Today I got a free massage at the gym. It was awesome. :)
I also went swimming. I was going to do cardio, but after a massage it just seemed wrong. I swam for 30 minutes taking ~1 minute breaks between each lap. My average lap was 2 minutes and 15 seconds. It probably sounds very slow to whoever is reading this. It is. But it is my time. I am 6 seconds faster than my swimming on the 18th. So, improvement is good.
Also, from a food point of view, today was great. I was at a friend's house during lunch time and she had bought pizza and I ate a piece and was able to fit it into my meal plan for the day. Then I went out to dinner at
Chilis Too. Did you know that Chilis Too does not have any vegetables?!?!?!! Here is the conversation between me and the waiter:
Me: I don't see any vegetables on the menu. Do you have a vegetable of the day or roasted vegetables or something like that?
Waiter: No.
Me: Huh. Nothing?
Waiter: No. This is a Chilis Too.
Me: ::stunned silence::
So I ordered the Steak Fajitas with extra peppers to boost my vegetable count for the day. Not only did it fit perfectly into my meal plan, but it was DELICIOUS. Surprisingly so.
I feel like today was a big victory. I did not pre-plan my meals for the day or eat them all at home and met my diet goals!!! Good day!