Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blending In.

So, in Man-Land it is always my goal to blend in. This may surprise some readers who know me well and I typically only 'blend in' at a looney bin, but I do. I don't want to be noticed. I just want to lift like the hulky-man-muscle woman that I am and leave.

Today, I did a *stellar* job blending in. It began with me nearly tripping over the box I was doing step-ups on. Only a *few* people noticed. I maintained composure through the entire incident. Next, came the 135 lb deadlifts. ABD has moved the bar down for me and it had already had the exact weight I needed on it (2 45-lb plates + the 45 lb bar = 135 lbs!). Devon had moved it. It was there. I did a set. Then I rested and went to do a second set. I lifted the bar and it felt quite unsteady. At this point, the plate flew off of the right side of the bar and the bar came crashing down. You see, there were no clips on the bar. I mean, why would I assume that a bar loaded up with weight would have clips on it??? Yes, it was loud. I replaced the weights and continued. When I racked the bar a 5 lb plate just fell off of the rack. Almost hit a guy. I was feeling super awesome then. Oh, but it does not stop there. I then went to do the flat flyes and incline presses. This requires an incline bench. I used the only open one. EVERY TIME I switched it from flat to inclined or back it made a piercing, screeching noise. Big, beefy men were wincing in pain every time I did it. Which I did during and after all 4 sets. So...there goes blending in...

Devon really stepped up my solo workout today. Some of these weights look like what I'd do with him. 135 lb deadlifts?!?! 50 lb dumbbell squats?!?! I needed to use ABD's weight lifting straps for a few of these. And I have red marks on my wrists from it. I look like I've been cuffed! Hope it goes away before work tomorrow...

The lifting:

Close Foot Position DB Box Squats x 4s x 8r @ 50lbs (Your feet should be only 5-6 inches apart)
DB Step-Ups x 4s x 8r @ 25-30lbs (I used 25 lb DBs.)

BB Deadlifts x 4s x 8r @ 135lbs (use a rack so that the weight is already off the ground before you start your lift. Would be REALLY hard trying to come from the floor)
DB Reverse Lunge x 4s x 8r @ 40lbs

Flat DB Flyes x 4s x 8r @ 25lbs
Incline DB Press x 4s x 8r @ 25-30lbs (I used 25 lb DBs.)

Close Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 8r @ 60-70lbs (V-Bar) (I did 60 lbs.)
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown x 4s x 8r @ 60-70lbs (Straight Bar and hands facing you) (I did 60 lbs.)

DB Side Raises x 4s x 8r @ 15lbs
DB Front Raises x 4s x 8r @ 15lbs
Bent-over DB Flyes x 4s x 8r @ 15lbs

BB Cable Curls x 4s x 8r @ 30-40lbs (I did 30 lbs.)
BB Cable Triceps Pushdowns x 4s x 8r @ 30-40lbs (I did 30 lbs.)

Machine Torso Twist x 3s x 20r @ 75lbs OR Cable Russian Twist x 3s x 20r @ 25-40lbs (I did the Machine Torso Twists.)

What a workout day! I am ti-ired! But hopefully in a good way...

Next workout: tomorrow, running prep for the half marathon!

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