Monday, August 10, 2009

My Big Strong Trainer

So, I chose to go to the gym vs. do my laundry today. Considering that I am going to Tampa for 2 days, this is probably a bad choice. I have enough to stretch me til I get home Wednesday night, but Thursday morning is in the vast wasteland of the unknown. :) It may be a late Wednesday night.

Anyways, glad I went. I was able to weigh in and I lost two pounds (35 total)! Now, the weigh in was at 10 am which is much earlier than my normal 6 pm weigh in, so that may account for one of the pounds, but whatever! I will take it... AND, the fact that I did not gain from the Chrysalis weekend is stinkin' awesome!!!

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 538 (Treadmill)/546 (HR Monitor)
Total Miles: 2.52
Total Time: 54:03 (including cool down)
Ending Heart Rate: 127

Melissa taught the 10 am class. It was a good class--a little rough because I missed Friday, hydrated a lot less this weekend and am exhausted (Tangent: my body is apparently used to less than 6 hours of sleep each night--here's to being wide awake at 6:30 am today). During the cool down Zak the Trainer showed up. We had previously discussed Zak the Trainer and how he does push ups for the evening class. I suggested that Zak the Trainer do the push-ups (with claps) for each pound I lost. The other women in the class talked him into doing it for all of us. It was only fifteen push ups and he did them with claps! It was fun. I told him he was my big strong trainer. I think he secretly loves that...

Missing Wednesday's class, but back on Friday. If there is a pool at my hotel, I may try to do laps tonight and/or tomorrow night. IMYA. :)

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