I also did my Wednesday workout (as promised). It was HIT (High Intensity Training). This is 10 intervals of 3 min zone 2, 1 min zone 4, for a total of 45 minutes (when you add in the 3 minute warm-up and 2 minute cool down). Zak the Trainer was VERY excited about this. History has shown that when ZTT is very excited about a particular workout, I should be very afraid. My reaction went as follows:
First interval: Wow! This is super easy. Zak is going to hear about how laaaaaaame his little tough workout is.
Fourth interval: Huh. This is not as easy. I mean, not _hard_, but maaaaaaybe I won't insult Zak the Trainer with some witty and sassy remark about his tough workout.
Final interval: Need. Oxygen. Wow! These intervals are tough. But I'm doing it!!!
I ran into a friend in the locker room when I was done and she asked me if I felt okay because my face was so red. I felt fine, but maybe the workout was good. I mean, yes...it was good. But I guess I just expected harder or something. I spent my zone 2 times at an incline of 2.0 and a speed of 3.2 mph. The zone 4 intervals were at an incline somewhere between 3.0 and 4.0 and a speed of 5.5 mph.
My Stats:
Calories Burned: 460 (Treadmill)/450 (HR Monitor)
Total Miles: 2.88
Total Time: 45:00 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 146 (This may seem high, but I only had 2 minutes of cool down)
Oh, when I saw ZTT and he asked how the workout was, I had already been scooped by the friend I bumped into. She told him about my red, red face. So knowing he knew I had worked hard, I decided to tease him and say: "Is that the best you got?" with a smirk on my face. He reacted as expected, like I hurt his little trainer ego. Hmm...maybe he'll forget by next session...
Next workout: Tomorrow! Total Body Strength Circuit and 35-45 min cardio (zone 2 & 3).
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