
Me: Yes, September 26th. I'd start the training on Memorial Day.
Liz: How far is the first week's run?
Me: Like 5 or 6 miles.
Liz: What is the longest run in the training program?
Me: 20 miles.
Liz: ...Okay...
Me: Yessssssssssss!

So. It's official as of RIGHT NOW. I am working toward training for the Clarence DeMar Marathon in Keene, NH on September 26, 2010! I will be using the Hal Higdon Novice Training Program which has me starting on Memorial Day! I will be making a training calendar and will post the link when I do. I fully understand (all to well from some of my friend's experiences) that there are a multitude of things that could prevent me from actually doing this race (injuries, etc...) but the current plan is to do it barring any of these things! I am so very excited and terrified all at the same time! If anyone wants to do it with me, PLEASE JOIN ME! Also, if anyone wants to train with me (or at least join for long runs), PLEASE DO!!! YAY!

Next workout: spin class at 5:30 am with Amanda F.!!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm still trying, and i'll start the training schedule, but I don't think i'll be ready in time for september.

    if only because my traveling will make it hard to start on time or complete it.

    i be joey coudl though.
