Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cheerio! Pip, pip!

I am on my way over to England, so I will not blog again until Saturday at the earliest. My plans to keep on track as best I can are to walk in the mornings and/or evenings. Additionally, I am bringing a resistance band to do chest presses, reverse flys, arm rows and 'window washers'. I also am going to do my machine-free strength training, namely the core workouts: planks, lunge and twists, squats, etc... I went to Trader Joes and picked up some granola bars (carbohydrates), Larabars (fruit) and Luna Bars (protein). I can throw these in my purse and hopefully snack better than vending machines or whatever.

Today, in a final attempt to work out before I leave (at 6 tonight!), I went swimming at the gym. I swam laps for ~25 minutes. My average lap time has improved by 3 more seconds, a total of 28 seconds from when I began, April 21! It is really nice to see tangible improvements from all of my hard work! YAY!

I'll miss you all terribly! I get back on Saturday, then walk a 5K Sunday morning...look forward to my posting about it!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Regular Workout Day

No good stories. Just facts. I did strength training and a half hour of cardio on the treadmill.

Strength training lasted about a half hour. My HR monitor says I burned 234 calories:

Held 10 planks for 15 seconds each;
Did 20 lunge and twists (10 regular, 10 with balance added in between);
Balanced on the Bosu ball with both feet for 60 seconds and on each foot for 15 seconds;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Press;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Fly;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 55 pounds on the Lat Pulldown;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 45 pounds on the Two Arm Row;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 10 pounds doing Lat Raises with the 10 lb dumbbells;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 15 pounds on the Shoulder Press; and
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 70 pounds on the Leg Press.

Then I did cardio. I went 30 minutes at 3 mph:

Calories Burned: 228 (treadmill)
Total Miles: 1.59
Total Time: 32:29 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 112

Friday, May 29, 2009


This brings my total to 18! I am very excited for the 20, but I will take 18 in the meantime!!!

Today stanked a little bit. I am going to England next week so, of course, I feel way behind at work. On top of it, I had to pick up at a moments notice and drive into scary Baltimore to Hopkins to get a statement from my vascular surgeon for my oral hearing the week I return. ::sigh:: The drive in wasn't horrible, but the drive back to work...45 minutes to go TEN MILES. So I was high stress, irritated, and almost late to the gym. But! when I got there, I weighed in and happiness abounded! Then I went shopping with Amber, so all in all the day came to a great close!

My stats:

Calories Burned: 525 (treadmill); 575 (hr monitor)
Total Miles: 2.33
Total Time: 53:35 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 131

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Making Friends...

At T.E.A.M. today, maybe I got a little...fiesty...with Zak the Trainer. I was tired and didn't want to be there. And in my defense, I think he likes a little attitude. So, throughout the workout at various times we jokingly went at it a bit.

At the end of class one of the women, who I thought was becoming my friend told me how worried she was that Zak the Trainer was going to punish the whole class for me 'running my mouth'. ... Burn? I smiled and told her that I could handle whatever he threw at me, but I guess I could be more careful for the rest of the class... Zing, zing zooo-ah! I can throw them right back, sweetheart.

Anyways...before I list my stats, I want to point out that I used the heart rate monitor for the first time (correctly) today and WOW! I burn way more calories than the treadmill says. To be able to continue tracking, I am going to list both in my stats for a bit:

Calories Burned: 573 (treadmill); 756 (hr monitor)
Total Miles: 2.44
Total Time: 59:10 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 127

Here's to hoping the rest of class doesn't feel the same way about me...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Declare a Victory Today!

Ok. Today was a typical blah day. It's a Tuesday, but it's like a Monday. And I left my lunch at home. Not just at home, on the counter. So I had to throw most of it out because it is refrigerator food. And because of this, I didn't have my snacks. So I was really hungry. Then around 4pm I got a mild headache. So I decided to go home and eat. I was supposed to work out today, but knew it wouldn't be good with no energy, so I would just go home, eat, then reassess.

Weeeeeellllllllll, at home I talked myself out of going. I had a blah day. And I didn't feel like going back out. And I *do* work out 3 days a week after all. And I am going to London next week, so it's not like I am going to have any weight loss, I'll be lucky to break even. And, furthermore, planks suck. So I settled in to my computer and TV and got comfy.

Then Sean came home. And I started complaining to Sean about my day. And I hate it when I just complain. So I decided to go to the gym to stop complaining and to keep the goals I set for myself this week (also, I only lost 1 lb last week, I am steppin' it up). Hence, my victory! I went. I lifted. I walked. I conquered.

Today I:

Held 10 planks for 15 seconds each;
Did 20 lunge and twists (10 regular, 10 with balance added in between);
Balanced on the Bosu ball with both feet for 60 seconds and on each foot for 15 seconds;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Press;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Fly;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 55 pounds on the Lat Pulldown;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 45 pounds on the Two Arm Row;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 10 pounds doing Lat Raises with the 10 lb dumbbells;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 15 pounds on the Shoulder Press; and
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 70 pounds on the Leg Press.

Then I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, stats:

Calories Burned: 238
Total Miles: 1.71
Total Time: 35:00 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 131

Some notes:

1. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY. Dare I say that the planks are getting easier? I hate using that word because they are still EXTREMELY HARD, but a tinge LESS extremely hard. This is awesome!
2. I accidentally set the Chest Press to 30 lbs instead of 20 lbs for the first set of 12 reps. It felt harder than it should have but was doable. Yay, improvement!

Monday, May 25, 2009

No Work!...But Yes...Work Out... :(

Happy Memorial Day!

And, yes, it is Monday, aka Weigh In Day. I lost one pound. I am a little disappointed, but still happy that the number is decreasing. Also, I think I have actually lost more but my weigh-in was <close your eyes, gentlemen>thwarted by mother nature</close>. I will not weigh in next week as I will be tearin' it up in the UK, but look for amazingness in two weeks...hopefully...the whole UK thing may be rough on the weight loss... stats:

Calories Burned: 555
Total Miles: 2.49
Total Time: 57:10 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 138

Zak the Trainer is away for the long weekend, so Liz filled in. Liz is all business. I miss you, Zak the Trainer...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

This one's for Shannon...

Today, Shannon rethrew the gauntlet. Unbeknownst to her, I kicked some major work out tookus today. And I dedicate my day to Shannon. It was hard. It was painful. ... It was so totally worth it.

My favorite workout buddy, Amanda, joined me today at the gym on a guest pass! I wanted to try my new strength training routine and swim some laps with her.

So, today I:

Held 10 planks for 15 seconds each;
Did 20 lunge and twists (10 regular, 10 with balance added in between);
Balanced on the Bosu ball with both feet for 45 seconds and on each foot for 15 seconds;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Press;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 20 pounds on the Chest Fly;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 55 pounds on the Lat Pulldown;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 45 pounds on the Two Arm Row;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 10 pounds doing Lat Raises with the 10 lb dumbbells;
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 15 pounds on the Shoulder Press; and
Did 2 sets, 12 reps each, at 70 pounds on the Leg Press.

I also:

Swam laps in pool for approximately 20 minutes. My average lap time has improved by about 10 seconds (I have yet to calculate it exactly); and
Sat in the hot tub for 5 minutes (the allowed amount of time from my blood thinner specialist).

Whew! What a workout! Oh, Shannon, but I am not done. I also had my 1 1/2 cups of pad thai tonight, and per the negotiation, I had to:

Walk after dinner. Me, Amanda, Tom and Tony walked in the lovely neighborhood of Hickory Ridge down one of the pretty (and HILLY) Columbia paths. It lasted maybe 20 minutes.

Hmm. Strength training, Swimming cardio AND an after dinner walk--not too shabby for a Little-Miss-Perky-Poo-I-Work-Out-Every-Day-And-ALWAYS-Measure-My-Food-Like-A-Good-Little-Girl who has the full force of a personal trainer behind her, is single and has no children.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Today was painful due to the strength training yesterday. However, once the workout got started and my muscles were moving, it was ok. I ate protein an hour before (which I hadn't done at all this week) and OH! what a difference it made! The workout was tough, but I never felt so tired like I couldn't do it (like I did during the other workouts this week). Additionally, having the HR monitor really made a difference. Knowing how close or far I was to my anaerobic threshold really allowed me to push myself further. My speed went up to 2.9 toward the end of the workout. That's like a first... :)

My stats (which are surprisingly less than earlier this week...oh well!):

Calories Burned: 544
Total Miles: 2.51
Total Time: 57:59 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 131

Oh! The negotiations part! Tony the Amazing Pad Thai Chef is in town! So the following negotiation occured between me and Zak the Trainer (ZTT):

Me: My friend who cooks amazing Thai food is in town. He is going to cook some tomorrow. I am going to eat it.
ZTT: ::skeptical face::
Me: Now, I understand that I get 2 breads for dinner and that is one cup of pad thai.
ZTT: ::blank stare::
Me: It's pasta...
ZTT: I know what pad thai is...Okay...
Me: So, could I save up my SIX bread for the day and have THREE cups of pad thai?
ZTT: No.
Me: How about I skip lunch breads and have TWO cups?
ZTT: What time is the meal?
Me: ::cough::Dinner.::cough::
ZTT: No.
Me: 1 1/2 cups? ::pouty face::
ZTT: Fine. But go for a walk after dinner.

Excited for my one and one half cups of PAD THAI tomorrow!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I am a Maniac.

Today was a big gym day. I had my free session with a personal trainer, which I opted to use to learn a good weight training regimen. I decided to go early and get 30 minutes of cardio. I learned after the fact that this is a bad idea, but it really wasn't too bad.

Okay, so cardio stats first (I took it way easy today--it was an off day and I had strength training afterward):

Calories Burned: 258
Total Miles: 1.68
Total Time: 35:00 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 122

Then I went to meet with Stacey, the personal trainer I got for my free session. She asked me what I wanted to get out of my workout, as in are there any key areas I want to beef up. I told her that I was interested in losing weight at this point. Since I get endurance training with the free weights during my T.E.A.M. Weight Loss workouts, she opted for less reps with heavier weight and on major muscle groups. Here is my plan:

Planks - 10, each held for 15 seconds with 1 second breaks in between. (This sucks. Bad.)
Lunge and Twist - Step forward in lunges with an exercise ball held out straight - 20 of these.
Balance on the Bosu Ball - This is half of an exercise ball, so it sits flat on the ground - stand on it for 30 sec to a minute, then stand one foot at a time for 15 sec.

Chest Press - 2 sets, 12 reps, 20 pounds
Chest Fly - 2 sets, 12 reps, 20 pounds

Lat Pulldown - 2 sets, 12 reps, 55 pounds
2 Arm Row - 2 sets, 12 reps, 45 pounds

Lat Raise (using dumbells) - 2 sets, 12 reps, 10 pounds
Shoulder Press - 2 sets, 12 reps, 15 pounds

Leg Press - 2 sets, 12 reps, 70 pounds

It was a good workout, I am a little sore...probably more tomorrow... I plan on doing this at least once a week and shooting for twice.

I also purchased a Heart Rate Monitor. I have been meaning to do this for some time, so I just did it today! And, of course, I got the latest and greatest! It's the Polar RS300X. What makes it awesome, you ask? Let me list the ways:

1. It sends my heart rate to the treadmill, so I never have to hold on and will always know my HR.
2. I can program in my zones, so it will flash at me when I get out of my appropriate HR zone.
3. It is cloth, so it is more comfortable and machine washable. What? Did she just say that?!!? YES. She did.
4. It clips around, I do not have to put it on over my head...
5. It works underwater. Yes, great for when I swim laps!
6. It calculates my calories burned WAY more accurate than the treadmill.
7. It does a million and thirty three other amazing things I will never learn how to do with it.

Full blog day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Man, I am tired today. I think it because I stayed up late to watch My Boys. Totally worth it! Although I may crash early tonight. My tiredness affected my speeds during the workout, although it affected my totals less than I expected...

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 563
Total Miles: 2.45
Total Time: 58:11 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 131

Monday, May 18, 2009


Yes! It is weigh-in Monday and I have lost 3 more pounds, so my total is 13 pounds gone! See ya lata, losas! (That's for the thirteen pounds...not you readers...)

I felt great during the workout today. My stats:

Calories Burned: 563
Total Miles: 2.56
Total Time: 61:38 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 130

Two other things I have noticed:
1) I have constant energy. It isn't like the energizer bunny or anything. Before I drank like a million and twelve diet cokes a day and junk food pretty much whenever I felt like it. In retrospect, I think I felt like it when my energy was down. And it provided me with an energy boost. Then it would crash again and I would have some more. Now, I feel...what's the right word?...I feel okay all day long. I am constantly eating small meals that have the right ingredients to make me feel good. And I do. The after lunch coma is gone from my life. I am very happy about this!
2) I found the most amazing turkey meatballs at the grocery store. They are Shady Brook Farms Italian-Style Turkey Meatballs. They microwave in 1:30 and are so tasty it is not even funny.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Upcoming Races!

Hmm..I forgot to post this earlier.

This week I registered for two races:

June 7: Bel Air Town Run
October 25: Marine Corp Marathon 10K

My plan is to walk the Bel Air Town Run with my girl, Lois, whilst my other girls, Andrea and Julie, run it and my other girls, Genene and, maybe, Lisa, set up an encouragement station! There *may* be funny t-shirts if inspiration strikes...

I would really love to run the entire MCM 10K in October. I feel like there is time to train. But at the very least, I will walk/run it. Again, Lois will be with well as...Tracy, Crystal, Jen, Jess, and several of Andrea's friends. Andrea and Julie will run the Marathon. Kimberly will cheer us on! Fun fun!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Appreciation for Zak the Trainer

Yesterday morning I attended the 6 AM T.E.A.M. Weight Loss class (vs. my regular 6 PM class) because I had to be in Bel Air that evening. Melissa teaches the 6 AM class. Now, I am not sure if it was because it was soooooo early in the morning or because it was actually harder...but it kicked my BUTT. But I did it! My stats fall in line with the evening class, so I am leading toward the former...

My stats:

Calories Burned: 550
Total Miles: 2.45
Total Time: 59:11 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 142

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paolo Nutini Got it Right

I bought new running shoes today! I went to Roadrunner Sports and was a little leery about going to a big chain for running shoes...I think they did ok... Jury is still out, but I like them. They have you walk barefoot on some sort of mat attached to a computer that takes some stats on your foot. Then the have you run on a treadmill and videotape your feet. They then play it back and show you how you run. As suspected, I roll in right after the impact. He confirmed that the motion control shoes I got before were a good choice (nice work, Feet First!) but they were worn and it was time to get new pair. I know, SHOCKING that he tried to sell me shoes. But that was my plan, so I was on board. After trying on five pairs, I settled on these. They are sturdy for good support, yet I feel like I am walking on cushions. LOVE it. Having said that, interestingly enough, my feet are a whole size different! I knew they were different, but ONE WHOLE SIZE?!?! My left foot is a 7.5 and my right foot is a 6.5. My running shoes are a 9. Don't ask me--I don't understand it either. The left foot is perfect, but the right foot is a touch big. This is why the jury is still out on the shoes. to my stats:

Calories Burned: 577
Total Miles: 2.54
Total Time: 60:11 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 133

And it's Wednesday, so it is food journal evaluation day. Zak the Trainer commented that my morning snack is too big. I had moved a fruit down there to take his advice on not eating fruit late at night since it is more likely to stick. I need to now move the almonds up to the evening. Done and done. Zak the Trainer also called me a bum for having breakfast at 1130 on Saturday and 1030 on Sunday. It's true. I am a bum on the weekends. :)

Also! Meghan has made the following offer and I would like to document it. ;) When I reach my healthy weight range we will FINALLY go on our sister cruise...AND she will pay! Marina is invited, but not confirmed as "in" it. Marina did call me during class today to congratulate me on the 10 pound weight loss. Zak the Trainer mocked me for being on my cell phone during class. Zak the Trainer, I cannot help it that I am so popular...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Workout Stats

Tuesdays are my workout without Zak the Trainer day. Although he did walk by without so much as smiling at me. I will *assume* that he did not see me...

My stats:

Calories Burned: 481
Total Miles: 3.14
Total Time: 63:11 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 119

Tomorrow is food journal day. I should be fine. I have done everything asked of me!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm sensing a pattern...and it isn't good for Zak the Trainer...

Today was weigh-in day! Now, I did not lose any weight last week. And I do not feel thinner. So I was preparing for the worst. As I stepped on the scale, Zak the Trainer was forced to listen to the following monologue:

I better have lost weight. I worked out five times this week AND stuck to the diet plan PERFECTLY. Last week I stayed even. And I took it in stride. I was OK with the whole muscle weighs more than fat stuff--for last week. But this is the third week. And I better have lost weight. Cause if I didn't I am gonna be so mad. Not at you. But mad. Not mad enough to quit...YET!

Zak the Trainer laughed at me (per usual) and told me I lost FOUR POUNDS! We did a high ten! I walked off the scale in victory, with my hands high in the air.

Now, some of you may recall that week 1, I also threatened Zak the Trainer. I lost 6 pounds. Last week, no threatening--no weight loss. I detect a pattern. Sorry, Zak the Trainer, sorry...but you are going to get a stern talking to each Monday...

Now for my stats:

Calories Burned: 503
Total Miles: 2.32
Total Time: 54:57 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 133

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Old People Everywhere!

I decided to go to the gym to swim late tonight because the pool lanes fill up so fast, I assumed it would be EMPTY at 11 pm. Notsomuch. There were old people everywhere! There were all walking the lanes--chatting with each other. I did not get a lane and they did not offer to walk the same lane together. So I went over to the family pool which had one short lane and used it. I cannot compare my lap times since the length is different. :( Thanks a lot, old people...

I swam for ~30 minutes. It was good.

Friday, May 8, 2009

THAT'S Why I Didn't Like my Trainer...

Today I learned that Zak the trainer is an avid Yankees fan. ::shivers of disgust:: I plan on wearing a "Real Women Don't Date Yankees Fans" T-shirt one of these days to class. It only has to arrive in the mail...

Today I felt yuckers. My stomach was off and I was tired. But the workout went well! And I am back to being tired again, but at least no worse off! :)


Calories Burned: 516
Total Miles: 2.19
Total Time: 56:35 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 136

I plan on swimming late tomorrow night, then taking Sunday off!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


::sigh:: Well, I did earn a nickname from my trainer... The story...

Today certainly lived up to its nickname: Hump Day. Work was meh. I went to the gym and went to get changed from my nice clothes (I dress up on Wednesdays for one particular weekly meeting with 'important people'). I didn't see my shoes toward the top of the bag (you *may* see where this is going), so I assumed I put my workout clothes on TOP of them. I lifted the bag and it felt kind of light....hmm....Where ARE my shoes? ::ding:: By my front door. Awesome. And I didn't even wear my casual sneakers that I wear the other SIX days of the week, no, I wore dress shoes. Doh! So, I put on my gym socks and trudged upstairs to the workout floor. When my trainer arrived, I asked him if I could still participate. When he finished laughing at me, he said no. I used my powers of negotiation (and the fact that another trainer was there who mentioned the fact that I signed a waiver and they couldn't stop me) to get him to allow me participate in my socks.

Now, on Wednesdays T.E.A.M. Fitness uses the treadmills with us and Zak the trainer loves to use it as an excuse to be competitive. What I mean by this is he says things like, "Hmm, T.E.A.M. Fitness is on an incline of 10.0, I think *WE* should go to 12.0. Let's go, T.E.A.M. Weight Loss!" I love it when he does this. ::head shaking from side to side slowly for effect:: Today, Zak the trainer decided to attempt to shame them by pointing out that HE had a member who was SOOOOOO dedicated she participated even without her shoes. T.E.A.M. Fitness was impressed. Zak the trainer was glad, and I couldn't have that, so I said, "Actually, it's not so much dedication, as the fact that I prepaid for these sessions....Sorry, I'm cheap!" ::grin::

But in all reality, part of it was that it was prepaid, but part was that I didn't want to miss it. This is important to me. And I think that that is awesome! I am really excited about this!

My feet may have blisters developing. Mild ones, but the socks rubbed. But they are victory blisters!!!

So, my stats (keep in mind I took it easy so I didn't fly off the treadmill in my socks):

Calories Burned: 468
Total Miles: 2.04
Total Time: 55:48 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 138

Oh! And Zak the trainer's new nickname for me: Shoeless Joe. I love it. NOT. ;)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tired Day.

Today was a tired day at the gym, but I still did's a victory in itself.

I decided that I was going to do an hour on the treadmill and, at least for the first 30 minutes, do the 5K startup plan of walk 90 seconds, run 60 seconds. I got thirteen and a half minutes in and I accidentally pulled the emergency stop cord out. Oops. My ankles and outsides of my calves (not sure the muscle name) were VERY sore, so I decided to abandon that plan. I walked for 5 minutes at an incline of 2.0, then every minute increased by 2, so to 4.0, then 6,0 up to 12.0, then I walked at 2.0 for 5 minutes again and repeated.

My stats:

Calories Burned: 468
Total Miles: 2.29
Total Time: 50:53 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: Forgot to take it...

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Treadmill Spited Me...

Today was a T.E.A.M. Weight Loss day. It was a weigh in and they also checked the body fat composition. I have no history for the body fat, so there is no ability to measure change there. But I have been weighing in...and I stayed even. I am disappointed but trying not to be for good reasons. Allow me to enumerate them:

1. I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but then not on Thursday-Sunday because I was at Emmaus all weekend.
2. I tried to eat healthy on the weekend by buying my own food and bringing it up. Healthy food typically needs a refrigerator, so I packaged it up by day and put it in the fridge. On Saturday morning, the fridge was dead. So I tried my best to portion control, but camp food is carb-heavy.
3. I didn't gain any weight!!!
4. It is my second week. It is very common in the first month to break even because you are gaining muscle as you lose weight.
5. There was a noticeable difference when I put on my laundry-day-jeans. :)

So...::sigh:: and move on.

The workout started and we were chugging along and we got up to an incline of 9.0 on the treadmill. It was a few minutes and when it was over, Zak told us to lower the incline to 4.0. I did that...and the treadmill inclined to the highest incline it can.
I was all: Um, Zak...Um, ZAK! Look at my treadmill!
Zak came over and accused me of raising the incline when the screen clearly read 4.0. As he was fiddling with it, I was still chugging away at like an incline of 13.0, I was yelling: Save me! Save me, Zak! (Partially to be funny, partially because it was kicking my tookus!)
Zak laughed and said: Hey! I didn't do this.
To which I responded with: GASP! Did you? Do you have some way of doing it remotely to punish me for not losing weight?!?!?
Zak: Ha. No. The treadmill must just be spiting you.

We turned it off and I found a new treadmill.

My stats for today:

Calories Burned: 427
Total Miles: 2.16
Total Time: 52:50 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: Forgot to take it...