Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Not Gonna Happen."

So, Devon. Jury is still out. But he did okay. I did schedule two more months with him. So, he's not out yet. :) He is all business, but I did get a few smiles and laughs out of him. I may call him ABD for "All Business Devon". I like it.

He is different than ZTT. Which is to be expected. I tried not to do the "Zak always did it this way..." thing. But I totally did. And he took it well. Some examples:

Me: Are we going to weigh in?
ABD: Sure. You wanna weigh in?
Me: Well, Zak always weighed me in.
ABD: Ok. (walks in direction AWAY from scale)
Me: Soooo...we're NOT weighing in?
ABD: Oh. You wanna weigh in now???
Me: Yes.

Me: We're only doing one set of each exercise??? Zak always had me do 3.
ABD: Yes.
Me: Ok.

ABD: Go get the 15 pound dumbbells.
Me: Zak always got the dumbbells for me.
ABD: Not gonna happen. Go get them.

ABD: Go get an exercise mat and do pushups.
Me: I think Zak always got the stuff for me because he knows that when I repeat the weight routine, I have to do it all myself. (pause) And *he's* a nice guy.
ABD: (silence)

Me: I don't like this exercise. Zak never made me do it. Can I stop?
ABD: No.

I'm sure I am leaving some good ones out. But there were so many exchanges...how can I possibly remember them all??? Here is the lifting routine we did. All are one set. I kind of like the one set technique because if I hate the machine, I only do it once.

FM Squats, 140 lbs, 10 reps
Lunges, 15 lb dumbbells, 12 each leg
Seated Leg Extensions, 60 lbs, 15 reps
FM Deadlifts, 100 lbs, 10 reps
Step-Ups, 40 lbs, 12 reps
Lying Leg Curls, 55 lbs, 15 reps
FM Chest Press, 30 lbs, 10 reps
Push-ups, Body Weight, 12
Cable Triceps Extensions, 27.5 lbs, 15 reps
Close Group Pulldowns, 60 lbs, 10 reps
Bent Over BB Rows, 60 lb bar, 12 reps
AA DB Curls, 15 lb dumbbells, 15 reps
Standing Military Press, 40 lbs, 10 reps
Rope Upright Rows, 27.5 lbs, 12 reps
DB Side Raises, 10 lbs, 15 reps
Crunches, 12
Lying Leg Raises, 12
Supermans, 12
Prone Iso-Abs (Plank), 30 seconds

I love that I did something called "Supermans", but I hated doing them. A lot.

Some other observations about Devon:

1) He seems like he is fun. I see the potential there.
2) He is very thorough. I LOVE that.
3) His handwriting is so neat. He attributes this fact to Catholic school.
4) When asked if he didn't like me (like he was afraid he might) he said except for the fact that I talk too fast he does. No good, Devon. No good.
5) He doesn't mind that I talk about him on my blog. Even said I can post a picture of him! Just need to take it... Next session isn't until Jan 19. So, you must wait...
6) He wants me to vary my food plan up but isn't giving me exactly what to eat. I used many words to try to explain to him that I NEED specifics. He may come through...we'll see.
7) When I asked him to motivate me to get back on the wagon he told me that I need to motivate myself. I said no good!!! I told him I wanted to fear a tough workout if I don't stick to the plan. He said that he is going to kick my butt EVERY workout regardless of how I do in between. I asked him if he thought he kicked my butt today, because he SO didn't. I really hope he did not take that as a challenge for next time. He did say that he did not kick my butt because he did not "want to cripple me" without knowing what I can handle. That is clearly a slam on Zak and his ability to beef me up. ZTT and ABD should engage in fisticuffs. Zak is a mixed martial arts fighter, he can so take Devon. I'm just sayin...

ABD is going to email me my assignments for the next two weeks tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Oh! And I delivered the letters today. Now, we wait...


  1. I think I am going to love new cast member ABD. It's always hard to join in the second season, but I agree he shows potential. We can only hope and pray that ZTT will make the occasional cameo appearance, perhaps during Sweeps Week.

    Maybe we can start an ABD "Top Ten Quotes" list. I'd like to nominate "Not gonna' happen" as his first contribution. LOVE IT. ;)
