Yes, the long awaited, first *real* session with ABD (last time he had to see what I could handle and stuff). Dare I say, I think I like him. No buyer's remorse here. And *I* had a fun time tonight and have lots of fun stories. I will describe them for you here. I hope that you enjoy them as well. In short, the session hurt like nobody's business and ABD is C-R-A-Z-Y-Crazy, but I think it was good. On to the fun stories!
1) At the chest press, I totally counted 15 reps and he said I had to do one more. I did it. But not quietly. I let him know--in no uncertain terms--that I will defer to him on all things weight loss and strength training, but when it comes to counting...I win. (This interaction will matter in a later story...stay tuned).
2) When I lifted the 50 lb barbell for the standing shoulder presses, I totally almost fell over. Devon found this HI-larious and proceeded to mock me and call me "stumbly". I told him about the session with ZTT where I almost had a 20 lb dumbbell fall on my face, then almost fell off of the stability ball...twice...and asked ABD if he wanted to rethink the whole 50 lb barbell idea. He did not.
3) Also at the chest press, I informed Devon that I flex in the mirror every morning and told him that I have a strong chest. ::grin:: ABD was speechless.
4) During the miserable session that was planks lifting one leg off of the ground for 6 seconds (I know, it should be illegal..but it is least as far as I can tell...), of course Devon was not timing me. I mean, he was the one with the watch, so why would he? He told me to "just count to six". I got a smirk and counted to 6 as quickly as Erinly possibly--which you all know is fast. He then insisted on the use of "mississippis". I still could do it pretty quickly, so he demonstrated his preferred speed of mississippi-saying. I did them, begrudgingly. For the second set, I decided to save some time and just maintain the plank while switching out legs. I was on my FOURTH rep when apparently ABD decided to notice this. He informed me that it only counted for TWO reps. I argued that I was getting a better workout since I was maintaining the plank. ABD insisted that I was not "re-engaging the muscles". He had also complained earlier that my dismount (of flopping my body down when I reached 6-mississippi) was not good I should have a controlled rest period. So, I got my best defiant tone and narrated the entire process for the rest of the set: 1-mississippi, 2-mississippi, 3-mississippi, 4-mississippi, 5-mississippi, 6-mississippi, controlled rest, re-engaging muscles, etc... I'm sure Devon LOVED it. ::sarcasm::
4a) While being a little snot (as described in the above story), I lost count of how many reps I had done, so I asked ABD. He was *shocked* I did not know after story #1 and told me I am "like the sane version of Rainman". I died. ABD is some funny stuff, I tell ya.
4b) When the plank session was completed, Devon told (not asked) me to put the mat away. I picked it up and thought about hitting his face with it. But I restrained. I then told him as much and said: "You're welcome." He then told me: "YOU'RE welcome. You see, it worked out for the best. You get to keep your legs and I get to avoid an assault charge." Scary, ABD...scary...
5) ABD was all in pain from his last workout. I kept telling him how bad I felt for him, in a less than sincere tone. He called me out on my tone at one point, implying I was not *actually* sorry he was in so much pain. I told him that I would give him one of his own pep talks. I said: "Devon, when you work out, you pull muscles. It happens. Deal with it." He laughed. Which is good. For me.
Anyways, there are more stories, but I cannot possibly remember them all. After all, HE KICKED MY BUTT. My arms were (are?) mush. I jokingly told him that I would not be able to drive my stick shift home. He told me to only use gears 1 and 5. Ha ha, Devon. Soooo funny.
The evil lifting routine (3 sets of everything):
Squats - FM: 160 lbs, 15 reps
Seat Chest Press - FM: 35 lbs, 15 reps
Lying Leg Curls: 60 lbs, 20 reps
Stand BB Military Press: 50 lb barbell, 20 reps
Prone - Iso Abs w/ Hip Ext: 12 (6 each leg--these are the evil planks with one raised leg)
BB Bicep Curls: 45 lb barbell (1st set), 35 lb barbell (2nd and 3rd set)
Seat Tricep Ext: 40 lb, 20 reps
Lunge, Curl, Press: 12.5 lb dumbbells (across gym each set)
Yes, the LAST thing we did was lunges into bicep curls into shoulder press. My. Arms. Were. Mush. I will be in pain tomorrow. But I think good pain...
Also! I am back. I mean, BACK. I went to the grocery store and will be back on the ZTT food plan starting with breakfast tomorrow. Devon has asked that I alter my protein to have a little more at lunch and a little less at dinner. Done. (Side story: he suggested a chicken sandwich for lunch. I told him I only like Chic-fil-a chicken sandwiches. He told me I can have as MANY as I want on Sundays. I told him I wasn't stupid.)
Next workout, tomorrow! Devon said he'd get it to me...and in his words, he hasn't failed me yet! Yes, I do like ABD. I'll keep him. For now. ;)