Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Over There!

Faithful Blog Friends!

It has happened. I need to make some physical closure to my weight loss journey. I set a goal, I reached it. It's been two years. I'm putting a bow on it, I'm sticking a fork in it--it's done.

I need to separate myself from "Need to Lose Weight" Erin and "Living Healthily" Erin.

A tangible way of doing that is wrapping up this blog and starting a new one. So I did! It's not goodbye, it's see you over there! And by "there," I mean here. :)

So long! And thanks for all the fish! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lifted For the 1st Time in 8 Weeks!!!

Administrative Note

I am considering ending my blog writing days. I was actually very close to doing it--didn't even post my cardio yesterday. I feel like it has run its course; I lost the weight, I struggled with maintenance, I debated the surgeries, I got the surgeries, I recovered from the surgeries, I still struggle with maintenance... But Liz today said I should "do it for me and no one else." So, I am going to keep posting. But no promises it will be funny, or even interesting! I do like having a log accessible from anywhere the internet is. :)

Yesterday's cardio

I did the gradual build workout again. I think I may make it my standard Monday workout. I like routine. :) Last week I started at 3.0 mph but had to reduce it down to 2.5 mph at the 10.% incline. This week...I made it 3.0 mph the whole time!!! It kicked my hiney--but I did it! Recall that I was doing 3.5 mph before, but I am still building back up. :)

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 413 (Treadmill)
Time: 42:00 (with 2 minute cool down)
Distance: 2.07 miles

Today: My First Session with HCL!

So, first things first: I wore my arm compression garment while lifting. Yes, I *did* look that cool. :) We started by weighing in and taking body fat and lots of tape measure inch measurements. Liz's tape measure is just as hard core as she is--it's retractable! She offered to print out my number. Um, YES PLEASE! I LOVE STATS! But then I never got them from her. :( I will say that I am down SIX POUNDS from last Monday. Woot. Woot. It's probably mostly water weight--but I'll take it. :)

Now, the lifting. Liz wanted to do a full body thing to evaluate my current post-surgery state. It was hard. I will be in a WORLD of pain tomorrow. And am in some right now. But overall, I feel good about the session:

Lat Pulldowns: 60 lbs, 12 reps; 65 lbs, 10 reps; 55 lbs, 10 reps (worked on form the last set)
SA Low Row: 30 lbs, 12 reps; 35 lbs, 12 reps; 40 lbs, 12 reps
Incline DB Press: 17.5 lb DBs, 15 reps; 25 lb DBs, 12 reps; 30 lb DBs, 12 reps
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: 25 lbs 15 reps; 25 lbs, 12 reps; 25 lbs, 12 reps
BB Squats: 85 lbs, 15 reps; 95 lbs 10 reps; 95 lbs, 5 reps
Lying Leg Curls: 50 lbs, 15 reps; 60 lbs, 15 reps; 70 lbs 15 reps
Seated Leg Extensions: 40 lbs, 15 reps; 50 lbs, 15 reps

It's hard to say what was the hardest. We started with back because the leg stuff was all being used. Doing the two back exercises definitely fatigued my arms (probably because I use my arms too much--at least that's what Liz says). By then time we got to shoulder press, my arms were done. :) The BB squats were easy at first. I thought I could wow and impress Liz with my form (this is something I've worked very hard on). I got really low. She wanted lower. She got a box. when a trainer gets a box, it forces you to go lower. This is because your butt should kiss the box and then you should push your body back up. Boxes are pure hell to me. Liz got THE SMALLEST BOX AT LIFETIME. I swear it's only a foot high. She must have seen my face so she got a weight plate and threw it on top. Thanks for the extra 2" Liz... She spotted me and I was actually quite surprised that I was capable of doing it. The first one was shaky--had to get the right neurons firing--then I was very pleased with my success!!! Until I started getting dizzy and feeling slightly nauseous. I had to wait for several seconds until I no longer felt dizzy or like I was going to vomit in between reps. That is why the last set only had 5 reps. Even given this apparent failure, I still see the whole session as a success! I am easing back in and I feel really good about it.

Now, will I be able to walk tomorrow? Certainly not. :)

Next workout: cardio tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not Much To Report

Did 30 minutes on the cross-trainer today. Stats:

Calories Burned: 305 (Cross-Trainer)
Time: 30:00
Distance: 3.28 miles

Also, my Aunt Rachel joined me! That was fun! I always love working out with someone and getting to show them around my (and hopefully soon-to-be her) gym!

And I should probably note that I have been eating well ever since Liz's email on Monday. It's been two days. Soon to be three. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Want To Magically Be in Good Shape Again!!!

Man, "easing" back in stinks. I hate feeling out of shape. I hate huffing and puffing on easier cardio than I was handling fine before. But I need to just get over it. It'll take some time. And I'll get back there. I hope. Not everyone can be like Amanda J. who claims after her 6 weeks off, she's running faster than ever. ...

Today I decided to do the gradual build workout. I thought it would be a nice way to push myself in a not horrible way. Recall that gradual build is when I do 5 minute intervals for 40 minutes on the treadmill, starting at 2.0% and increasing by 2.0% each time up to 14.0%. The last interval is the "cool down" at 9.0%. I was doing 3.5 mph walking because as Liz told my "legs are strong" but since I am coming back I tried it out at 3.0 mph. Somewhere in the 10.% interval, I was dying and lowered the speed to 2.5 mph. Also, I shamefully must admit that I held onto the treadmill for about 30 seconds and then a little bit later for 10 seconds before I downed the speed. Shameful!!!

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 403 (Treadmill)
Distance: 1.96 miles
Time: 43:09 (I cooled down at a reasonable incline after the 40 minutes was up as well)

I am glad to feel my muscles again. I really missed the feeling of having had a good workout while walking out of the car to go get my mail. It's hard to explain but there is something about freshly worked muscles that feels good. It's not painful (yet), but just affirms that you overcame the lazy couch potato inside of you and won the fitness battle that day. I missed it and am glad to have it back. :)

On an unrelated note, Liz emailed me today. So, she told me to keep a food log and email it to her once a week. I asked if it had to be *good* food choices, she must not have heard me because she answered, "Just write it all down for now." So I did. I wrote down every donut, every slice of pizza, every candy bar...and emailed it to her on Saturday night. She wrote back today. Oh. My. TERRIFYING. She let me have it. She also made some excellent points between the curse words and threat to break my fingers. I'm glad she did it--petrified to see her next to be sure, but glad. You'd better believe my butt will be getting back into gear for the near future...

Next workout: tomorrow or Thursday, cardio. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

It's been a deep-in-thought-decisiony-type week. You all read my post from Monday about the changes and information I have been processing now that I am back at the gym. From Monday to Tuesday I thought long and hard about what I want/need to be successful. I came to the conclusion that the sun was setting on my professional training relationship with Devon. For the sake of full disclosure on the blog, here were the key factors in the decision:

Reasons to Stay Training With Devon:
1) Devon is an excellent trainer.
2) Devon is excellent at training me.
3) Devon knows me--the good, the bad and the ugly.
4) I have had 16 months of more or less success with Devon.
5) I like Devon as a person and enjoy spending time training with him.

Reasons to Get a New Trainer:
1) I am the type of person who needs to change things up periodically.
2) I am comfortable with Devon and so do not always heed his advice/respect him. (Read: I can be so whiny and complainy.)
3) I feel that going from the challenge of friend lifting weekly to bi-weekly regular trainer sessions is a step backward for *me*. The reason we started friend lifting in the first place was because I needed to change things up (See reason #1) and this was a great way to do it.
4) The diet support from Devon, although sound and well thought out, is not working for me regularly.

So, I thought about who, if anyone else, I would like to train with. Out of all the lifetime trainers that I know something about there is only one other person I feel has the same knowledge and expertise that Devon does: The One. The Only. Hard Core Liz.

Check out those shoulder muscles...Wowsas!!!

So, some of you may recall that HCL once told me (and several of my friends at various other times) that she would (and I quote) never train me. So, when I called her on Tuesday to broach the subject I informed her that I did, in fact, know what that meant, but also wanted to know if she would consider changing her mind. I truly believe that if I try to pull any monkey business by way of not giving it my all or having a bad attitude, she WILL drop me as a client. I have no doubt about that. I feel that fear will motivate me to bring it the same way friend lifting did with Devon. I knew I had to step up on those days because I wasn't paying him and so if I was not bringing it, he could end the fun at any moment. And I brought it. Every time.

On Wednesday, I called Devon and discussed my thought process with him. He was very supportive. He said that my needs are changing and he likened it to me saying: Devon, I want to be trained in Pilates. Devon doesn't do Pilates so of course I would go to someone else. He says this is the same thing. I told him "It's not you, it's me" and (unlike times I have used this line in the past) I meant it. Devon agreed that HCL was the best choice for me and told me I can still come to him with questions and stuff. How sweet. He even said he was going to have a meeting with HCL to fill her in on his lessons learned with me. :)

That brings me to today. I met with HCL to discuss my needs/wants and her stance on my attitude. We talked about goals and my emotional eating. We planned our way ahead. I'm VERY excited for this new beginning. My first session with HCL will be the first week I can lift again, on Tuesday, May 3rd. Mark your calendars, friends. I think this will be a good post. :) I am growing up and becoming a big girl and writing my own workouts!!!! No more daily workouts from Devon. In the beginning I will send them to Liz when I am done and she will tell me if I am not working hard enough or whatever. Also, Liz is making me write down EVERYTHING I eat starting today, this morning actually. Not fair making me go back in time to when I ate a whole container of chocolates for breakfast. But I did it. Because she told me to. :)

After signing paperwork to ensure Liz will get paid for our sessions, I did my cardio. Today I did 30 minutes on the treadmill with 3 minute intervals at inclines from 3 to 6 to 9 to 6 to 3 to 6 etc... The uphill battle cardio (shortened version) from before. I went the whole time at a speed of 3.5 mph. It was challenging but doable--the way every workout should be. :)

Next workout: Saturday? Sunday? Whatevs. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

You Love My Honesty--Even in Posts Like This One

I went back to the gym today. And it went horribly. Not the actual exercising part. That was uneventful and fine. The pre-exercising part. Let me list the ways in narrative form.

But first, an explanation. I list this not to be whiny or complainy or vent (which I certainly need to/like to do) but also to continue to give you an unfiltered look into what makes me tick in this struggle.

1) Other Trainer Judgement

I got to the gym (early of course) and waited to meet with Devon (knowing he would be late--because he always is. When he is not having a paid session with me. He's on time for the paid ones--reasonable.) Devon was meeting with me to take First-Day-Back Measurements for comparison. Lynn was there finishing up a session with her new trainer. So I said hello. Lynn mentioned it was my first day back, so I got excited and told her all about my weight loss and my tummy tuck/arms procedures. I even showed her my before picture (which I had printed out to show Devon the comparison). I was not pleased with how the conversation went. Lynn told her I lost 90 lbs. She told me she lost 115 lbs and her skin shrank back over time--I was just impatient. I told her that 3 doctors told me it wouldn't. She gave me some line about genetics. I felt judged. I then shared with Lynn that I felt like my arms are not any smaller. This frustrates me--not because I hate my body and my arms, but rather--because I paid a large sum of money and if my arms don't change, I feel like it was wasted. Lynn's trainer interrupted me and asked me if I knew that I was beautiful. I understand where she was coming from, but felt so judged. What I heard was: you didn't need a tummy tuck, you're just impatient and you clearly feel so bad about yourself all you can do is spend obscene amounts of money to try to fix it. This is so frustrating because the surgeries TO ME were a celebration of the hard work I'd done--not some desperate attempt to "fix myself". Lynn mentioned the blog and I said that it has really inspired some people. She told me that not everyone can do it because they aren't determined so I should be careful what I say to people. Really? Ok--so what she is saying is that not everyone can work hard and diet and exercise, but apparently EVERYONE'S skin is super elastic and will stretch back over time. I was really put off--but it didn't get me down because I was SOOOO excited to see Devon and get back into the swing of things!!!

2) Bad Body Measurements

Devon finally showed and I gave him the appropriate excited greeting! The we went off to do measurements. They suck. I was upset. I asked Devon to put a positive spin on it for the blog, so he did.

My trainer says: of course the numbers are going to be up--you couldn't work out for 6 weeks. I expect this. Plus, you are still swollen. Once you get back into it, the numbers are going to go down fast. As for the calipers measurements, now my fat is detached from my muscles and so can be pulled farther which explains higher numbers.

So, there's the upbeat take on these:

Before (2 Mar 2011)/After (18 Apr 2011)
Weight: 193 lbs/195 lbs
Calipers, Arm: 24/28
Calipers, Stomach: 24/26
Calipers, Leg: 32/32
Body Fat %: 29.0%/30.7%
Inches, Waist: 39.75"/35.75"
Inches, Hips: 42.75"/41.75"
Inches, Bicep: 13.25"/12.5"

Summary: Gained 8 lbs (looks like 2, but they removed 6 lbs of loose skin, remember???). Gained 1.7% body fat (maybe, or the surgery affected the way it is measured). Lost inches all around. :)

3) Bad News from Devon

Devon no longer will be friend lifting with me. This made me *very* disappointed. I tried to explain to him why without sounding like a crazy stalker client. Sure, I enjoy hanging out with Devon for free (::grin::) but the disappointment is not about that. Friend lifting was the HIGHLIGHT of my week. I tried harder. Pushed harder. Was inspired by Devon. Felt like I contributed to help push Devon. Went for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and went hard the whole time. Challenged myself in ways that aren't possible while lifting alone. I could go on. Lifting on my own had turned into a means to do better and go harder while lifting with Devon. I'll have to try to find the passion for lifting alone again, but it will be hard.

And what sucks is that I can't be mad about it. He was doing me a favor. Favor's over. Super bad news...

4) Erin's Diet Plan Meets Devon's Negativity

As if all of this weren't enough, and I wasn't already on the verge of an Erin-cannot-handle-bad-news-or-change-well-at-all-and-might-cry-in-the-middle-of-the-gym breakdown, I told Devon that my friend and I were considering Weight Watchers. I am an All or Nothing Diet girl and this just *isn't* working for me. I need to learn how to eat flexibly within parameters--Weight Watchers is the clear choice for this. Devon is so opposed to this it's not even funny. He thinks it would be terrible for me. He says that he knows me and that I am the type of person who finds the loop holes in things and Weight Watchers has too many (he is correct about that attribute of my personality--I consider it an asset. ::grin::). I was actually able to list one on the spot (unlimited fruits--don't give me unlimited anything...). He tells me I should meet with the Lifetime Dietitian. I feel like he is trying to sell me on Lifetime crap. He could tell (perhaps by my not subtle eye rolling). We debated this a lot. We left saying that I would ease back into cardio and he thinks I should "talk to" the dietitian. I am going to do what *I* want when I decide what that is. Devon has had 16 months to help me with my eating. His time is up.

Anyways, I then went to ease back into cardio, quite dejected. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes. My stats:

Time: 30:00
Strides: 4497
Calories Burned: 348.3 (Elliptical)
Distance: 2.42 miles
Resistance: 5
Crossramp: 10

Next workout: Wednesday or Thursday. Doing 3 cardio this week. Will begin lifting again on Monday, May 2nd.

Blah. Where's Sean to take me to ice cream??? :(

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Missed You Too, DOMS.

I saw the Sauconys today. They aren't glittering. There's no heavenly music. Nope. They are just mean, dull shoes laughing at me and my inability to walk due to DOMS. Thanks a lot, Sauconys.

But DOMS is a good step back to recovery! At least that is what I told myself every time I stood up today and hobbled. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Sauconys Made Me Do It

Today I decided to go for a walk. It's been over one week since the arm procedure and so I am able to workout again. I am still 4 days shy of the 6 week "No Workout" policy after the tummy tuck, so a walk it was. But...

While getting dressed, I saw them. There, sitting on my floor. All alone. So sad. My running shoes. The silver and teal detailing actually sparkled against the white sneaker backdrop. I even heard a audible *ding*. I thought, "I'll just try them on--make sure they still fit." You know, it's important for my feet to remember what they feel like.

Then, I went to comb my hair and thought that I should *maybe* put it back in pig tails--you know, in case my walk gets vigorous and I want my hair off of my neck. I haven't put it in pigtails since before the surgery. Once they were in and I saw the gleam in my eye and the cute pig tail poofs peeking out from the side of my head it was all over. My decisions were no longer my own: I was going to run. It may not be far. It may not be for long periods of time. But it was happening.

I warmed up with a walk for 5 minutes, then set off running. I ended up going for 30 minutes alternating walking and running in 5 minute intervals. I went 2.37 miles! That's a pace of 12:39 minutes/mile. For walking half of the time, I am SO pleased with that time!!! I went au naturale with no iPod or book to read--just me, my thoughts and a lovely 56° day with a light wind. A little slice of Heaven.

I know it may sound silly to you all, but I had this sort of quiet fear in the back of my head for the last 5 weeks and 3 days that I would lose all stamina, my muscles would all atrophy and I would forget how to exercise, forcing myself to start at square one when I returned. I know, I know, it sounds silly--but it was a real concern of mine!!! 6 weeks is a LONG time. Today's foray into fitness has shown me that my fear was completely unfounded! I am confident that it will take some time, but I *will* get back to where I was sooner than I feared!!! YAY!

You can feel free to yell at me for breaking the 6 week "No Workout" policy, but there's really no point. It already happened. And you know me well enough to know that I'm gonna do what I want regardless.

Also, I couldn't help myself--my running shoes and pig tails made me do it. :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Past Due Updates

My sincerest apologies. My blog silence must have been killing all of you! On Saturday (April 2nd), I got my arms vaser liposuctioned, also known as "had the fat sucked out." This has turned me into a lazy recoverer and so I have not blog posted anything about recovery for my tummy tuck, the arm procedure or its recovery. Well, friends: it's time to catch up.

Tummy Tuck Update: Not much to report really. Still healing. The scar doesn't seem to be changing at all--at least not noticeably. I have not been eating well and so am not interested in taking measurements. :) I have an appointment with Devon to take measurements when I get back to the gym on April 18th. I will post those here. Still wearing the spanx-like garment daily but not overnight. I asked Dr. Alonso today if I needed to wear it while working out and he said no, but I should probably wear it as I ease back in the first week.

Vaser Lipo on my Arms: This is the same type of lipo I had done on my midsection/back during the tummy tuck. This time I did not need to go off of my blood thinners and also I was awake for the entire procedure!!! Also, it was at the med spa rather than the outpatient surgery center like last time as it is a very minor procedure. I arrived at Monarch Med Spa at 12pm for my appointment. They brought me into my room and let me pick out a movie to watch--I chose Elf, naturally. I then took 2 Vicodin, 2 Ativan and 1 Promethazine (for nausea)--a most excellent combination in my opinion. I then laid back and watched Elf--sleeping on and off--for about 2 hours. At some point, the nurse came in and gave me a Benadryl shot because I told her I wasn't sleeping. In hindsight, I was. Either way, I'm good with that decision. Around 2pm, they walked me to the operation location across the hall. I was "awake" for the whole thing, but not very "with it". I do remember telling Dr. Alonso that "I like a surgeon with a competitive attitude," when he was chatting with the nurse about how he was sure he could get a full 400 ccs out of my left arm. He also got 400 ccs out of my right arms. Yes, that is 800 cubic centimeters of arm fat, folks. Roughly 3/4 of a liter combined. There are 4 holes--two on each arm, right around the elbow, one of the inside and one on the outside. That's it. Dr. Alonso stitched them up, covered them in gauze and I put a compression garment on which will be worn 24/7 for the next 2 weeks.

After the procedure, I met Ryan and Meagan in the waiting room, patiently waiting to drive me home. I think I remember Meagan saying out loud something about how I looked fine and alert and I could almost drive myself home.--she would soon learn this was not the case. I scheduled a follow up appointment and Monarch gave me a present!!! It's a goody bag filled with bath-related treats (loofah, poof, wooden massager, etc...), all branded with the Monarch logo, of course! I was *SO* excited for my present!!! They put the post-op paperwork, my appointment card and my present in a bag and I was off!

I insisted we stop at Panera Bread as I was hungry. I skipped lunch that day and wanted food. I also insisted on going in with Meagan to get it. It was at that point that I realized I could not walk straight. I ordered (apparently quite coherently even though the woman did not understand me and I had to repeat it several times) and as we were waiting for my food someone commented that my elbow was covered in blood/pink ooze. It was true. Meagan assured them I was fine. Meagan and Ryan saw to it that I made it home okay and ate everything fine. They offered (apparently numerous times) to help me clean up my compression garment as my left elbow region was covered in blood/pink ooze. I quite forcefully told them NO and that I was NOT taking off the garment until at least the next day. They then left. About 5 minutes later I apparently called them and asked where my prescriptions were and if we left them at the med center!!!! Meagan calmly told me they were right in front of me on my coffee table. I found them. :) I also quickly took off my compression garment, spot cleaned the arm and rebandaged my wounds. I then used my hair dryer to dry the arm of the garment. I promptly took a nap.

At this point, Amy came by with dinner and when I woke up to let her in, my left elbow was AGAIN covered in ooze. We ate and then Amy helped me wash the arm...again...and blow dry it and rebandage the wounds. This time, we got wise. We used gauze and as an added back up: maxi pads. Yup. My left arm was wrapped in 3 over night maxi pads and a lot of tape. And it worked. Like. A. Charm. ;) (Note: my right arm did not leak at all.) I also was very concerned about the appointment I made for later in the week. I had no memory of when it was. I asked Meagan--she didn't see me make it. She told me to call them. It was late Saturday night, they were closed. Amy said I could call them too. I told her I already knew that meanly (apparently, loopy Erin = blunt and harsh Erin--but still lovably so). The next day I found my bag with the present, the post op instructions and my appt card. Since I forgot about its existence, it was like getting a present ALL OVER AGAIN and I knew when my appt was!!!! Double win.

Since the initial fun, here are some notes about week 1 of recovery:

Pain: Not too bad, but any pain stinks. My arms from elbow to shoulders are basically two large bruises. On Monday, my arms literally were 5 out of the 6 colors of the rainbow (red, yellow, green, blue and purple). By Tuesday, they had faded to mostly yellow and green with deep red spots throughout. I've taken a total of 6 tylenol and 0 vicodin since leaving the med spa on Saturday.

Antibiotic: I hated it. It tasted gross and made me sick. It was Keflex. Luckily it was only for 5 days, but BOY! am I glad that's over.

Compression Garment: This is the compression garment I got based off of Darby's (med spa employee/my bud) recommendation. I like it, but it was pricey when you include shipping (they only have overnight shipping!--expensive!), and so I only got one. Combine this with the fact that I have to wear it 24/7 for 2 weeks and it makes for a big pain in the you-know-where. I have to hand-wash it, then blow dry it dry so I can put it right back on. The process takes between 45 minutes and an hour and when I am done, the garment isn't fully dry. I am just usually over it and it is dry "enough" to wear. :) Having said that, is this inconvenience worth an extra ~$70 for another garment? Nope! I'll hand-wash and blow dry. :) Having anything tight on your body for 24/7 gets irritating, but after 6 days it isn't so bad. And hey, only 8 days left! At that point, I will wear it to bed only. The velcro strap across the front is visible in most shirts I wear, so I just don't fasten it during the business day. It doesn't do much anyways.

Lotion/Massage: Just like with the midsection/back lipo, I need to apply lotion and massage my arms. I just started that today as the pain is getting much better. For some reason, SEVERAL strangers felt the need to touch my arms this week not knowing it hurt so bad!!! Now it's just annoying not intense pain like it was. I did my best to wince internally to not make them feel bad.

6 day check-up: Today I went to see Dr. Alonso. He removed the stitches and checked out the first week's progress. He is *very* pleased with the results so far. I am super skeptical about this whole arms thing--and he knows this. I told him that I feel like my arms look exactly the same. I understand they are swollen still and the skin has to tighten up and these things take time, but NOW they look the same to me. He made me hold up a mirror and hold out my arm and he held my before picture behind it. I still don't see what he sees, but I do trust that he does this a lot and knows what to look for. Oh! This reminds me: I posted before "arms" pictures to the tummy tuck album. I will post afters when I am good and ready to. :) Maybe at 2 weeks? My arms have been itchy inside the garment and so I usually itch them. After the stitches were removed today, the wounds were itchy. I didn't even think about it but noticed big red blood marks on the right arm of my sweater. Yup, I scratched them open accidentally and they bled through my garment and my sweater. Sigh. They are bandaged up and my garment and sweater have been spot cleaned. My left arm is fine *this* time. I just cannot win with these wounds!!!

Alright. I think that's all I got. If anyone has any questions about the procedure or recovery that is unanswered, please ask!

Friday, April 1, 2011

One Month and One Day


I got home super late last night and so did not do a "One Month Down" post. For this, I apologize. I am not taking pictures because I am tired and don't feel like it and don't think it looks different at all.

As for pain, it's pretty low. It no longer hurts to cough, sneeze and laugh. I feel it, but not pain--more of an awareness that healing is still happening. Also, the sides and back still feel like a bruise. (I think the lipo is more painful than the tummy tuck!) My clothes still fit the same. I don't think I am actually getting any smaller, but I must be. Or maybe not. I have not been eating on the diet this week (another reason I am not interested in taking a photo of my bare midsection). I really hope to get back on track. I have felt pretty bad all week. Not surgery-related. Not sick. I truly believe the rainy, blah weather is messing with my head pressure. Anyways, I am optimistic I will bounce back soon. :)

Also, in other news, I was scheduled to have my arms vaser lipo-ed on Saturday, April 9th but they have an opening tomorrow and so I am going to do it then!!! This has several benefits:

1) I am impatient--any time I do not have to wait is good;
2) I feel much better post-tummy tuck than expected and so feel up to it; and
3) I have to wait 1 month after the procedure to lift weights again, this allows me to do this one week sooner!!!!!

I will have before and after pictures!!!! I am SO excited! But not excited that if it is anything like the lipo I had on my back and sides, after one month it will still hurt like a bruise. :( Alas, the pain is temporary. :)

Wish me luck tomorrow!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 23: Exercising Again!

Today I went for a walk! Yes, walking is all I am permitted to do before 6 weeks is up. I have been feeling pretty good and so I decided that I would try to walk anywhere from 30-60 minutes today. Before anyone gets all yell-y at me, I brought a book and read while walking--this should give you an idea of my pace!

I went for 57 minutes and 51 seconds, also known as 5 chapters in my book. It was fairly brisk outside, but not too cold!

Around 15 minutes, I felt a very light soreness in that weird spot to the right of my belly button up just a little. It went away quickly. Around 20 minutes, my leg muscles started to feel a little sore. YES, I am so out of shape that WALKING for a mere TWENTY fatigues my leg muscles. But I kept walking and feel fine now that I am done.

According to mapmyrun, I went 2.83 miles, giving me a pace of 20:26 per mile. Yup, think I took it easy enough. :)

I was contemplating walking tomorrow too, but decided that if I am truly "easing" back into things, I should probably let me body rest tomorrow. I will shoot for another walk early next week.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 Weeks Later--Halfway Done Recovery!!!

It's time for the 3 week update! I posted a new picture to the album. I only posted one picture because I feel like the profile view and back view really haven't changed that much. But the scar is healing a lot and looks a lot less red! So I posted a picture of that. Also, the swelling is beginning to go down a little and my hips are making the funniest shapes! The picture doesn't totally do it justice but you can tell a little. I am not sure if that is just how swelling goes down in general or if the lipo messes with it (i.e. the areas that were lipo-ed act a bit differently), but I have weird-shaped hips. :) I assume that when all the swelling goes down this will change, but who knows!!!

Also, I took measurements. Waist: 35"; Hips: 41". From last week, the waist stayed the same and the hips shrank a 1/2". This is odd to me because I am in jeans that I did not choose to wear last week because I thought they would put pressure on the wound and today there is no pressure--so obviously the waist is slimming. Maybe I don't measure right??? Or maybe it is accurate and there are other factors for the fitting of the jeans? In any case, I am very pleased with the progress!!!

The wound is still swollen and sore, but less so daily. It hurts fairly bad for a second or two when I cough or sneeze. I am working VERY hard to preemptively shut these bodily functions down before they occur! Also, laughing *really* hard makes the wound sore. More so the right side than the left. My speculation is that either the swelling is worse on one side or the nerves have not healed as well on the left. But again, I am no medical expert!!!

Another odd pain (which has already passed--but in the first few weeks) is when I "overdid it" I would have a pain in my abdomen to the right of my belly button up a little higher. There was no work down there (or so I think) and so I was confused. I was talking to Amanda F. about this and she was telling me something HCL told her once. When you fatigue your primary muscles, your secondary muscles kick in to pick up some of the slack. It may be the case that using that muscle triggers something that hurts because of the surgery but I just don't use it often because it is a secondary muscle. Again, complete non-expert speculation--but I like it and it seems to may some sense.

On an unrelated note, I am getting antsy to buy new clothes--but I shall keep waiting. :)

Ok. Back to recovering! I should have another update next Thursday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I've Made It a Whole Two Weeks!!!

Wow. It has been two weeks since my surgery. By way of updates:

1) Photographic: for people who are visual-thinkers

New photos have been uploaded to the album. Bear in mind, I am still super swollen. But, like I have been saying to EVERYONE I talk to, if I stay like this (which I won't) I'd be super happy!!!! The change--even swollen--is just amazing! Here is the link to the album.

2) Statistics: for the math nerd in all of us

Devon took measurements the night before my surgery. I measured today. My waist went from 39 3/4" down to 35" today. My hips went from 42 3/4" to 41 1/2". And I am still very swollen (I know I keep saying that), so I am interested to see how this trends. I plan on taking these measurements weekly on Thursdays--if I remember. :) Total changes should be completed 6 months from the surgery, so...September 3rd-ish.

3) Emotional: for the touchy-feely-gushy and non-dead-inside people

I'm feeling good! I have worked "short days" all week--between 6 and 7 hours. I come home and am definitely tired and need to just sit for the remainder of the evening (after chores like dishes, laundry, etc...).

I have a new nightly routine for those curious. Around 7:30 or 8pm I put lotion on my mid-section (front and back) and massage it. This is supposed to stop scar-tissue from forming on the lipo areas and the lotion helps hydrate because my surgeon says lipo can mess up your sweat glands. I also spend some quality lotion time on my scars themselves (my surgeon says this helps them heal less ugly--meh, it's worth a try). Then I leave my compression garment off for the night. I like to do it approximately one hour before bed because when I take it off the blood begins to rush back into that area and laying on it can be painful. Having said that, this morning I was able to toss and turn and roll in my bed like I usually do without serious pain!!!!! It was just sore like a light bruise. This whole week it had been more like a bad bruise when I changed my rolling position in bed. This is GREAT for my sleeping!!!! YAY for healing!!!!

I am *really* enjoying wearing clothes now. Especially clothes that I used to be self-conscious in. I have basically worn outfits that I felt awkward in pre-surgery all week to work. I walk around with more pep in my step, naturally. Every day it feels like I am walking around with a new haircut--you all know what I mean, right?--I feel like I finally look how I worked so hard to be by losing nearly 100 pounds. And THAT is a great feeling!!!

4) Summary

I look good, lost inches and feel great! Also, the support I continue to receive from my family and friends is overwhelming!!!! I am so loved and I definitely know and appreciate it!!!!

Next update in one week for sure, if not sooner!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 9 Update

Today I went back to the surgeon to have the final stitches removed! I feel like recovery is mostly done now...which is silly because I have like 5 weeks left, but it is simple-take-it-easy recovery. I am "out of the weeds" so to speak.

Here is what is new that I DON'T have to do anymore:

1) No stitches!!!!
2) No more gauze at all!
3) No more need to wash the wound with povidone-iodine! (YAY!!!!!)
4) No spanx at night!

Here is what I DO need to do:

1) Wear spanx during the day for 4 months (to end on July 3rd--oh yes, it is on my calendar!).
2) Apply lotion to my abdomen and back daily.
3) Take fluid pills every Monday/Wednesday/Friday until they are gone--I have a prescription of 50 pills.
4) Finish out the antibiotics.

I feel like I am in easy-land. :) I go back to check in with the surgeon again in 6 weeks, but since I am getting my arms done on April 9th, we'll check in then!!!! I think my official after pictures will be taken then--but I will not be posting them as the surgeon and I have different ideas of what "covering my delicates" means!!!!!!

I drove today and was out and about for a couple hours and feel fine. This make me optimistic about going back to work on Monday. Also, I wore "real people clothes today" (jeans and a tshirt). I intentionally wore baggy jeans so there is no pressure on my wound and I wore a tshirt that I used to be self-conscious in. Not any more!!!!! :) I would post a picture, but every time I try to photograph what I see in person, it does not do my new body justice! Oh! Also, I weighed myself at the surgeon's office and (without shoes on) I was 13 pounds lighter than March 3rd!!! CRAZY! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 6 Update and a New Photo

Blog Readers!!! I am *very* happy to report that I met with my surgeon for the second time and that everything is going SUPER WELL!!!! I am so so so so so so so so so so so very happy with my recovery so far!

My surgical drains were removed!!!! Also, he removed alternating stitches. The remainder of the stitches will be removed on Friday.

Another surgery/recovery update is that I did not take any pain medication until just before my 4:20 pm appointment today. I only took it then in case the aforementioned drain and stitch removal was painful. It was definitely uncomfortable. I guess it maybe hurt--but not too bad. He had me take in a deep breath and exhale hard while he removed the drains--a technique I am quite pleased with!

Things that have changed since the appointment today:

1) I am allowed to shower!!! (But am a bit worried about it still...may wait another day or two...)
2) I am restarting blood thinning medication today. Shall we all rejoice together?!?!? YAY!!!!!!!!
3) I have to take a fluid pill 3x/week for a while. Apparently this will make me have an insane need to use the restroom within 30 minutes of ingestion. Awesome. :)
4) I can officially switch from the binder (the binder is a tight, white velcro thing that sucks my abdomen in to reduce swelling) to a pair of Spanx (or something similar). Meghan will go purchase me some tomorrow.

Well, that's my update! Oh! Also, Meghan took a photo of my new back while we were at the doctor's office. I added it to the picasa album located here.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 3 Update...with Photos...Gulp...

Hello blog fans. I have to say, writing this post has been a struggle for me. Who wants to show the before pictures? Who wants to show the body they were so unhappy with they took out a used car loan to fix it and get a "do-over" to start again and this time, live healthier?

Yes, I am ashamed that I lived 27 years without fitness as any bit of a priority in my life. I am ashamed that I weighed 251 pounds. I am ashamed that I had that amount of loose skin.


I am very proud of the work that I have put in to get to this point. I am very proud of my determination. I am very proud of my healthier lifestyle. I am also blown away by not only the amount of support I have been given, but also by the stories I have heard from so many of you about how my journey has inspired you. It is for *these* reasons that I have decided to post my pictures. And I will post as I go. Part of me wanted to wait until the swelling was gone and make sure I was happy with the results before I posted the dreaded "before" pictures, but then I remembered that this blog is to inspire others and to share MY story--whatever that story may be. So, I am posting... I am posting for the friends who have followed me and cheered me on. I am posting for the friends who are considering this at some point in their life as well. I am posting for the stranger who happened upon this page and just wants to know what it's like and what it looks like! I. Am. Posting. GULP.

I have decided to link to a picasa web album because I don't feel it appropriate to post the post-surgery pictures to a public blog. However, anyone who is reading this can choose to view them. Currently, there are 5 pictures: Before (front, back and each side) and one after picture from today. FAIR WARNING: the pictures from today are swollen stitches and include my surgical drain (with goop in it). View at your own risk. There are no after photos of the back because we didn't take any, but my surgeon did say that Beyonce herself would be jealous of my new curves!!! ;) THE LINK TO THE PHOTOS!!!!

Remember, the difference is 6 pounds of skin removed and 1500 ccs of fat (mainly from the back, I believe) which equates to about 3/4 of a 2-liter soda bottle!!! YOWSAS!

As for my first post-surgery appointment today--it went great! My surgeon said I was healing above average and with my attitude it should go fine! What a compliment!!! Also, you may notice in my gross photo that I have zero goop seeping from any of my wounds! I have NO idea why this is going so well, but I am NOT complaining!

My next surgeon check-up is Tuesday. Will probably take more photos then, but no promises!

If you do view the photos, be nice!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 2 Update

Wow, blog fans! This is waaaaaay better than I expected! I am not going to say it' "easy" but from all I had researched on the topic, I was quite worried about the pain!!!

Yesterday was my surgery--it was all pretty uneventful. They gave my some IV painkillers before I was sent home. I took the stairs to the basement one at a time, slowly, and made it to my awesome medical recliner to get cozy and comfy.

My strategy was to immediately get some food in my stomach so that I could take a Percocet without getting sick. Well, my mouth was all messed up from the anesthesia and eating was not going well so I did not eat much. I immediately got sick. My surgeon was very interested in me not getting sick as he had sewn my stomach muscles together and that risks tearing the internal stitches. I got sick again about 6 hours later. My mom thinks it was my body getting rid of the effects of anesthesia. I got scared enough to not take more than just the one Percocet. I slept the night last night pain medicine free.

I called the surgeon today and we agreed that Tylenol was an acceptable alternative because--shockingly--the pain is not horrible and he really doesn't want me getting sick.

I am so so so happy that Tylenol only seems to be managing this!!!! Let's just hope it continues getting better and better!!!

I go see my surgeon tomorrow! I am a bit nervous because I like not messing with the binder/gauze/wounds at all. They are in there all snug as a bug in a rug and I like it that way, but I suppose it must be done!!!

Thanks for all the support! I may just make it through this...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tummy Tuck Eve...

Tomorrow is the big day. I am as prepared as I can be. I only cried once and luckily it was in front of Devon. ::sarcasm:: He handled it well...

The surgery is at 8am tomorrow morning. I hope to post periodically, but am making no promises! There are a LOT of factors at play in my recovery!

I've worked so hard and waited so long--I cannot believe it is actually happening!!!

Off to go wash with povidone-iodine (GROSS!)!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Last Friend Lifting for At Least 9 Weeks!!!

Sigh. Tonight Devon "let me lift" with him (he corrected me when I referred to it as 'lifting together') for the last time for a bit. I will be off working out at all for 6 weeks and then cardio only for an additional 3 weeks. I don't want to talk about it. But I will be strong for you, the blog reader...

Today was a "pull" day (plus calves and trapezius):

HAMSTRINGS (Superset--done together):
Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 60 lbs, 70 lbs, 70 lbs
BB Deadlifts: 3 sets x 10 reps @ 155 lbs (I am a beast.)

45° Leg Press Calf Raises: 3 sets x 12 reps @ 270 lbs
Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets x 25 reps(!) @ 90 lbs

Seated Cable Row: 4 sets x 8 reps @ 70 lbs

Behind-the-Neck Lat Pulldowns: 4 sets x 15 reps @ 27.5 lbs each side

DB Shrugs: 4 sets x 12 reps @ 10 lb DBs, 25 lb DBs, 35 lb DBs, 10 lb DBs

BB Preacher Curls: 4 sets x 12 reps @ 45 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 set x 10 reps @ 25 lbs

There are some notes that must be made.

1. Did you see the 155 lbs on the BB Deadlifts? If not, look again. If so, look again!!! :)
2. 25 reps on the seated calf raises machine killed my calves. Devon went to use the little trainer's room during my second set. I couldn't raises my calves high enough to re-rack the weight. I thought about my options for awhile and just let it fall to the floor. Devon thought it was hilarious when he returned. He helped me re-rack after set 3. :)
3. Behind-the-Neck Lat Pulldowns are BAD! Do not do them! We simulated the motion by using a bi-angular lat pulldown. This way there is no bar involved and so you are less likely to jack up your shoulders. (Side note: I told Devon EVERY time his imaginary bar hit him in the head. Every time.)
4. I kept increasing the weights on the DB Shrugs because I could. 10 pounds was super easy. After the third set I talked smack to Devon about how easy it was and asked why he started me so low. He said most girls don't want to work that muscle and make it big. Gasp! He was right. I went back to 10s for the final set. :) Nice of him to let me keep working it to feel big bad and tough. Thanks for having my back, Devon...

Next workout: unsure. Have surgery Thursday so am "taking it easy". I may cardio tomorrow. I may not. We'll see.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Devon's Version of "Easy Lifting"

On Monday, Devon and I discussed me taking it a bit easier up til my surgery. It was my idea. I thought it was a *great* idea. Devon agreed. Today was his first chance to write me an "easy" workout.

Here it is, blog readers!!!! (Are you excited???? I certainly was!):

BB Back Squat to Calf Raise x 3s x 15r @ 105-115 lbs (115 lbs)
Side Lunge x 3s x 15r @ 25 - 35lbs (hold a weight plate) (35 lbs)
Alternating Arm Standing Cable Row x 3s x 15r @ 25 - 35lbs (32.5 lbs)
Medicine Ball Push-ups x 3s x 15r @ BW (one medicine ball under each hand; make sure the ball is hard)
Chin-ups x 3s x 15r @ 100lbs or less (palms facing you) (100 lbs)
Single Arm Standing DB Shoulder Press x 3s x 15r @ 15 - 20lbs (hold both up and then move one) (20 lb DBs)
Alternating Arm Standing DB Biceps Curls x 3s x 15r @ 12.5 - 17.5lbs (15 lb DBs)
Cable DB Kickbacks x 3s x 15r @ 12.5 - 17.5lbs (did not do these--ran out of time)

Wow. Thanks, Devon. What *exactly* did YOU think was easy about this, sir? The unspotted barbell back squats with over a hundred pounds on my back or the 45 push-ups done whilst balancing the majority of my body weight on two very round balls???

Also, let's all laugh at Devon together: Cable Dumbbell Kickbacks??? How exactly does one use both dumbbells AND a cable at the same time? Silly, too-busy-to-pay-attention-to-details, Devon...

Next workout: running with Amanda B. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some Good Old Fashioned B-Ball

Today was a cardio day, but I got a quite unnecessary snow day from work so I most certainly did not work out. I slept. I shoveled (that's work out-ish). I had lunch with a friend. I got my hair cut. It was wonderful.

Tonight was my girls last basketball practice. For those who do not know, I coached a 5th and 6th grade girls basketball team this year for the Upwards program at my church. My wonderful assistant coaches are Amanda F. and Amy (whom you all know well from working out with me). We are not the most informed coaches, but hey! there's a handbook AND we have heart. :) Our girls won their first game this past Saturday, bringing our record to 1-5-1. Yes, that is correct: 1 win, 5 losses and a good ole tie.

As tonight was the very last practice, we decided to have fun. There was Knockout played. There were games of H-O-R-S-E. There were dribble race relays (involving break-dancing in the middle...naturally). And, there was a parent & coaches vs. the girls basketball game for the last 20 minutes or so. I participated in all of this. I declare THAT my cardio. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pushed It Hard During My "Push" Workout!

Today was friend lifting with Devon. It's a push day (so that means Quads, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps). I really pushed some of the weights today and am quite proud of my numbers. :)

The Lifting:

Hack Squats: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 270 lbs, 320 lbs, 360 lbs
45° Leg Press: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 360 lbs, 450 lbs, 540 lbs (I kicked this exercise's butt. I'm just saying.)
Seated Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 105 lbs, 110 lbs, 115 lbs
Incline BB Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 reps @ 95 lbs
Flat DB Press: 3 sets x 12 reps @ 30 lb DBs, 35 lbs DBs, 40 lb DBs (RAWR!)
Cable Cross Overs: 3 sets x 20 reps @ 12.5 lbs, 17.5 lbs, 22.5 lbs each side (Big Beefy Devon did all his sets at 22.5 lbs--which I did on my last set. No big deal.)
Tri-Set (i.e. for the shoulders each set was all three exercises in succession, then a rest), all 3 sets x 12 reps:
*DB Side Raises: 7.5 lb DBs
*Standing BB Shoulder Press: 45 lbs
*Bent Over DB Flyes: 7.5 lb DBs
Cable Tricep Pushdowns: 4 sets x 12 reps @ 32.5 lbs, 37.5 lbs, 42.5 lbs. 47.5 lbs (<--that is a LOT for my little triceps!!!)
Bench Dips: 4 sets x 15 reps @ BW

What I am most pleased with is that the heavy weights were all my doing--i.e. I suggested it every time and/or negotiated with Devon who maybe thought I shouldn't do that much. I definitely had a winning attitude today which I feel like I haven't had for awhile. To be clear, I didn't feel GREAT the whole workout, but certainly pushed myself in spite of that fact. Specifically, I asked Devon if I could go up by 45 (vice 25) lbs each set for the leg press and it was my idea to try the 40 lb dumbbells on the DB Chest Press. Also, the triceps pushdowns increases were my idea as well!!!! :)

On the first exercise, the hack squats, there was a man using it who apparently Devon knows. We "worked in" which means did our reps alternating with him. We were all loading the weights on and off and spotting/encouraging each other. Devon got to his last set which was an INCREDIBLE 720 lbs!!!! When we were loading the EIGHT 45-lb weight plates on each side, the man said: "That's why you'll never reach 6 feet, Devon!" Which cracked me up!!!!! Devon responded that he is "All thrill-a, no fill-a." Concentrated awesomeness, if you will. I was almost on the ground laughing. BTW, my big strong trainer did all 15 reps at 720 lbs (he claimed he may only do 8, but me and the guy cheered him on and he did it!!!!)!!!! I am super impressed. Along that same topic, on the DB chest press I was impressed with my last set being 40s. Devon did all 3 sets with EIGHTY pound dumbbells!!! Yes, ONE of his dumbbells was the sum total of both of mine on my heavy set. He's such a BEAST.

I anticipate a lot of pain tomorrow, but the hard workout was worth it. :)

Next workout: some sort of cardio tomorrow!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cardio Kickboxing with Meagan!

This morning I had a session with Devon--my LAST session before my surgery and so my last session for about two months!!!!--and Meagan joined me! Recall that Meagan is frequently referred to in the blog as DFAM (Down For Anything Meagan). She brought it expected.

Devon chose to have us do cardio kickboxing again. The first time was last July 2010, I did boxing only with Amanda F. Next it was kickboxing with Amy a month ago. Both times I was in incredible pain afterward. Today was more focused on the kicking, I thought, but since no one has been to more than one except for me, I have no one to help me compare them.

Let's see if my memory can recall what we did at 0800 this morning... I remember a lot, but not all of it. Here is what I got.

Sprints (across the room and back 5x)
8 lb Medicine Ball salm it to the ground to your side and then raise it over your head and do the other side (for 1 minute)
Supermans with the 8 lb Medicine Ball in our hands
Shuffling across the room and back
Prisoner squat position and travel across the room and back (super painful!!!)
Across the room and back switching from conventional stance to southpaw
Same as above but with jabbing
Jabbing across the room and back
Jab then crossing across the room and back
Jab/Cross/Kicking across the room and back
Retreat jabbing across the room
Roundhouse kicks leaning against the wall (20 each side, 2 sets)
Roundhouse kicks to Devon holding a pad (10 each side)
Bicycles (while the other kicked Devon)
Side kicks leaning against the wall (20 each side, 2 sets)
Side kicks to Devon holding a pad (10 each side)
Triple Crunches (while the other kicked Devon)
Hook/Uppercut/Roundhouse kick combos (10 each side)
Hook kicks leaning against the wall (20 each side, 2 sets)

Wowsas...that's a lot. And I *know* I missed some... :) It was kind of rough and I fully expect to be in pain tomorrow!

During every kick set, my hamstrings were on FIRE! I reminded Devon that WE did the pull set last night and my hamstrings were in PAIN. He let me know that his hamstring didn't hurt to bad. Nice, Devon...YOU aren't kicking repeatedly, Jerkface. :)

I am super impressed with Meagan keeping up. Way to go, DFAM! Devon kept telling her that she need to [kick|punch|etc] in front of her because that is where the opponent will be (she liked to fight an imaginary person to her side). I told her I knew her secret and if we ever went at it, I knew to hide DIRECTLY in front of her. I'm so mean... ;)

Tomorrow is a rest day!!! Yes.... Then I lift with Devon on Monday...can I survive????

Friday, February 18, 2011

Late Night Friend Lifting

Since Devon bailed on Monday, we had friend lifting tonight. We agreed to meet at 7pm. I pushed it back to 7:15pm. Devon sowed up at 7:20pm. And ate dinner. Then he needed some time for it to digest. Then he needed to change into his workout clothes. At 8pm we began lifting. I left at 10:30pm. Awesome. I will be back at 8am for a training session with Devon. I am fairly certain this will not go well... :)

The lifting (it was a 'pull' day with calves thrown in):

Lying Leg Curls: 5 sets--12 reps @ 90 lbs, 10 reps @ 95 lbs (3 sets), 8 reps @ 100 lbs
BB Deadlifts: 10 reps @ 135 lbs, 8 reps @ 145 lbs, 6 reps @ 155 lbs, 4 reps @ 165 lbs, 2 reps @ 185 lbs (I AM A BEAST!!!!!)
Leg Press Calf Raises: 3 sets, 12 reps @ 270 lbs
Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets, 12 reps @ 90 lbs
Assisted Pull-ups: 4 sets, 12 reps @ 100 lbs assistance
Standing T-Bar Rows: 4 sets, 10 reps @ 50 lbs
BB Bicep Curls: 4 sets, 10 reps @ 45 lb BB

It was a tough workout today but no undoable. I am very proud of the deadlifting. Please, go back and check it out--I'll wait. :) You may notice that I upped the weight by 10 lbs each set until the end when I upped it by 20. I told Devon I could do it. He wasn't sure. I said, 'Fine. I'll do your pansy 175.' He told me to do it. AND I DID. Boom. THAT happened.

Also, I mocked Devon's "psych himself up" routine as he began walking away from the machine and then back before every set. He told me not to mock his methods. I began doing random things before I lifted to mock him. He threatened to walk away, but never did. As I told him, he *always* come back. :)

Next workout is sadly in 9 hours. Sigh. But Meagan will be joining me!!!! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ran Outside...Again!!!

Yesterday I did not lift. I went to the gym but was not feeling well at all and Devon told me to go home. Well, he told me to eat something and then go home. I was looking rather "clammy" in his words. I'm not sure how to take that...

Today, Amanda B. (<--a NEW Amanda!) ran with me. It was SO beautiful out, it was GREAT! We met up at the track with some good runners and we just ran/walked for 30 minutes while they did some tough guy workouts. Good for them!

Amanda and I had some good chit chat time and got some good exercise!!!

Next workout: lifting with Devon tomorrow night!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Ran Outside!!!

Today was so lovely and beautiful, I got the idea in my head that I would break in my new running shoes by going for a nice outdoor run. I had this thought around 3pm. I arm-twisted Amy into joining me.

AT 6:45 pm--when we ACTUALLY went for said run--it was dark, cold and surprisingly icy (still! I know, right?). Luckily, I had remembered to bring my new headlamp (that I purchased directly AFTER my last outdoor run in December). Amy brought hers too, but had not removed it from its packaging and so had no hope of getting it open in the parking lot (I needed many tools...many tools). Amy did, however, have her reflecting vest--like a champion. :)

We did an easy run with a few walk breaks for 30 minutes. The shoes felt great! The company was great! And other than my few cramps, running was great!

It's good to be back! Kind of. I may not run at night again until it warms up some more. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Yup--Surgery is a Good Choice

Today Devon couldn't friend lift...I don't know...something about Valentine's Day and a girlfriend...whatever. So I flew solo...story of my life. ;)

Here is the lifting:

Squat Press x 3s x 15r @ 360
Seated Leg Extensions x 3s x 15r @ 100lbs
Flat BB Chest Press x 3s x 12r @ 85lbs
Seated Machine Chest Flyes / Pec-Decks x 3s x 15r @ 50-60lbs (60 lbs)
Seated Shoulder Press x 4s x 10r @ 40-50lbs (40 lbs)
Dumbbell Side Raises x 4s x 10r @ 12.5-15lbs (12.5 lb DBs)
Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 4s x 12r @ 25-35lbs (35 lbs)
Seated Machine Triceps Press x 3s x 20r @ 50-75lbs (75 lbs)

The actual lifting was fine. However, I do have a story.

I was doing my chest press on a Smith Machine. 85 lbs isn't nothing--but I can do better with a spotter. This older gentleman walked about 2 feet away and watched me during my second set. I noticed. I thought maybe he thought it was too heavy and didn't know what a maniac beast I am at the gym. So when I was finished, I made eye contact with him--my mistake. The following conversation happened:

Me: Is everything ok? (cocky, waiting to tell him how I can actually bench 120.)
Him: Are you pregnant?
Me (internal): Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!
Me (out loud): Nope, but I did just lose 100 pounds--that leaves a lot of loose skin. I will be having surgery to get rid of it soon. You just confirmed that that is a good choice. ::smile::
Him: *looks mortified*

At this point, I took the opportunity to make him listen and pretend to care (out of guilt and uncomfortableness) about the following topics:

1) what a pregnant lady actually can and cannot do at the gym;
2) my incredible weight loss transformation; and
3) my upcoming surgery.

The gentleman was quite opinionated that I do NOT need the surgery. He *informed* me that I simply need to do more ab work. (::eye roll::) At this point, I confirmed that he was a moron (as if it wasn't clear already) and explained to him that a handful of medical professional disagree and in their expert opinion it will NEVER go away on its own. (This is the good part...)

Him: I just don't like you having to get all cut up.
Me: I see that, but I don't like people thinking I am pregnant. ::grin::

Conversation over.

Next workout: cardio tomorrow! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

18 Days and Counting!

It has occurred to me that I have vaguely referenced my "upcoming surgery" in several posts, but have not actually told the blog masses about it! My apologies!!! Unless you know me in the real world (in which case you have had to hear me obsessively talk about it every day), you wouldn't know! Where to begin? I guess with the punchline:

On March 3rd, I will be getting a tummy tuck! (::wild applause and raucous crowd cheering::)

Anyone who has skimmed this blog, knows that I started back in April of 2009 at the unhealthy weight of 251 pounds and a pants size of 20. After my second hospitalization for blood clotting in my leg and lungs, I was told I would be on blood thinners for life and decided that if *I* could do something to avoid being on any other medication, I would. One week after I was discharged, I joined Lifetime Fitness's TEAM Weight Loss class (with good ole ZTT) and my journey began.

Fast forward (although nothing about that time went fast!!!!) to April 2010, when I reached a VERY healthy weight of 160 pounds. Yes, the number seems high to me too, however, my body fat percentage was 17.2%. From what I understand, 20-25% is considered "healthy". 17.2% is more in the "fit" range. Not *too* low, but a good final weight. So, I had arrived! the 160 pounds is outside of the "healthy wight range" for my height (which is between 123 and 154), but there are a few factors at play: 1) I have built a lot of muscle--muscle mass is heavy and adds weight; and 2) I have a significant amount of loose skin--it's unavoidable when you lose 91 pounds.

Since April 2010, my weight has been fluctuating, while I am trying to learn how to maintain--both succeeding and failing. I have spoken with most of my doctors and everyone is in agreement that surgery to remove the excess skin is not only allowable, but encouraged and now is the time to do it. Any surgery is a risk for a blood clotter, like myself, but at my age (29, for a few more months...), the benefits outweigh the risks. The longer I wait, the riskier the surgery gets. It's go time.

Why am I so interested in this surgery? 1) I have worked HARD and without this surgery, I will never be able to complete the work I started in April 2009--no amount of healthy eating and exercising will tighten the skin in my abdominal area; 2) If I invest my money and pain into recovering from this surgery, I will be less likely to fall back into my old habits and gain back all of the weight; and 3) although I am SO HAPPY with how far I have come, I am not comfortable with the current state of my body and feel like I am constantly trying to hide my midsection ad cannot just wear an outfit and relax (i.e. not worry about how I am sitting or where my arms are strategically placed--women reading this should understand). :)

What are the details of the surgery? Recall that I wear my weight primarily in my mid-section. Because of this, I have similar affects to my body as does a woman who gave birth--most notably, my stomach muscles have separated (picture a 6 pack of cans, with a split down the middle and 3 cans on each side). What the surgeon will do is remove a lot of loose skin, sew my stomach muscles back together, then sew the skin as tight as possible leaving a HUGE scar, but completing below the pants waist line. Additionally, he will do some lipo on my back to get rid of my love handles/muffin top/<insert your favorite nickname here>. The thought process behind the lipo is that (according to the surgeon) it will never go away on its own and if I am going to DO it, I am going to DO it--fix the entire midsection. He will also recut my belly button hole!!! Weird..but fascinating! I will have a surgical drain, which I am nervous about, but the surgeon makes it sound pretty easy peasy to use. Also, the recovery is supposed to be ROUGH--but if the Double Shot cannot handle it, who can? ;) (As a side note: I plan on getting my arms done too, potentially 6 weeks after the surgery, but am still deciding/planning.)

Is this covered by insurance? NO! This is elective surgery and I have secured a loan to pay for it. I mention this so that anyone reading this knows that I am quite serious about this surgery. I will be paying it off for quite some time I believe (it's the amount of a used car loan!!!), but it is an investment in my body which I hope to have for another 60 years, so I feel it is worth it. :)

The surgery is scheduled for March 3rd!!!! 18 short days away!!!! My mom is flying down on the 2nd to take me there and nurse me back to health until Sunday, the 6th at which point my sister, Meghan, is flying out for a whole week to get me stuff, cook for me and make me laugh (but not too much!!! I think that will hurt...). As if that weren't enough, friends left and right are offering to help out--Hey, Devon even said he'd swing by to make sure I am doing well! (No taking it back now, Devon...I've told the whole internet.)

My friend AL2 sent me a link to someone's recovery page with great photos! If you check out her "Before Pictures", I think my abdomen is similar to hers--not exactly the same, but close--and so her after pictures give me great hope!!! Here is her story, but be warned they are post-surgery pictures--click at your own risk.

Another great website I found is tuckthattummy. It has great information on what to expect as well as checklists of what to purchase for pre- and post-surgery. I have asked Meghan to read it in preparation! :)

Ok. I think that's it. If you have any questions, please ask! As you know, I am an open book and I want anyone who reads this blog to know my experiences/lessons learned in all aspects of my transformation--this included! I will be taking photos and posting when I feel right about it--this may be as I go or all at the end, we shall see...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Good Choice Saturday!

Last night I texted Devon and told him that I was not sure if I wanted to work out today. Devon said I should work out. I asked if he would be mad if he wrote one and I didn't actually do it (in the past he has threatened to stop writing me workouts if I do that). He said yes. So I told him not to write me one. He said I should work out.

Well, this morning, I decided to work out and so I wrote my own lifting plan. I emailed it to Devon for comment (which I had hoped to include here, but have not received as of yet):

Seated Leg Curls x 4s x 15r @ 115lbs
Pull Throughs x 4s x 8r @ 50-60lbs (50 lbs, 55 lbs, 55 lbs, 60 lbs)
Rev Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 15r @ 50-60lbs (55 lbs)
Bent-Over BB Row x 4s x 8r @ 60-70lbs (60 lb BB)
Seated DB Hammer Curls x 3s x 15r @ 17.5 - 22.5 lbs (17.5 lb DBs)
BB Preacher Curls x 4s x 8r @ 35-45lbs (45 lb BB)

I took the "pull" workout from last week and used my handy dandy exercise database to make something similar. I hope Devon likes it!!!!

I also went healthy food grocery shopping this afternoon and so should be good to go to attempt to get back on the wagon tomorrow. :)

Tomorrow is a rest day--but I may go for a run, it may be 50 degrees outside!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Time for Some Brutal Honesty

Ah, fans and supporters. It's been awhile since I've had to come clean. However, in the spirit of blog transparency, I will fill you in on my current state.

Ever since Sunday I have entered a workout/diet funk. I have mentioned that I haven't felt like working out. I also haven't felt like eating healthy all the time (I have been for a decent portion of the time). Today it came to a breaking point.

I was doing 50 minutes on the cross-trainer with the zone 2 for 3 minutes/zone 3 for 2 minutes intervals. 15 minutes in I just stopped. I was tired and I felt yicky from all of the bad eating. Also, I was just feeling a bit...I don't want to say hopeless, because that's not it...but something like that.

I started to leave and bumped into Hard Core Liz. She asked me how long til the surgery and I spilled my guts to her. I told her how disappointed I am that I fell out of the "zone" once my surgeon told me I didn't NEED to lose weight before the surgery. I told her that Devon is an excellent trainer but for some reason has been quite unsuccessful in helping me to get (and stay) on track. I wondered aloud if it is possible for a trainer to do that or if it has to come COMPLETELY from me. I would hope I could get help, but who knows. At this point, Devon had finished up with his client so I went over to chat with him.

I actually couldn't even get a sentence out--I was borderline panicking. I said, "Devon, I can't... I can't... I can't... I can't..." And I really could not finish the sentence--the words would not come. Devon laughed and told me to breathe. I took a second and explained my serious concern that I am not capable of doing this long term, that I am wasting my money on the surgery, that there may be no hope for a lifetime fit Erin. We talked for awhile. Hard Core Liz even came over and talked with us for a bit. I really appreciated that because she doesn't train me and so has no financial interest in my success, but has definitely followed my journey and seems to care--which is always nice.

Devon has some "Devon-isms" that stick with me and I try to remind myself of from time to time. One of them is that if you go to work and work hard enough to not get fired, you are a terrible employee. Similarly, if you work out only to not be fat, you will not be successful in the long-term. I mentioned this to him. He gave me another Devon-ism. He said that he hates paying his bills. It makes him angry. But then he thinks of all of the fun things he buys with his money and is happy to work for the money. He thinks that if I think about all of the food I cannot have and lazy time at home and with friends I give up to work out, I'll get angry. But if I think of all of the benefits from my fitness, I'll be happy.

The plan to move forward is to take tomorrow off. Devon and I agree I need a break. Then lift and maybe run Saturday and go grocery shopping for healthy food. Sunday will be my standard rest day and I will focus on eating healthy--for that one day at a time. Also, I will make a list of all the things I like about being fit and want to work toward in my fitness.

I can work with this plan.

So, anyways. This is where I am. :)

Next workout: lifting Saturday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Lifting

Today I lifted, it was my full body stability day. I wasn't feeling it, but I did it. Victory...

The lifting:

DB Step-Ups to Balance x 3s x 15r @ 25 - 30lbs (25 lb DBs)
DB Stiff-Leg Deadlifts x 3s x 15r @ 45 - 50lbs (50 lb DBs)
Horizontal Body Row x 3s x 15r @ BW
Standing Cable Chest Press x 3s x 15r @ 17.5-22.5lbs (22.5 lbs)
Alt. Arm Lat Pulldown - FreeMotion x 3s x 15r @ 60lbs
Seated Shoulder Press x 3s x 15r @ 30-40lbs (30 lbs)
Stag. Stance BB Biceps Curls x 3s x 15r @ 35-45lbs (40 lb BB)
Lying Stability Ball DB Triceps Extension x 3s x 15r @ 12.5 - 17.5lbs (17.5 lb DBs)

I finished the workout, which is good because I didn't necessarily *want* to. :)

I then bumped into my dear friend Stephanie in the locker room and talked until waaaaay too late, but sometimes the conversation is much more important than your evening routine and getting to bed on time. :) And today was one of those times. <3

Next workout: cardio tomorrow!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Adorable Synchronization.

Today was friend lifting with Devon. It was not a particularly great workout for me, but they can't all be. I am tired and a bit unmotivated. But I did do it all, so there is a victory there.

The lifting:

Legs, Quads:
Seated Leg Extensions: 4 sets x 12 reps @ 100 lbs
Hack Squats: 4 sets x 15 reps @ 270 lbs

Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 reps @ 95 lbs
Incline DB Flyes: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 20 lb DBs
Assisted Chest Dips: 3 sets x 10 reps @ 40 lbs assistance

Cable Side Raises: 3 sets x 15 reps @ 5 lbs
DB Front Raises: 3 sets x 10 reps @ 10 lb DBs
Seated DB Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 10 reps @ 15 lb DBs

Cable Pushdowns: 4 sets x 15 reps @ 32.5 lbs
DB Kickbacks: 4 sets x 10 reps @ 12.5 lb DBs

So. Most of the time Devon and I alternate use of the machine or weight bench. We rest while the other is lifting and/or spot each other when necessary. Sometimes, when it is a dumbbell only exercise or something, we can do it at the same time. I, naturally, try to synchronize my reps with Devon's. BECAUSE IT IS ADORABLE. I love synchronized lifting!!!! Also I should note that every session we do synchronized stretching at the end. You can be certain that Devon either 1) doesn't notice; and/or 2) would prefer we didn't look like synchronized fools. But I think Devon picks his battles with me--and he lets this one slide. :)

Next workout: *maybe* cardio tomorrow, maybe working late. In any event, I will lift Wednesday.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Obstacle Course of Fun

Today was a Devon session. I invited Amanda E. along with me to share in Devon made us an "obstacle course" type workout. It was more a series of stations that we spent one minute at each. We rotated through 3 times, each time the activity changed (for the worse). Amanda was typically one station ahead of me until the end when she did the first one I did (i.e. she started at the first "step" exercise and ended with the BOSU). It was fun to watch her struggle through some of them first.

First we warmed up with an 8 pound medicine balls. We did many things, 10 reps each. There was squatting with rotation (10 each side), Russian twists, 10 lunges each leg, 10 prisoner squats. That doesn't seem like everything, but a good representative sample. :)

I will do my best to list the stations (when in physical pain, my memory does not always record everything properly):

Round 1!
BOSU Ball: BOSU taps (hop and tap your toes around the perimeter of the ball changing directions each lap)
Step: The step was raised to about knee height. We had to place our hands on the step and hurl our entire body from side to side. Quite challenging.
Cones: Run across the room from one cone to the other. Run backward back. Repeat.
Ladder: Hop outside of the ladder (one foot each side, the ladder is on the floor) and inside at each rung.
Medicine Ball: Hold the medicine ball above your head, then slam it into the ground as hard as you can. Repeat.
Wheelie Board: Sit on the wheelie board. Use your heels to inch yourself across the room and back.
Hurdles: Side step over the hurdles and back.
Step (again!): Jump onto the step and back down-both feet at the same time.

Round 2!
BOSU Ball: Burpees. Boooooooo.
Step: "Move the Stack"--cross the step (on the floor) each side, move the stack of step supports from one side of the step to the other one at a time.
Cones: Side step shuffle back and forth.
Ladder: Move horizontally while placing one foot in each ladder hole and one foot out. Back and forth and back and forth.
Medicine Ball: Bounce the ball as hard as you can to your left and right.
Wheelie Board: Hold the wheelie board and start in a push up position. Use your feet to move across the room. (This did not happen for me.)
Hurdles: Jump the hurdles.
Step (again!): Straddle the step. Jump on. The jump off (back to a straddle). Repeat. (Step was raised up about 4 support or so--pretty high!)

Round 3!
BOSU Ball: Stand on the BOSU. Move to kneeling, then back to standing without falling off. Repeat.
Step: Power steps (with the goal of "going for height").
Cones: Do a sideways grapevine type move across and back.
Ladder: Hop into and out of the ladder holes with both feet each time.
Medicine Ball: Sit reclined a bit. Bounce the ball to your left and right. Repeat.
Wheelie Board: Push up position with your feet on the wheelie board. Move across the room. Go ahead. Try it....
Hurdles: Run forward and backward figure 8-ing through the hurdles. Knock over at least 4. (Well, that was the standard Amanda set.)
Step (again!): Jump onto the step. Jump forward off and turn around. Repeat.

So, needless to say it was a GREAT workout! And Amanda E. totally held her own! I'd like to think that I did too, but I did have some issues with the wheelie board. Devon said it was hard because we were on a wicked smooth floor so there was not much friction. On round 2 I lost the wheelie board about halfway through and just walked on my hands and feet. Devon watched me struggle through the entire 60 seconds with a little schoolboy grin on his face. On the round 3 wheelie board exercise, Amanda made it one length of the room in 60 seconds. I made it about halfway...okay, maybe 1/3 of the way...and then just held a plank on the wheelie board (still beneficial!). Amanda and I speculated that no one could do it fast and asked Devon to. The man made it across the room in 11 seconds. Impressive, sir. Impressive...

It's so much more fun to be in hard cardio misery fun with someone else to commiserate with!!! I am really loving these Saturday morning fun workouts!!!

Tomorrow is a much needed rest day! Next workout: Monday Friend Lifting with Devon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Pull" Friday

Today was my first "Pull" workout for lifting Friday. Recall, on Mondays I work the "Push" muscles with Devon (quads, chest, shoulders, triceps). On Wednesdays I do a full-body stability-based workout (think balance, alternating arm, etc...). Then on Fridays I work the "Pull" muscles (hamstrings, back--rear delts/rhomboids and lats, biceps).

The Lifting:

Legs, Hamstrings:
Kneeling Leg Curls x 4s x 15r @ 40-45lbs (45 lbs each leg)
Stiff Leg Deadlifts x 4s x 8r @ 100-115lbs (115 lbs)

Back, Lats:
Close-Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 15r @ 50-60lbs (55 lbs)

Back, Rear Delts & Rhomboids:
Single Arm DB Row x 4s x 8r @ 25-30lbs (30 lb DB)

Seated DB Curls x 3s x 15r @ 17.5 - 22.5 lbs (20 lb DBs)
Standing BB Curls x 4s x 8r @ 35-45lbs (35 lb BB)

Also, I went out to dinner tonight with Tom, Amanda, Charles and Andrew. It was one of the first times I have eaten out on the carb-cycling (I can think of 2 others off of the top of my head). I was sad that it was a very low carb day when I was going to a new restaurant that I heard is tasty: Victoria Gastro Pub. However, I did my online menu research, proposed a meal selection and received Devon's approval.

I selected the COBB SALAD WITH ROASTED CHICKEN containing Bacon, Blue Cheese, Hard Boiled Egg, Avocado, Tomatoes, Balsamic Vinaigrette and Chicken on top, of course. Notice the distinct lack of carbs. I am allowed protein and fat for dinner and this fit the bill quite nicely. Also, it was super tasty! Aside from the pretzel croutons they snuck on top (NOT ON THE MENU) that I had to pick off (but Charles and Andrew totally used for toppers on their salads) the salad was quite tasty!!! All in all a win! Good food, healthy food, great company!!!!

Next workout: cardio session with Devon tomorrow morning!!! It's an obstacle course and Amanda E. is coming with me!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Devon Shows No Mercy

So, as some of you may know, I crashed my car today. (I know, boooo, right?) Aside from the extensive physical damage to my vehicle, I experienced a lot of emotional damage--it was kind of scary losing control on ice, I had to take time off from work and I am in save mode for leave recovering from my surgery, and my deductible isn't ridiculously high but is still not money I planned on spending on this. High stress and anxiety makes for an exhausted Erin!

So, naturally, I tried to play up the sympathy card and get out of cardio today (hey--I could legitimately have hurt myself but won't feel it until tomorrow...although I doubt it, the actual impact was minimal--not so much the damage to my car!). But, Devon has no mercy. He gives me my normal assignment and tells me to have an extra long stretching session afterward to destress. Nice, Devon. Thanks. Your care and concern is overwhelming.

So, I did 50 minutes all zone 2 on the Step-Mill.

The Stats:

Calories Burned: 502.4 (Step-Mill)
Time: 50:00
Distance: 3.74 miles
Floors Climbed: 179
Average Pace: 57 steps per minute

I've been doing this assignment every week and Devon has approved me to not use my heart rate monitor. I have a good feel for when I am in zone 2 on the Step-Mill. When I started I bounced between levels 3 and 5 throughout the 50 minutes. More recently, I typically break up the 50 minutes as:

10 min: Level 6
10 min: Level 5
5 min: Level 4
10 min: Level 6
10 min: Level 5
5 min: Level 4

Today, I did:

10 min: Level 6
10 min: Level 5
10 min: Level 6
10 min: Level 5
7.5 min: Level 6
2.5 min: Level 7 (I really wanted to break 500 calories burned so I upped it at the end.)

I like that I am pushing myself more and that I am capable of doing the harder levels for longer. Also, my stats are improving. This week vs. last week I burned 24.6 more calories, went .21 miles further, climbed 10 more flights and averaged 3 extra steps per minute. This week vs. December 16th I burned 98.8 more calories, climbed 42 more flights and averaged 13 extra steps per minute. Stamina improvement FTW!!!

Next workout: lifting tomorrow. I believe it will be a "pull" day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

500th Post. No Big Deal.

This is the 500th post of Anything You Can Lose I Can Lose Better!!! Wow. That's a lot of workouts and words of misguided wisdom and rants and ups and downs and funny [ZTT|ABD] stories. For those of you here from the beginning: Thank you!

My Lifting for today (Full Body with a Stability Focus):

Dumbbell Squat to Calf Raise x 3s x 15r @ 35 - 40lbs (40 lb DBs)
Walking DB Lunge to Balance x 3s x 15r @ 25 - 30lbs (30 lb DBs)
Standing Cable Row x 3s x 15r @ 25 - 35lbs (27.5 lbs each side)
BOSU Push-ups x 3s x 15r @ BW
Pull-ups x 3s x 15r @ 100lbs or less (100 lbs, 90 lbs, 90 lbs)
Alt. Arm Standing DB Shoulder Press x 3s x 15r @ 15 - 20lbs (20 lb DBs)
Standing DB Biceps Curls x 3s x 15r @ 12.5 - 17.5lbs (17.5 lbs DBs)
Alt. Arm DB Kickbacks x 3s x 15r @ 12.5 - 17.5lbs (17.5 lb DBs)

Also, at lunch today I "walked" with some co-workers. "Come walking with us," they say, "It's a slow day." Riiiiiight. It certainly wasn't bad. Most of Devon's assignments are worse. But let me be clear--if I sweat, it's not "walking" at lunch. It's a workout. :) It involved a decent amount of stairs and fast-paced walking. Not bad.

Devon modified my diet to address the weight I have lost. The carb-cycling depends on your current body weight and so must be adjusted as you adjust. :) I lose some bread and fruit (all day) and a teensy bit of protein and fat (only at dinner). Should be ok...for now. Future cuts may not be received as well. :)

Next workout: cardio tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cardio With Meagan (& Ryan)!

Today I cardio-ed with Meagan for the first time in a few weeks! Meagan had been sick and schedule issues had gotten in the way, but we got back together!!! 'Re-united and it fe-e-eeeeels so gooooooood.' And Ryan came too. (Sometimes he tags around Meagan like an adorable puppy dog).

Devon assigned: Cross-Trainer for 50 minutes {3 minutes in zone 2, 2 minutes in zone 3} intervals.

It stunk. It was rough--but the company was great!!! :)

The Stats:

Calories Burned: 541 (Cross-Trainer)/566 (HR Monitor)
Time: 52:00
Distance: 5.71 miles
Ending HR: 136

Meagan totally hung with me for the 50 minutes! And there was only one time that her machine paused because she was pedaling so slowly (just kidding, Meagan!!!). Ryan, on the other hand, complained after 21 minutes on the bike, proceeded to 30 minutes after I mocked him then got off the bike to "lift weights" for the remaining 20 minutes. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow (and bonus lunchtime walking cardio at work)!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Not *Quite* as Bad as the Rehab Cycle...

Today Devon and I friend lifted. Now that the rehab cycle is over, Devon and I are doing a strength cycle with heavy weights again. Since this is the first week, I am 'easing' back in. Like last time, I am doing "Push" muscles with Devon on Mondays, full-body stability-based workout on Wednesdays and "Pull" muscles on Fridays (generally--I am sure it could change).

So, today was a "Push" day:

Seated Leg Extensions: 4 sets x 20reps @ 90 lbs
45° Leg Press: 4 sets x 15reps @ 360 lbs

Incline Bench Press: 3 sets x 8reps @ 85 lbs
Assisted Chest Dips: 3 sets x 12reps @ 52, 46, 40 lbs assistance
Flat DB Flyes: 3 sets x 15reps @ 20 lb DBs

Standing Military Press: 3 sets x 12reps @ 55 lbs
DB Side Raises: 3 sets x 8reps @ 7.5, 10, 12.5 lb DBs
Rear Delt Flyes: 3 sets x 12reps @ 55 lbs

Cable Pushdowns: 4 sets x 10reps @ 32.5 lbs
Bench Dips: 3 sets x 20reps @ BW

I am certain I will feel the effects of this in a bad way tomorrow. But for right now I am doing JUST FINE. :)

Some things I liked:

1. I did the bench press without spotting from Devon. To be clear, he was there--ready!--but did not need to touch the bar once. That's my first time doing that!!! :)
2. My chest is stronger than I think. I totally overshot the assistance on the chest dips and lightened it each set. I will definitely start lower next time! #iamabeast
3. I experienced muscle failure today! During the second set of bench dips, at rep 20, I pushed up, but my body went crashing down to the floor. I shall wear the inevitable bruise on my bottom as a badge of honor!!!!

Also, today was a weigh-in day. I am only down .3 pounds from last week. This is frustrating as I have stuck to my diet and exercise plan without fail. It is not alarming in general to have a low weight loss week, but with my deadline (only a little over 4 weeks away!) I was disappointed. Devon agrees we will lower my caloric intake. He promises to get it to me by tomorrow... I shall wait with bated breath.

Next workout: cardio tomorrow (with Meagan perhaps?????)!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Free at Last! From the Rehab Cycle...

I AM DONE WITH THE REHAB CYCLE!!! Free at last! Free at last!!!! No more 25 rep sets. No more 3 second releases. Nope! No more for me! At least not for awhile...

The lifting:

Hack Squats x 2s x 25r @ 180-200lbs (200 lbs)
Seated Leg Curls x 2s x 25r @ 50-60lbs (60 lbs)
Reverse Grip Seated Row x 2s x 25r @ 30-40lbs (40 lbs)
Incline Chest Press x 2s x 25r @ 30-40lbs (30 lbs)
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns x 2s x 25r @ 45-50lbs (45 lbs)
Cable Upright Rows x 2s x 25r @ 20-30lbs (30 lbs)
Seated DB Curls x 1s x 25r @ 10-15lbs (normal curls, not hammer) (15 lb DBs)
Lying BB Triceps Extension x 1s x 25r @ 20-30lbs (20 lbs)

During my final rehab cycle lifting routine, I did some reflecting. Here are my mid-depth thoughts (not so deep, but not all that shallow either):

1. I really enjoy only doing 2 sets. If it is HORRIBLE after the first set, I tell myself: "Only one more set!!!" Won't get to do that in the next cycle I am sure.
2. Jump roping is not fun. Ever.
2a. I lack coordination in general, especially whilst jump roping.
3. I have definitely seen progress. If you recall from my first experience of the rehab cycle, it was bad. A quote: "By rep 15 I want to curl up in a ball and cry. By rep 20 my muscle is on fire. At about rep 24 I am whimpering (literally and audibly). After rep 25 I typically curl into a ball for a few seconds." That was not exaggeration. That actually happened for the first two weeks or so. It wasn't until today I realized that the fire, whimpering and need to curl into a ball was gone. Weight lifting is a tricky thing and you cannot always see tangible results at the speed in which you'd like to--I am quite pleased with this improvement!
4. I am so glad it is over. And quite fearful for what is coming next. ;)

Next workout: lifting with Devon on Monday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

I am Not a Gym Multi-Tasker

Today I spent 45 minutes on the treadmill simulating the death hill. Recall the assignment is 45 minutes, all zone 2, 3 minute intervals from 3.0% to 6.0% to 9.0% to 6.0% to 3.0% to 6.0%...etc...

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 437 (Treadmill)/463 (HR Monitor)
Time: 46:30
Distance: 2.69 miles
Ending HR: 130

Devon stopped by while I was on the treadmill (because I texted him and asked him to). I asked him some questions, but when he left I realized I forgot to tell him something. When he walked past I flagged him over and told him some good news. He tried to give me a high five...and I slapped him five...but it wasn't that hard. So he requested I do it again, but better. I tried again, but again it was weak. He laughed when I told him that I cannot walk fast on a high incline AND slap him five. Not a gym multi-tasker, this girl.

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lifting Wednesday Was Snowed Out...Lifting Thursday Instead!

I moved my lifting to Thursday this week due to the snow/sleet/ice/hail/thunder/lightening storm last night. Devon told me to do cardio in the morning and lift tonight to make up for the missed day. I shoveled lots of wet heavy snow. Cardio. Done. :)

The lifting:

BB Back Squats x 2s x 25r @ 100lbs
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts x 2s x 25r @ 65lbs
Seated Rope Row x 2s x 25r @ 30-40lbs (40 lbs)
Decline Chest Press - Hammerstrengthx 2s x 25r @ 30-40lbs (20 lbs)
Assisted Chin-ups (Hands facing you) x 2s x 25r @ 100lbs
Rear Delt Flyes x 2s x 25r @ 20-30lbs (30 lbs)
Wall BB Biceps Curls x 1s x 25r @ 30-40lbs (40 lbs--but it was ROUGH)
Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 1s x 25r @ 205-35lbs (35 lbs...Devon actually type 205 there...I will mock him for that later.)

I didn't really feel like lifting today. Maybe it was sleeping in and not going to work until 1pm? Maybe it was my achy back and shoulders from shoveling? Who knows? But I still went strong. Let that be a lesson to all you slackers. :)

Next workout: cardio tomorrow.

P.S. The lack of a food log in the past few posts *is* intentional. No one seemed to notice that I stopped and I really eat the same thing (almost) every third day. If you want it back, speak up!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cardio Tuesday

Today Devon assigned the Step-Mill for 50 minutes, all in zone 2 (Z2). This was via text. I texted back: Boo. (Appropriately). His response? Z3? Devon's so funny...

My Stats:

Calories Burned: 477.8 (Step-Mill)
Time: 50:00
Distance: 3.53 miles
Floors: 169
Average Pace: 54 steps per minute

Before I got on the step-mill, I ran into Rob--a trainer at the gym who I made a tshirt for (with hopefully a picture in an upcoming post) and has a HUGE EGO--I shall call him HER for Huge Ego Rob. HER likes to call me "baby" and say other borderline inappropriate things (which, of course, I LOVE). Today, HER was asking about his shirt (which I haven't given him yet) and I was explaining how I brought it yesterday but he wasn't there. I did not bring it today. As I was about to leave he said, "Baby, baby. Wait. You can't leave without checking this out." And proceeded to do a bicep curl and admire his own muscle. Wow--see how he got my nickname for him yet??? I backed away quickly and yelled, "I'd stay but your ego is pushing me away!!!" His little friend with him thinks I'm hilarious. :)

Next workout: lifting tomorrow!