Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 23: Exercising Again!

Today I went for a walk! Yes, walking is all I am permitted to do before 6 weeks is up. I have been feeling pretty good and so I decided that I would try to walk anywhere from 30-60 minutes today. Before anyone gets all yell-y at me, I brought a book and read while walking--this should give you an idea of my pace!

I went for 57 minutes and 51 seconds, also known as 5 chapters in my book. It was fairly brisk outside, but not too cold!

Around 15 minutes, I felt a very light soreness in that weird spot to the right of my belly button up just a little. It went away quickly. Around 20 minutes, my leg muscles started to feel a little sore. YES, I am so out of shape that WALKING for a mere TWENTY fatigues my leg muscles. But I kept walking and feel fine now that I am done.

According to mapmyrun, I went 2.83 miles, giving me a pace of 20:26 per mile. Yup, think I took it easy enough. :)

I was contemplating walking tomorrow too, but decided that if I am truly "easing" back into things, I should probably let me body rest tomorrow. I will shoot for another walk early next week.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 Weeks Later--Halfway Done Recovery!!!

It's time for the 3 week update! I posted a new picture to the album. I only posted one picture because I feel like the profile view and back view really haven't changed that much. But the scar is healing a lot and looks a lot less red! So I posted a picture of that. Also, the swelling is beginning to go down a little and my hips are making the funniest shapes! The picture doesn't totally do it justice but you can tell a little. I am not sure if that is just how swelling goes down in general or if the lipo messes with it (i.e. the areas that were lipo-ed act a bit differently), but I have weird-shaped hips. :) I assume that when all the swelling goes down this will change, but who knows!!!

Also, I took measurements. Waist: 35"; Hips: 41". From last week, the waist stayed the same and the hips shrank a 1/2". This is odd to me because I am in jeans that I did not choose to wear last week because I thought they would put pressure on the wound and today there is no pressure--so obviously the waist is slimming. Maybe I don't measure right??? Or maybe it is accurate and there are other factors for the fitting of the jeans? In any case, I am very pleased with the progress!!!

The wound is still swollen and sore, but less so daily. It hurts fairly bad for a second or two when I cough or sneeze. I am working VERY hard to preemptively shut these bodily functions down before they occur! Also, laughing *really* hard makes the wound sore. More so the right side than the left. My speculation is that either the swelling is worse on one side or the nerves have not healed as well on the left. But again, I am no medical expert!!!

Another odd pain (which has already passed--but in the first few weeks) is when I "overdid it" I would have a pain in my abdomen to the right of my belly button up a little higher. There was no work down there (or so I think) and so I was confused. I was talking to Amanda F. about this and she was telling me something HCL told her once. When you fatigue your primary muscles, your secondary muscles kick in to pick up some of the slack. It may be the case that using that muscle triggers something that hurts because of the surgery but I just don't use it often because it is a secondary muscle. Again, complete non-expert speculation--but I like it and it seems to may some sense.

On an unrelated note, I am getting antsy to buy new clothes--but I shall keep waiting. :)

Ok. Back to recovering! I should have another update next Thursday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I've Made It a Whole Two Weeks!!!

Wow. It has been two weeks since my surgery. By way of updates:

1) Photographic: for people who are visual-thinkers

New photos have been uploaded to the album. Bear in mind, I am still super swollen. But, like I have been saying to EVERYONE I talk to, if I stay like this (which I won't) I'd be super happy!!!! The change--even swollen--is just amazing! Here is the link to the album.

2) Statistics: for the math nerd in all of us

Devon took measurements the night before my surgery. I measured today. My waist went from 39 3/4" down to 35" today. My hips went from 42 3/4" to 41 1/2". And I am still very swollen (I know I keep saying that), so I am interested to see how this trends. I plan on taking these measurements weekly on Thursdays--if I remember. :) Total changes should be completed 6 months from the surgery, so...September 3rd-ish.

3) Emotional: for the touchy-feely-gushy and non-dead-inside people

I'm feeling good! I have worked "short days" all week--between 6 and 7 hours. I come home and am definitely tired and need to just sit for the remainder of the evening (after chores like dishes, laundry, etc...).

I have a new nightly routine for those curious. Around 7:30 or 8pm I put lotion on my mid-section (front and back) and massage it. This is supposed to stop scar-tissue from forming on the lipo areas and the lotion helps hydrate because my surgeon says lipo can mess up your sweat glands. I also spend some quality lotion time on my scars themselves (my surgeon says this helps them heal less ugly--meh, it's worth a try). Then I leave my compression garment off for the night. I like to do it approximately one hour before bed because when I take it off the blood begins to rush back into that area and laying on it can be painful. Having said that, this morning I was able to toss and turn and roll in my bed like I usually do without serious pain!!!!! It was just sore like a light bruise. This whole week it had been more like a bad bruise when I changed my rolling position in bed. This is GREAT for my sleeping!!!! YAY for healing!!!!

I am *really* enjoying wearing clothes now. Especially clothes that I used to be self-conscious in. I have basically worn outfits that I felt awkward in pre-surgery all week to work. I walk around with more pep in my step, naturally. Every day it feels like I am walking around with a new haircut--you all know what I mean, right?--I feel like I finally look how I worked so hard to be by losing nearly 100 pounds. And THAT is a great feeling!!!

4) Summary

I look good, lost inches and feel great! Also, the support I continue to receive from my family and friends is overwhelming!!!! I am so loved and I definitely know and appreciate it!!!!

Next update in one week for sure, if not sooner!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 9 Update

Today I went back to the surgeon to have the final stitches removed! I feel like recovery is mostly done now...which is silly because I have like 5 weeks left, but it is simple-take-it-easy recovery. I am "out of the weeds" so to speak.

Here is what is new that I DON'T have to do anymore:

1) No stitches!!!!
2) No more gauze at all!
3) No more need to wash the wound with povidone-iodine! (YAY!!!!!)
4) No spanx at night!

Here is what I DO need to do:

1) Wear spanx during the day for 4 months (to end on July 3rd--oh yes, it is on my calendar!).
2) Apply lotion to my abdomen and back daily.
3) Take fluid pills every Monday/Wednesday/Friday until they are gone--I have a prescription of 50 pills.
4) Finish out the antibiotics.

I feel like I am in easy-land. :) I go back to check in with the surgeon again in 6 weeks, but since I am getting my arms done on April 9th, we'll check in then!!!! I think my official after pictures will be taken then--but I will not be posting them as the surgeon and I have different ideas of what "covering my delicates" means!!!!!!

I drove today and was out and about for a couple hours and feel fine. This make me optimistic about going back to work on Monday. Also, I wore "real people clothes today" (jeans and a tshirt). I intentionally wore baggy jeans so there is no pressure on my wound and I wore a tshirt that I used to be self-conscious in. Not any more!!!!! :) I would post a picture, but every time I try to photograph what I see in person, it does not do my new body justice! Oh! Also, I weighed myself at the surgeon's office and (without shoes on) I was 13 pounds lighter than March 3rd!!! CRAZY! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 6 Update and a New Photo

Blog Readers!!! I am *very* happy to report that I met with my surgeon for the second time and that everything is going SUPER WELL!!!! I am so so so so so so so so so so so very happy with my recovery so far!

My surgical drains were removed!!!! Also, he removed alternating stitches. The remainder of the stitches will be removed on Friday.

Another surgery/recovery update is that I did not take any pain medication until just before my 4:20 pm appointment today. I only took it then in case the aforementioned drain and stitch removal was painful. It was definitely uncomfortable. I guess it maybe hurt--but not too bad. He had me take in a deep breath and exhale hard while he removed the drains--a technique I am quite pleased with!

Things that have changed since the appointment today:

1) I am allowed to shower!!! (But am a bit worried about it still...may wait another day or two...)
2) I am restarting blood thinning medication today. Shall we all rejoice together?!?!? YAY!!!!!!!!
3) I have to take a fluid pill 3x/week for a while. Apparently this will make me have an insane need to use the restroom within 30 minutes of ingestion. Awesome. :)
4) I can officially switch from the binder (the binder is a tight, white velcro thing that sucks my abdomen in to reduce swelling) to a pair of Spanx (or something similar). Meghan will go purchase me some tomorrow.

Well, that's my update! Oh! Also, Meghan took a photo of my new back while we were at the doctor's office. I added it to the picasa album located here.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 3 Update...with Photos...Gulp...

Hello blog fans. I have to say, writing this post has been a struggle for me. Who wants to show the before pictures? Who wants to show the body they were so unhappy with they took out a used car loan to fix it and get a "do-over" to start again and this time, live healthier?

Yes, I am ashamed that I lived 27 years without fitness as any bit of a priority in my life. I am ashamed that I weighed 251 pounds. I am ashamed that I had that amount of loose skin.


I am very proud of the work that I have put in to get to this point. I am very proud of my determination. I am very proud of my healthier lifestyle. I am also blown away by not only the amount of support I have been given, but also by the stories I have heard from so many of you about how my journey has inspired you. It is for *these* reasons that I have decided to post my pictures. And I will post as I go. Part of me wanted to wait until the swelling was gone and make sure I was happy with the results before I posted the dreaded "before" pictures, but then I remembered that this blog is to inspire others and to share MY story--whatever that story may be. So, I am posting... I am posting for the friends who have followed me and cheered me on. I am posting for the friends who are considering this at some point in their life as well. I am posting for the stranger who happened upon this page and just wants to know what it's like and what it looks like! I. Am. Posting. GULP.

I have decided to link to a picasa web album because I don't feel it appropriate to post the post-surgery pictures to a public blog. However, anyone who is reading this can choose to view them. Currently, there are 5 pictures: Before (front, back and each side) and one after picture from today. FAIR WARNING: the pictures from today are swollen stitches and include my surgical drain (with goop in it). View at your own risk. There are no after photos of the back because we didn't take any, but my surgeon did say that Beyonce herself would be jealous of my new curves!!! ;) THE LINK TO THE PHOTOS!!!!

Remember, the difference is 6 pounds of skin removed and 1500 ccs of fat (mainly from the back, I believe) which equates to about 3/4 of a 2-liter soda bottle!!! YOWSAS!

As for my first post-surgery appointment today--it went great! My surgeon said I was healing above average and with my attitude it should go fine! What a compliment!!! Also, you may notice in my gross photo that I have zero goop seeping from any of my wounds! I have NO idea why this is going so well, but I am NOT complaining!

My next surgeon check-up is Tuesday. Will probably take more photos then, but no promises!

If you do view the photos, be nice!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 2 Update

Wow, blog fans! This is waaaaaay better than I expected! I am not going to say it' "easy" but from all I had researched on the topic, I was quite worried about the pain!!!

Yesterday was my surgery--it was all pretty uneventful. They gave my some IV painkillers before I was sent home. I took the stairs to the basement one at a time, slowly, and made it to my awesome medical recliner to get cozy and comfy.

My strategy was to immediately get some food in my stomach so that I could take a Percocet without getting sick. Well, my mouth was all messed up from the anesthesia and eating was not going well so I did not eat much. I immediately got sick. My surgeon was very interested in me not getting sick as he had sewn my stomach muscles together and that risks tearing the internal stitches. I got sick again about 6 hours later. My mom thinks it was my body getting rid of the effects of anesthesia. I got scared enough to not take more than just the one Percocet. I slept the night last night pain medicine free.

I called the surgeon today and we agreed that Tylenol was an acceptable alternative because--shockingly--the pain is not horrible and he really doesn't want me getting sick.

I am so so so happy that Tylenol only seems to be managing this!!!! Let's just hope it continues getting better and better!!!

I go see my surgeon tomorrow! I am a bit nervous because I like not messing with the binder/gauze/wounds at all. They are in there all snug as a bug in a rug and I like it that way, but I suppose it must be done!!!

Thanks for all the support! I may just make it through this...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tummy Tuck Eve...

Tomorrow is the big day. I am as prepared as I can be. I only cried once and luckily it was in front of Devon. ::sarcasm:: He handled it well...

The surgery is at 8am tomorrow morning. I hope to post periodically, but am making no promises! There are a LOT of factors at play in my recovery!

I've worked so hard and waited so long--I cannot believe it is actually happening!!!

Off to go wash with povidone-iodine (GROSS!)!