Monday, May 18, 2009


Yes! It is weigh-in Monday and I have lost 3 more pounds, so my total is 13 pounds gone! See ya lata, losas! (That's for the thirteen pounds...not you readers...)

I felt great during the workout today. My stats:

Calories Burned: 563
Total Miles: 2.56
Total Time: 61:38 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 130

Two other things I have noticed:
1) I have constant energy. It isn't like the energizer bunny or anything. Before I drank like a million and twelve diet cokes a day and junk food pretty much whenever I felt like it. In retrospect, I think I felt like it when my energy was down. And it provided me with an energy boost. Then it would crash again and I would have some more. Now, I feel...what's the right word?...I feel okay all day long. I am constantly eating small meals that have the right ingredients to make me feel good. And I do. The after lunch coma is gone from my life. I am very happy about this!
2) I found the most amazing turkey meatballs at the grocery store. They are Shady Brook Farms Italian-Style Turkey Meatballs. They microwave in 1:30 and are so tasty it is not even funny.

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