Friday, June 19, 2009

Extra Spunky!

Zak the Trainer called me 'Extra Spunky' today. And I was. It's Friday. We had our work picnic today, so I was already in a relaxed state and the sun tires you out, you know? And everyone else, including Zak the Trainer, was tired. Zak the Trainer kept telling us we had to be more talkative and energetic because he needed it. So I was. And today, everybody was laughing. It was really fun. And you know me, I love being the center of attention. ::grin::

Here are my stats:

Calories Burned: 635 (treadmill); 598 (HR)
Total Miles: 2.98
Total Time: 62:41 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: Forgot to take it...

And there's another thing... Soooooooo, for about three weeks now I have been curious about something. You see, for three hours a week, I have nothing to do on the treadmill but look at Zak the Trainer. And as his profession is one of fitness, I am curious as to the muscular make-up of Zak the Trainer. In particular, I am quite curious about his pectorals. Depending on the shirt he wears, he looks cut or flabby. So I have been debating the following options: 1) letting it go (not likely); 2) tripping and falling onto his chest, palms facing out (a la Sam); 3) flat out asking him (my idea); or 4) just walking up, poking his chest, then walking away (a la Steve). Today, at the end of class, I opted for option 3). It went something like this:

Me: Hey, Zak! So, we're close right? Could I ask you something that could potential ruin our trainer-trainee relationship forever by making it very awkward???
ZTT: <look of terror on his face> Okaa-a-a-a-aaay.
Me: class we cannot have headphones and the TVs are so far away, I have a lot of time to stare at you. And I have been pondering how physically fit you are. I mean, don't get me wrong, when you workout with us, I am impressed, so I know you are strong, but like, your chest in particular. I just cannot tell if it is rock hard or if the muscle has a little....padding?
ZTT: <gasps in horror and covers his chest with his arms> I feel so violated!
Me: No! No! it's not like that, I am just curious... <bright red face with innocent smile>
::I should note at this point that our entire class, and another trainer were watching this::
ZTT: <walks over to my treadmill and sticks his chest at me and says...> Go ahead, touch it.
Me: What? No. OKAY! <poke> Hmm, what I expected. (there's some padding, but impressive nonetheless) So, me and some guys at work have been discussing this and well, we had three scenarios. (At this point I outline the trip and fall, the random poke and my chosen method)
ZTT: You should have just come up and poked me.
Me: You'd have been okay with that?!?! Good to know for next time...
::At this point, I zone out of the conversation in embarassment for a few seconds, only to be sucked back in by the following comment::
Melissa (the other trainer): I would have guessed half and half?
Me: What are we talking about? Zak's man boobs? Yeah. That's accurate. They were a bit doughy.
ZTT: <face goes from smiling to sadness> Guess I know where I'll be this weekend: on the machines working my chest.
Me: <run away>

And! One more thing. Zak the Trainer's birthday is next Wednesday and I have been wanting to do something cheap and funny for him and I just had no inspiration. Until today! When it struck! I am going to make a t-shirt to wear that day (a la Meghan's 27th birthday - picture below) saying something about his birthday to embarass him. He'll love it!

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