Thursday, May 13, 2010

Off Day Offerings: Preview of Upcoming Posts (Or Lack Thereof)

Today was a rest day from exercising--but not from life. CRAZY BUSY life day...but in a good way. I did manage to *squeeze* in a pedicure for my upcoming Florida trip (more on this later).

For my off day post, I will fill you in on what's to come to: 1) tantalize you into staying tuned; and 2) blog something to appease the 'stadium of adoring fans' that is my #1 fan, Lynn (1FL? Yes... I like it. 1FL, do you like it too?), and have some sort of blog entry today even though it is late and I am tired--I love my fans *that* much... So! Here is a glimpse of the future...

Tomorrow: I lift with Amy at her gym, the Y in Ellicott City! I am excited to see how the lower class exercises... (HA! I am such a snooty, snooty Lifetime snob!) No really, I am excited to go to the Y, because I have never been before and it means chilling with Amy!!! Then we will get spray tans. It's my first. I am scared. Meagan recommends it. We shall see...

Saturday: I will be participating in The Great Urban Race with my sister (by forced adoption into her family), Lisa. We have an ice cube's chance in hell of winning the race, so we are going for the Best Costume prize. Well, not really, but we *are* wearing RIDICULOUS costumes. I don't want to spoil the surprise...and there will most certainly be pictures...perhaps they will even be posted here... The information I will leak to the press is that the costumes involve some spandex, some fur trimming and some glitter fabric paint. Oh, and maribou. There *must* be maribou...

Sunday: I fly to Florida!!!! In Florida, I have a very, very, very important business a very, very, very important conference. There will be very, very, very important note-taking, etc... And then...I *guess* I will squeeze in some fun time to go to Epcot for dinner one night, swim with dolphins at Discovery Cove and go to Sea World. In between the very, very, very important work...of course. :) I *am* bringing my computer, but if the access to the interwebs is not free I won't be paying for it most likely, so my blogging may or may not happen. The plan is:

Sunday: lift
Monday: run outside
Tuesday: lift (and run outside? or...)
Wednesday: run outside (or rest? it's dolphin swimming day...)
Thursday: rest day
*There may also be lap swimming intermittently in the gorgeous hotel/resort pool. You know, the hotel of my very, very, very importa-- You get the point. :)

Friday: I'll be home now. I fly back thursday night. ::sigh:: I'll be lifting and blogging and sad that I am away from Florida... Oh! And away from my very, very, very important business. ;)

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