Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Guidelines for Italy

So I met briefly with Zak the Trainer today. He regrettably had to cancel our session, but still met with me for about 15 minutes to discuss my workouts for the week and the Italy plan. I am sorry he had to cancel (I really do look forward to it all week), but feel like I am the big winner because I now get an additional session (Oct 27) to make up for today!!! Score!

So, I will begin with this week's assignments:

Wednesday: 60 minutes of cardio; intervals: 5 minutes in zone 2, 5 minutes in zone 3, repeat 5 times. Zone 3 intervals should be jogging.
Thursday: Strength Circuit, 30 minutes of cardio; incline of 6.0-8.0, zones 2 & 3, maintain a speed of 3 or 3.2mph the entire time.

The Strength Circuit (which I did today and will repeat Thursday):

FM Squats, 100 lbs
FM Chest Press, 25 lbs
Seated Leg Curls, 75 lbs
Compound Row, 75 lbs (but I had to do 80 today because the stick thing for the weights was broken...)
Chest Fly, 50 lbs
Bar Tricep Pushdown, 25 lbs
Bar Bicep Curls, 20 lbs
Shoulder Press, 20 lbs

Now for the exercise plan in Italy. These should be done at least 4 days, if I do all 8 I "get a prize". Of COURSE I am going to do it everyday. I LOVE prizes!!! Here is the "Hotel Workout Routine":

Modified Pushups - 3 x 10-15 reps
Body Weights Squats - 3 x 15-20 reps
Toe Touches - 3 x 10-15 reps
Mountain Climbers - 3 x 10-15 reps (each leg)
Planks - 3 x 30-40 seconds
Alternating Lunges - 3 x 10-15 reps (each leg)

Wow, Zak! So thorough...but he was not done. The workout paper has a note on the bottom corner: Flip For Food. ::deep breath:: Writing covers the entire back of the page. ::sigh::

Executive Summary of the Food Plan:

Breakfast: good protein source, healthy carbs, minimal fats. Avoid carb dense foods and high sugar as best as possible.
Lunch: good protein source, fruits/veggies, healthy carbs, some fat. Let this be your biggest meal so you have time to burn off what you ate during the day and be conservative with the bread.
Dinner: good protein source, veggies, portion carbs, limit fats. Try to go more protein and veggie happy here and limit carbs and fats as best you can.
Snacks: nuts (almonds best), fruit, yogurt (if you can), bars (if you can). Try your best to get the snacks in during your trip, you can go as basic as fruit or nuts to keep up your metabolism.
Notes: I know the bread will be amazing but try to exercise portion control. Remember wine and liquor count so try not to drink too much (especially late at night). Pasta, it's Italy so I know it is going to happen but remember..portion control and avoid heavy sauces.

Yes, Zak, I will try my "best". :) And I can definitely handle the alcohol thing--won't be drinking much at all, if any. The pasta... ... ... ...we'll see.

Also, I weighed in with Zak. I lost one pound for a total of 44!!!! Woo hoo! Not what I wanted, but as Amanda kept saying: It's like week 2 of the Biggest Loser...it's always a small loss!!! That's what Jillian would tell you. Also, Zak the Trainer sneak attack yelled at me. He asked me in such a pleasant tone of voice what my middle name was. Then he pulled out the full-name-scold for being upset about it--something he does surprisingly well. :)

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