Why I Want to Work with Devon
1) Devon's knowledge on the subject matter is quite impressive. The only trainer I've seen who is either at the same level or better is Hard Core Liz.
2) Devon patiently and thoroughly explains his rationale for all exercise and diet instructions by tapping into the extensive knowledge base referred to in 1).
3) Devon goes so far above and beyond our bi-weekly hour long sessions writing workouts (between 2 and 4 a week) and fielding my questions (which can be numerous).
4) Devon is intimately familiar with my crazy. He handles it quite well. I am actually impressed. If and when I ever find a man willing to be in a relationship with me, I may give him Devon's number for surviving-erin's-crazy-recon.
5) Despite 4), Devon still appears to enjoy working with me.
6) Despite 4), Devon is still willing to work with me.
7) Devon seems to have a good plan for moving forward.
8) For the first 5 months, I was a rock star under Devon's training.
9) I enjoy Devon.
10) I truly believe Devon is invested in my success.
And now...
Why I Don't Want to Work with Devon
1) Devon frequently does not respond to my emails. That's ok if it is a side question or something that is not time sensitive.
2) For the last 3 months, I have not been a rock star under Devon's training. I have, in fact, gained back 20 of the pounds I lost. I see this as a personal failure, but additionally, I see it as a failure of the trainer/client team. At *many* points along the way, he should have recognized that I was not being successful and worked with me to improve this.
3) To add on to 2) a bit, I went to him *many* times during the last 3 months saying, "Devon, I am not sticking to the plan. Help me!" and we talked and talked and talked, but never made progress. Yes, this is on me. But I need a trainer who can help me with this.
4) I worked with ZTT for 8 months before he left. I've been working with Devon for 8 months. Maybe it's time to switch?
5) If I switched, I would work with Melissa. I think working with a female would be completely different. I think I wouldn't try to pull a lot of the crap I try to pull with a male trainer. Amy worries I may not respect her the same way. I think I would respect Melissa.
6) If I did train with Melissa, I am confident she would be blunt, straight and stern with me. She's a tough cookie. I like that about her.
7) Because, as Devon pointed out, I get bored easily, switching it up may be good for getting back in the game.
8) I feel like because of 2), Devon failed at teaching me maintenance--this may be unfair and harsh--but I feel that another trainer may have a better grasp on it.
::sigh:: Blog readers! I need your help and input. Based on my lists (and your knowledge of me), what should I do?????
Thanks guys!!!!
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