Friday, December 25, 2009

Swimming PR!

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Today was great! I ate waaaay too much at Ajay and Julie's, but it was totally tasty and thus, totally worth it! Then I went to the movies with them and hit the gym to go swimming.

Now, originally I had hoped to do some amazing feat of athleticism today like perhaps an indoor sprint triathlon... But due to my current coughing state, ZTT did not think that was a good idea. He told me he would email me my assignments but it would be swimming today. Well (shocker!), he never emailed me, so I decided to swim whatever I felt like! And I did...

Amanda F. had belittled intimidated made fun of mocked challenged me to swim longer distances without taking breaks. She thinks that I am not challenging myself enough. So, if you recall, in the past ZTT had had me do 6 laps, take a break and do 6 more. Today, I decided to attempt to do 12 laps without stopping. I also decided to do them all breathstroke since the elementary backstroke is my catch-my-breath stroke. So, I did! I did 12 laps all breathstroke. Then decided to do an elementary backstroke lap or two. At this point, I realized that I was very close to a half mile (16 laps in my pool) so I continued (I love a nice solid goal!).

Here is my lap breakdown:

Lap 1: BS, 1:34.97
Lap 2: BS, 1:47.29
Lap 3: BS, 1:49.62
Lap 4: BS, 1:50.82
Lap 5: BS, 1:53.64
Lap 6: BS, 1:53.49
Lap 7: BS, 1:57.06
Lap 8: BS, 2:00.87
Lap 9: BS, 1:59.70
Lap 10: BS, 1:55.89
Lap 11: BS, 1:58.95
Lap 12: BS, 2:00.12
Lap 13: EB, 2:02.78
Lap 14: EB, 2:01.61
Lap 15: BS, 1:48.25
Lap 16: BS, 1:49.86

Total swim time (without stopping!!!): 30:25.57

So, I am very happy that I swam a half mile for the first time and did it strong! I felt fine. Could have kept going. Guess Amanda F. was right...

Next workout: tomorrow. ZTT has not told me what to do, so I guess I'll do whatever I feel like... :) I know it will involve repeating the weight routine and some sort of cardio.

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