Monday, August 3, 2009

Nearly Slid Down the Slippery-Slope

Well, was a close one today. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. WRONG side. I was cranky and grumpy and tired ALL DAY (Sorry, Sam!)!!! I actually left work a little early to maybe power nap before the gym. But not really early enough, so when I got home, I decided that I was going to email in sick to TEAM. Shocking! I know! You thought you knew me!!! You thought I was dedicated!!! Who *is* this slacker?!?!

Well, 5 pm rolled around, I was still tired. But I thought of my friend Amanda who once said that a trainer told her that anyone can do anything for one minute. I agree. And I can do this for one hour. It may be a long, miserable hour. But I can do it. So I went.

When I got there I brought my earphones and iPhone (which I never do--because Zak the Trainer didn't like it when people listened to music last cycle, but hasn't said anything this cycle...) with the intention of being grumpy, rocking out and enduring it. Oh--and holding onto the treadmill whenever I darned well pleased.

Well, weigh-in came around and I informed Zak the Trainer of my cranky-pants status. And I lost a pound. I won't lie, this cheered me up a bit. I then got on the treadmill, turned on my music and began to rock it. I put only one earbud in so I could still hear Zak the Trainer. But instead of drudging through it, I kind of rocked it. :) I only held onto the treadmill for a combined total of only 2 minutes. I really think that the music is a great idea! I may do this more often. I was still able to participate and interact in class, yet I was really kicking the treadmill's tookus!

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 518 (Treadmill)/512 (HR Monitor)
Total Miles: 2.63
Total Time: 54:43 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 123

So, you all must be wondering about the 3 to 1 odds and the push-ups. Did Zak the trainer "pansy out" as a certain blogging exercise machine may have speculated? Here is how it went down:

ZTT: So, you all lost a total of 11 pounds, so I have to do 33 push-ups.
Me: With claps, right?
ZTT: <silence>
ZTT: <silence>
Me: It's cool. You don't have to do them. But I *did* blog post--on the interwebs--that you would pansy out and not do I would like to state that I was right. And it was documented.

Kudos to Zak the trainer--who did all 33 push-ups--with claps. ::grin::

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot! I can't tell how how many times I have motivated myself my thinking "I can stay strong and do anything for one minute". Glad it works with you too!
