Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Ran Outside!!!

Today was so lovely and beautiful, I got the idea in my head that I would break in my new running shoes by going for a nice outdoor run. I had this thought around 3pm. I arm-twisted Amy into joining me.

AT 6:45 pm--when we ACTUALLY went for said run--it was dark, cold and surprisingly icy (still! I know, right?). Luckily, I had remembered to bring my new headlamp (that I purchased directly AFTER my last outdoor run in December). Amy brought hers too, but had not removed it from its packaging and so had no hope of getting it open in the parking lot (I needed many tools...many tools). Amy did, however, have her reflecting vest--like a champion. :)

We did an easy run with a few walk breaks for 30 minutes. The shoes felt great! The company was great! And other than my few cramps, running was great!

It's good to be back! Kind of. I may not run at night again until it warms up some more. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!


  1. Grant's looking over my shoulder at your blog.. "a belly button, a belly button". Your blog through the eyes of a 3 year old.
