Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 2 Update

Wow, blog fans! This is waaaaaay better than I expected! I am not going to say it' "easy" but from all I had researched on the topic, I was quite worried about the pain!!!

Yesterday was my surgery--it was all pretty uneventful. They gave my some IV painkillers before I was sent home. I took the stairs to the basement one at a time, slowly, and made it to my awesome medical recliner to get cozy and comfy.

My strategy was to immediately get some food in my stomach so that I could take a Percocet without getting sick. Well, my mouth was all messed up from the anesthesia and eating was not going well so I did not eat much. I immediately got sick. My surgeon was very interested in me not getting sick as he had sewn my stomach muscles together and that risks tearing the internal stitches. I got sick again about 6 hours later. My mom thinks it was my body getting rid of the effects of anesthesia. I got scared enough to not take more than just the one Percocet. I slept the night last night pain medicine free.

I called the surgeon today and we agreed that Tylenol was an acceptable alternative because--shockingly--the pain is not horrible and he really doesn't want me getting sick.

I am so so so happy that Tylenol only seems to be managing this!!!! Let's just hope it continues getting better and better!!!

I go see my surgeon tomorrow! I am a bit nervous because I like not messing with the binder/gauze/wounds at all. They are in there all snug as a bug in a rug and I like it that way, but I suppose it must be done!!!

Thanks for all the support! I may just make it through this...

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